Games We Play

Currently working on getting all of the steam achievements for Saints Row IV, then I’ll probably move to Prototype II, Shadowgate 2014, then Saints Row III.

In future, am planning for Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen, Dying Light, Dragon Age: Inquisition and Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Wow your list sounds similar to mine but I’ll probably skip saint row iii and already did dai. Right now I’m stuck in witcher 3; it never ends. Actually I’m on the last quest so maybe tomorrow.

Owned Darksiders but never played it. So last week or two I’ve finished and streamed Darksiders 1 Warmastered Edition and am 2/3rds into Darksiders 2 deathinitive edition.

Playing some occasional Saints Row 3 on the side as well as Fall Out 4 and XCom 2 Long War 2 on Commander.

just now and then I play age of mythology extended edition or Age of Empires 2 & 3

Borderlands 1 with friends (3 players team). Very funny game. When we complete all the DLCs will play Boderlands 2 :smiley:

Grand Theft Auto V and Saints Row 2 these days.

No Age of Empires 2 love? FeelsBadMan

also :stuck_out_tongue: thx added that one too haha :smiley:

Kind of envious that you can enjoy Witcher 3, since I had to choose between that and DA:I.

Yes, I am aware that the choice may be pure blasphemy and overall, I do prefer the Witcher universe compared to Dragon Age…

But I just have a way way longer history with Bioware from Icewind dale, to baldur’s gate 2, KoToR, all the way to the end of the Mass Effect Trilogy and am now seeking the latest installation of Dragon Age.

Really hope you enjoy it. Witcher 3 is a good game from even the few gameplay vids I’ve seen :slight_smile:

You should try Banished. Is a really cool game.

I know this might not be the right crowd, but I will always recommend Europa Universalis IV. Nothing gives me a rush quite like conquering Manchuria as the Ainu or launching the Aztec invasion of Spain.

I’ve been having a lot of fun with Alien Isolation. Probably the best survival game I’ve played.

Really .Have you ever played “silent hill” in very hard?

been enjoying Risk of Rain with fellow GD player and streamer: pewsquare :slight_smile:

i’m finishing games so fast the past few weeks that its not even worth listing them all :open_mouth:

Plying Batallion 1944 hard to kill people there they are good lost my touch with WW2 weapons

Everspace is now out, really should give it a go after “trying” the beta and enjoying it.

Though they removed scanning probes ;-;

Speaking of Silent Hill, that cat scared the crap out of me big time since I’m sensitive to loud noises.

Playing right now:

Assassins Creed Unity
Stardew Valley
Banner Saga 2

guys! Any recommendations for a town builder game like Sims City/ Cities Skylines… been wanting to get a shot at Banished but I dont know if its good… Any other suggestions ? I have tried Dawn of Discovery too but eventually got bored with it…


cant wait for Crate’s take on a city town management game…

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