GC's build showcase - dw Blademaster and 2h Warder

Hi all. I’ve recently discovered that my graphics card actually has a fairly good gameplay recorder, so I decided to post some of the builds I found to work realy well. I will focus more on the main principles that make the builds work and these should not be considered rigid step-by-step instructions on how to build/play since the game allows for some variation in every class/archetype. I do not claim to be an authority and definitely invite discussion and criticism. That said, I do have a lot of experience with the game:

Two more things: First, I will only include Epic/Legendary/Reputation items even though they may not be optimal. Listing very specific rares is not productive. Secondly, at the end of the build description, I will answer some questions I see often posed on the forum, as well as address misconceptions I see perpetuated.

If you want a save file, PM me. Keep in mind that it will ruin your experience of the game if you just started.

Before we begin, here’s a guide to levelling every character ever which works until act 2 Ultimate or so:

1. Complete Falcon at the Burrwich estates Shrine.
2. Max Primal Strike, Blade Arc or Brimstone with 10 levels in Fire strike early (in that order of priority) if your character has access to those skills. Get Mistborn Talisman if not.
3. Pick up the fastest 2-hander you can find (some yellow of Alacrity will do, there is also a lvl 17 blue axe which works).
4. Whack things.
5. By the time you reach Homestead, you should have Hawk, Lizard and Kraken (in that order). Start working up to the Behemoth proc (3 points).
6. Once you have completed this constellation setup, pick up all the procs you want to use later so you start levelling them. They level much faster once you hit Ultimate, so don’t worry if you can’t take them all right away.
7. At lvl 35, buy Solar Sledge, Rover gloves (pick the ones with the highest attack speed, reload the game a few times until you hit at least 16%) and greaves. Fill your other slots with relevant Faction gear, Kymon and Crossing shops have good things for most characters. Check out the rings and medals at lvl 40, don’t remember which are good.
8. Pick up Shadow Strike or Blitz (in that order of priority) if you can. If not, use Riftstone as soon as you can. Makes things go much faster.
9. Ectoplasms everywhere to solve mana issues. Scaled Hide in both shoulders and pants. Chains of Oleron in your torso armor.
10. Whack more things.
11. Invest in skills that give attack speed and Offensive ability, damage bonuses and active skills are not that important.
12. Don’t neglect mastery points, you want at least 5000 health before fighting Yetis and those large Aetherials.
13. At level 50, equip Avarice of Androneus and the full Praetorian set. If you don’t have the Praetorian, use armor/helm from the Legion shop.
14. Stonefist is a great replacement for Solar Sledge. If you don’t have it, check the shops for a lvl 55 2-hander of Alacrity/Rifthound with a decent bonus. Grasp of Unchained Might and Golemborn Greaves are lvl 50 requirement as well, so use those if you have them.
15.a) Keep whacking things with your 2-hander until you reach lvl 65/68/75 for your endgame gear. Respec into whatever build you want your character to be.
15.b) If you don’t have your endgame gear, get to Pine Barrens in Elite, then craft legendaries unit you have what you need. Farm components in the Hallowed Hill.

Unless stated otherwise, this is how you level the builds I’m proposing.

In the first installment, i will present the weapon attack melee classes I use. These builds use high weapon damage, flat damage bonuses and procs to deal damage in melee using skills that provide a lot of % weapon damage. Without further ado…

1. Dual-wield Blademaster

a) Intro

There has been a lot of BlaM discussion on the forums lately, though the most popular builds appear to be Shadow Strike spammers, while the proc-based builds have not gotten much love since Uberjaeger stopped updating his thread. Credit where credit due: that thread, especially the discussion in the last few pages, inspired a lot of ideas I use in my BlaM. The point of this build is to invest fully into buffing our LMB attack, getting as many procs and flat damage (preferably piercing and other cunning-based types) as we can, along with maxing attack speed. We then pump Cunning as far as possible without becoming 1-shottable and stack as much resistance reduction as we possibly can. The result is probably the fastest build in the game. However, while this build is extremely fast and efficient, it also requires your full attention when playing since it relies on proper Pneumatic burst and Shadow strike timings for survival.

b) Highlight reel

See the monster in action!

[spoiler]If this build doesn’t give you a hard-on while playing, you have no soul and/or dick. You can also see the specific skill/item choices I made.

