Game Settings Suggestion: More specific settings for Shadow Graphics in the game!

I can imagine the game being played on a variety of different PC systems. I myself find, as of current 0.9.5 optimization, my PC system with an RTX 3060 OC struggling with consistent FPS above 40 when using the 2x/3x game speed option.

And I am currently running the game with Shadows entirely deactivated and foliage as well.

While I am fully aware that this game is still in-development and as a result won’t be perfectly optimized in its current state, I do want to suggest giving players more detailed graphic settings to chose from in the future.

Especially more specific shadow options would help, as shadows are quite GPU demanding by default due to how they are being calculated in most games.

Another game I play, Final Fantasy 14 (MMORPG), allows players to enable/disable on an individual basis if Shadows are displayed from environment, other players, party members, yourself, etc.

Something like that would be neat. Like specific options for:

  • Foliage (if using any at the moment…?)
  • Trees
  • Environment/Map
  • Buildings
  • Units

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