I left some misplays in there on purpose (like that Unraveler fight clusterfuck) just to show you how easily things can go downhill if you get too cocky and also how to use SS and Barrier to avoid death.[/spoiler]

c) Skills/Constellations

GrimCalc (not counting item bonuses, assuming +1 Soldier, +5 NB)

[spoiler]Pretty straight-forward. In the NB tree, max Dual blades because they are our main source of dps, max Night’s Chill because resistance reduction is imba. Pick up all the one-point wonders. Get Anatomy to 11/12 because 2% Cunning is worth a skill point, but 1% isn’t. For soldier skills, get the defensive passives, as well as Oleron’s Rage and Squad Tactics to max level. They don’t scale well after max. One point in Fighting Spirit because you can and one point in Counter Strike because it triggers procs. Last points can be spent on:

  • Ring of Steel + Circle of Slaughter: it procs stuff, but more importantly, fumble increses our survivability. 1 point each is usually enough, but feel free to pump Circle further for more fumble.
  • Shadow Strike - Only if 1-shotting bosses is your thing.
  • Fighting Spirit - Useful for more physique-heavy builds that lack OA, doesn’t work with Belgotian’s Carnage as well as you would assume.
  • Phantasmal Armor - Surprisingly effective way of solving your mana issues as well as getting more armor if you lack some high level items.

As far as devotion goes, we go all the way up to Oleron and Unknown Soldier, picking up as many on-attack procs and nodes that give flat damage as we can. This leaves us a single point to put into the first node of Scales because flat 250 health is awesome. Blind Fury on the main attack (Beronath’s Fury) because we want this to trigger as much as posisble, Blades of Wrath on Whirling Death because we want this to trigger when surrounded by mobs, Bull Rush on AQC because we don’t have a better choice and this procs it often enough. We are left with Shadow strike and Belgothian’s Sheares, split Assassin’s mark and Living Shadow between them.[/spoiler]

d) Attributes

I recommend between 20 and 50 in Physique, rest Cunning.

[spoiler]More physique lowers your damage and, more importantly, OA too much. Less and you drop too far below 10000 health and become crittable by trash mobs (bad combination). Some prefer (almost) full physique, but those usually end up relying heavily on SS for damage and would be better off making a Witch Hunter like the other girls.

There is an argument to be made for pumping spirit by 10-ish in order to reach ring/ammy requirements. I have not tested this yet, but I’m leveling my 4th BlaM as we speak.[/spoiler]

e) Items

[spoiler]Relic is Belgothian’s carnage because it’s insane. No other relic really works. Bonuses are Night’s Chill and NJE, and this combination is far better than any other since we try to get Night’s chill as high as possible over max and NJE is something we would like to max if we had extra skill points (if the cap was 100 or sth).

Full Deathmarked set is required. Other items except rings and pants are highly recommended since no good altenatives exist.

Any pants with spirit bonus will work. I prefer Pretty Great Pants for the cunning bonus and some deflect. Alternatives are Arcane Harmony Leggings if you prefer to not be silenced (useful in some places like BoC) or need resistances and Legwraps of the Tranquil Mind if you need poison resistance badly.

I find the Amarastan Sigil + Belgothian’s Sigil ring combination to give me all the stats I’m missing (OA, attack speed to reach max, skill bonuses etc.) while still giving massive flat piercing bonuses. Alternatives are Right Hand of Carnage (if you don’t have a better one), Lifegiver Signet (if survivability is a problem) and a Cutthroat’s rare with an attack or lifesteal suffix.

Important augments/components: Shard of Beronath gives us our main attack, Haunted Steel on our main weapon gives us lifesteal trough procs, Kymon’s will is a free War Cry, Essence of Chthon reduces lifesteal resistance among other things, Scaled Hide and Ancient Armor Plate give us enough armor and absorption to be immune to mobs, Arcane Spark makes sure we don’t become addicted to mana potions.[/spoiler]

f) FAQ

[spoiler]Q: Which faction do i chose?
A: Kymon. Always Kymon. The augment is too good.

Q: Why not replace [Deathmarked set item] with [non-Deathmarked alternative]?
A: DO NOT TOUCH THE WEAPONS! On crit procs with 0 cd which use 75% of BOTH weapons are better than anything Derp Slicers or Reaver’s Claw can offer. The hat is best in slot by far. There are better alternatives for chest and shoulders when compared head-to-head, but none of those give 10% physical resistance and resistance reduction from the set bonus. Also, dodge is better than you think.

Q: Why not Judicator’s Signets?
A: Because they give us nothing we need other than DA. More importantly, they don’t give us things we want from rings, most notably flat piercing damage.

Q: How does this build compare to [insert any other build here]?
A: It’s faster and more fun. Also manlier.

Q: I die too much playing this, the build is too squishy.
A: It’s not, compare the stats to other top-tier builds. The “problem” is that this build moves and kills so quickly that you have become reckless. Slow down.

Q: I don’t have all of the required items, will the build still work?
A: In the current form, no. Pick up more defensive constellations/items like Dryad and (Empowered) Legplates of Valor. This build kills extremely quickly, but it doesn’t regenerate 1000 health/second like most top-tier builds do. If you can’t kill everything in the room in 2 seconds, you will start hurting, so tank up.[/spoiler]

Q: Can I use this build to farm Anasteria?
A: Most certaintly! She melts in 12-15 sec depending on crit luck (on Ultimate Nemesis ofc), but is a really dangerous enemy because of her resistance reduction and constant stuns. Using Leatery hide in your hat is a must! Also, make friends with her on Normal/Elite so you can use her aether resist augments, then farm he on Ultimate. You can kill her quickly with any setup, but you can only facetank her with more than 2000 DA and 10k health. Use hit-and-run tactics if you have a more offensively built char, she dies after 4-5 Shadow strikes. Here is a video of a typical Anasteria run with my high physique BlaM.

2. 2-hander Warder

Works in!
It’s actually even more of a beast. No changes to the core build.

a) Intro

The other character i want to show you here is a 2-hander using, lightning damage Warder, something that is barely being discussed at all despite being very straight-forward and extremely powerful. Since it uses a 2-hander, it doesn’t need flat damage bonuses like dual wield or sword & board builds. What it needs is attack speed, offensive ability and procs. Because of this, we use Savagery rather than Primal strike which is generally considered better by consensus (and I would agree if you asked me two weeks ago, but I changed my mind after extensive testing). Soldier is a natural support class for a character like this, providing another on-attack proc, as well as the best defensive passives in the game which allow gear and devotion to be fully offensive. So how does it work? While the BlaM’s motto could easily be “fast and loose”, Warder’s would be “slow and steady”. This build is about 3 times slower than the BlaM, but it can’t die. As such, it is perfect for playing after a long day at work, since it requires very little input from the player. It just steamrolls the content rather than jumping around from boss to boss like an ADD kid overdosed on amphetamines. You can easily farm some items while jerking off to hentai on the other monitor with the other hand. And that’s not even the best thing: the build deals almost entirely lightning damage and has 91% lighting resistance which means you can COMPLETELY IGNORE REFLECTION!!! This is probably the simplest, laziest build in the game.

b) Highlight reel

If you like to watch things getting whacked by a big stick while sparks fly around, this is the video for you.

[spoiler]As you can see, very straight-forward playstyle. There are very few situations when i needed to mind my positioning or do anything other than wendigo + whack. I don’t spam Blitz as much in BoC because i save it for the poison bosses which are annoying due to low resistance. I could shave a minute off the run time if i did, but it’s not worth the risk.

The Avatar fight lasted around 15 minutes total on Elite, still haven’t tried it on ultimate, though it should be doable after respec into Wind Devil (the Black Star proc is unreliable) and switching rings to something with more flat OA.[/spoiler]

c) Skills/Constellations

GrimClalc (assuming +4 Shaman, +3 Storm touched, +2 Scars of Battle, +1 to Feral Hunger and Heart of the Wild)

[spoiler]Simple. We max savagery, get Wendigo Totem to the highest multiple of 3 and pick up all the useful passives we can get our hand on. We focus on Attack speed, health, armor and offensive ability. We also get Feral Hunger and Zolhan’s Technique to 25% chance to activate because they are our main sources of aoe.

The rest of the points can be spent according to preference and depending on available items. Menhir’s Will helps with survivability, Brute force makes you do more damage. Higher levels of Tenacity of the Boar for OA and Storm Touched for attack speed are also an option.

Whatever you do, don’t get Upheava! It actually reduces your damage output because it overrides Feral Hunger and Zolhan’s Technique which are both much better. Yes, it’s the Shaman version of Cadence.

Last devotion point is flexible, with good choices being Empty Throne (stun resistance), Revenant (3% lifesteal) and Aeon’s Hourglass (stats).[/spoiler]

d) Attributes

Everything into Physique.

No alternative. We can equip all of our jewlery and the weapons we want don’t require Cunning.

e) Items

[spoiler]Relic is Eye of the Storm, with Storm Touched and Heart of the Wild bonuses. These don’t do much except acting as a free level, since we can’t get Savagery or Stormcaller’s pact as bonuses, which are the only skills we take as far as possible. If you have multiple (and you probably do because they are used in crafting Agrivix’s Malice) take the highest attack speed one over the one with the useful skills.

Ultos’ set is, obviusly, amazing. So is the Judicator’s Signets set. Since we don’t use primal strike, we don’t need the Ultos’ hat, so we pick up Ulzuin’s for -15 lightning resistance and some armor reduction. I find it more effective than the lightning storm proc and some more base damage, but the full set is far form a bad choice.

For legs, we have Empowered Legplates of Valor and Stormcage Legguards. Stormcage gives flat OA which we need and an awesome proc, but Valor pants give bleeding and physical resistance, as well as a massive ~1200 health boost after bonuses. Having both in your inventory allows some flexibility depending on what you are farming atm.

Black Star of Deceit is the best medal imo, but a Badge of Mastery with bonuses to Savagery and/or Wendigo Totem is a decent alternative. If you chose to use BoM, invest into Raging Tempest (1 level WD) for resistance reduction.

Important augments/components: Kymon’s will again, Amber for conversion (Haunted Steel is an alternative if you feel squishy), Scaled Hide for absorption and 2x Dread Skull because attack speed is king.[/spoiler]

f) FAQ

[spoiler]Q: Why Savagery when Primal Strike is better?
A: I’m not convinced it is, especially on Warder. Savagery does more damage/hit, hits faster, lifesteals more effectively and gives more OA (and a nice boost to regen which affects Menhir’s Will). It also allows you to bind both Arcane Bomb and Falcon, not having to dick around with Vines/Swarm). Primal Strike is better at proccing Falcon, and does slightly more aoe (though Zolhan’s and Feral help a lot!). After playing a lot with this character, I can tell you that I clear content faster and more safely with Savagery. It could be my playstyle though.

Q: Ulzuin’s hat looks stupid.
A: So does Ultos’. Also, that’s not a question, fuck off. Seriously, though, when not using Primal strike there is no reason to use the full set instead of Ulzuin’s hat, the completion bonus is meh and resistance reduction is amazing.

Q: How does this compare to other 2-hander builds?
A: The only other build that comes close to this one is the physical damage Blade Arc Witchblade. That build kills slightly faster (the difference comes from the fact that there are a lot of lighting resistant bosses and mobs, but it is small), but also dies more easily and is generally wonkier to play. I prefer this build, but it could be that I have invested more time tweaking it and getting used to it.

Q: I don’t have all of the required items, will the build still work?
A: Yes. This is another advantage of Savagery over PS, it works well even without the +10 to skills nonsense. Find a Hevill’s Greatsword with an attack speed bonus (of Alacrity/Rifthound…) in act 1 if you need a weapon, equip any items that give attack speed and OA (Rover gloves and greaves) and start whacking things.[/spoiler]

Good stuff though I am not sold on the rings over judicators. An open hand can get you as high 18% (never seen higher at least not sure) reduced resist, 20-25 ele res, and 60 DA. Closed fist is a bit underwhelming though, just use it for set bonus. Can’t imagine that flat pierce outdoes the resist reduction :stuck_out_tongue: and the attack speed is in large part wasted unless your rolls are no bueno plus the ele res sure wouldn’t hurt ya :smiley:

Do you find the haunted steel necessary with your setup? When I tried using it I felt like it was doing jack shit, but my ele/vit/bleed are much nicer than yours so you might value it more since you probably drop low a lot more often than I do

edit: Nvm on the attack speed part didn’t notice you weren’t using d skulls

best comment ever!

Q: I don’t have all of the required items, will the build still work?
A: Yes. This is another advantage of Savagery over PS, it works well even without the +10 to skills nonsense. Find a Hevill’s Greatsword with an attack speed bonus (of Alacrity/Rifthound…) in act 1 if you need a weapon, equip any items that give attack speed and OA (Rover gloves and greaves) and start whacking things.

I use troll bonecrusher with my Savagery warder with it’s innate +3 to Savagery and easy access via Benewald! …I find warders very tough builds so don’t really rely on equipment as much as, for example, a Blademaster!


many thanks for this post, will update my BM i have put on garage for a while.

Do you have any items advice during leveling ? I’m 70 + and only 2 end game parts … and i feel a little bit squishy.

Resist reduction is easier to get trough Essence of Chthon. Elemental resist and DA are not nearly as high on my priority list as flat damage, speed and +2 Markovian’s advantage. Flat damage is way above all others, any extra source of flat damage is a massive boost to your dps.

Yes, Haunted steel is a great choice for this setup imo. While you probably could survive with only 7-8% lifesteal you have without it if you had perfect Pneumatic timings, Haunted steel makes the build much easier to play. The active is amazing as well.

That sounds good as well, forgot about that merchant. All that really matters is that the weapon has an attack speed bonus on it. Heavill’s Greatsword has dmg converted to lightning by default, so it’s easier to get a good one.

  1. Try to find the Praetorian set. At least 2/3 pieces. This set solves a lot of survivability problems and it’s easy to get, I save one full set to level all of my new chars from 50 to 75.
  2. Farm Shrine of the forgotten gods (google it) and use the components to craft the missing pieces of the Deathmarked set at the Tyrant’s hold. The build really doesn’t work without this set.
  3. Dryad is a decent Constellation for survivability before you get good amounts of life steal (i.e. high damage). You should generally prefer more defensive setups until you get enough dps to drop everything in a few seconds.

Hi, thanks for sharing your build.
I have a few questions regarding your BM:

  1. My BM has 40 physique and 40 cunningn, will it work well with your skill build? What is the best distribution in your opinion?
  2. Looking at your character sheet, I noticed that the resistances are generally lower than most of the builds posted here. Is it safe that way? Since mobs in ultimate hit so hard. Do you often die/getting one-shotted?
  3. If flat pierce dmg is your top priority… than why not use two amarastan sigil?
  4. Maybe I missed it, but what is the relic that you are using for BM? Belgothian’s carnage, right?

I enjoyed your write-up very much. And yeah gotta agree with your take on a more SS focused BM builds.


  1. Yes, I have one with 47-40 Cunning-Physique and it works just fine. I actually prefer that one for killing things that hurt a lot like Anesteria and Clone of Burbon.

  2. Thanks for noticing. The screenshot was probably made before activating Pneumatic burst which maxes all elemental resists except cold which is left at 70%. You can see the proper resistances in the video, I will change the screenie when I get home. It doesn’t matter that much that cold is not maxed, as you can see from the Moose video, but having a second set of rings with Ancient Hearts helps in that fight (maxes out the freeze resist as well). Other resistances can be tuned trough augments depending on what you are farming, but this setup lets me feel comfortable anywhere. It’s important to get piercing as high as possible because it reduces the chance of death to reflect.

  3. It’s not a huge difference if you get good rolls on Belgothian’s Sigil, and I like it for other bonuses (skills, attack speed etc.). Nothing wrong with going dual Amarastan (I use that combination on the higher Physique one, but mostly for OA), or any other ring combination with flat piercing and other useful bonuses.

  4. Yes, naturally. Just realised that the relic is hard to tell from the picture, will edit the main post to avoid confusion.

I use essence as well, but being able to always instantly apply the hand’s reduction still seems ok given how fast we kill shit even though we can apply essence very very quickly. I guess I’ll have to try you setup and see how it feels. Just watched the video and was surprised to see that your kill speeds don’t seem that much faster mine with about 6k dps over me

How do you feel about the small changes to Devotions here for 2h Warder? I can’t post links yet, but just add “j56tmO” after build.

Arcane Bomb tagged to Savagery, Torrent to Feral Hunger, and Elemental Storm to Wendigo Totem. Would the Elemental Storm free up some amulet / ring augments for something better?

I re-watched the video and I see what you mean. I made a lot more gameplay mistakes than i thought, especially in the BoC run. I was playing the warder the whole week because there was much more tweaking left to do there so I got used to that style I guess.

I’ll upload another BoC run soon enough, the build should perform slightly better than I showed in the video once you get used to it.

Still, the boss timings are good. 10 sec for Fabius and Shar’Zul, 30 for Moose and Log. I’m not surprised that there are other BlaM builds that get similar times, 9 and 12 sec is actually a 25% difference, and the variance from rng and missclicks can easily cause that. It’s hard to find a good metric when kill times are so short.

I find Tsunami to be awful, even on caster Druids which have high bonuses to both lightning and cold.

Falcon is by far the best constellation for a 2-hander user because it does 400% weapon damage to anything right in front of you. You can see in the video, every time it triggers, it one-shots mobs close to me.

Crown is superfluous because we use Black Star of Deceit which doesn’t stack with it, and the damage is low because we only have lighting bonuses.

On the other hand, your set loses Dying God, which is the best OA boosting constellation, and we do +100% crit damage which makes OA extremely valuable.

Many thanks for your help.

will farm Shrine also as said. Need to farm Dynamite it seems.

Nice video for your BM. Bull is a nice constellation. I chose Dryad for the reduced Spirit requirement for jewelry and the heal every four seconds. It is nice. It is a toss up between Bull and Dryad to me.

Have you tried not using Living Shadow at all? I saw very little difference not using it.

I also have lightning savagery Warder, and I have some questions about your build:

  1. Don’t you regret going for Spear of Heavens? Sailor’s Guide and Eel are honestly crappy, and Lizard is mediocre at best. Is the final skill worth it, or you take it for 200% lightning dmg and 5% OA?
    In this case Tempest + Chariot look better for around the same devotion point cost.
  2. Your overall resistances look pretty low, and I wonder how you handle damage spikes from guys like Fabius. Do you die from time to time? I have 80% of both bleeding and pierce res, 18% phys res, 1350 armor and 84% absorbtion, and I sometimes can’t just facetank and have to run around for a few seconds.
  3. Considering the Ultos’ Stormseeker’s proc and Feral Hunger, do you still need Zolhan’s?
  4. Do you feel like DA is important? I wonder how you got your 2200+ really, don’t see anything special about it in the devotions or anywhere else.
  5. Not very well-put question, but still… Here’s my Warder (only auras enabled, w/o savagery or procs):

    GrimCalc with items:
    He has better resists, better sheet dps (around 48k with savagery), better OA (2800+ with savagery and fighting spirit).
    But I rarely see crits over 55k, and kill Fabius in around 30sec. The only major difference is 15% resist reduction from Ulzuin’s Head, that I don’t have. Any ideas?

^ Well, he does have 400 more physique than you, and physique scales really well with Warder. Plus the eel for 30 DA and super proc of 8% DA from Judicator sets too.
Do not underestimate DA, it protects you from crits and lower the chance to be hit. High armor value, 100% armor absorption and 2300+DA value really help against Fabius…His physical damage is high and you don’t want to take any crit from him…at 1800 DA value you will see some nasty crits from time to time.
I do find it strange that GC’s Warder did not cap bleed and pierce resistance though, should be easy to do so.

P/S: From the video I can see that the Fabius kill time is around 50 sec.

IMO DA is usually underrated, with 2200+ OA Fabius will have around 80% hit chance and of course can’t crit for shit - which is the one of the main reason you get lolpawned by the little fucker. That’s effectively 20% damage absorbtion, even better because you can’t be hit critically.

Good points all around. I use a Badge of Mastery to boost Savagery to a 24 and get the 9th charge level, so I’ve never experienced the Black Star of Deceit. The +all damage and + oa% on it makes up a small bit of what our differences are, though Dying God is without a doubt the superior choice for oa.

I don’t think I’ve gone in on Falcon Swoop on a lightning build, only because I don’t struggle with wave clear. I’ve been using Attuned Lodestones on the amulet / medal slots and haven’t tried switching them out yet.

Living Shadow summons do a great job of cleaning up whatever is left after Blind Fury procs, allowing me to move to the next group without dragging a bunch of mobs behind me. They are also somewhat effective vs bosses since they actually do a lot of damage when they don’t wander around aimlessly instead of ganging up on a single target.

They are not crucial to the build, but definitely worth a point.

  1. Chariot + Tempest used to be the build, but that was a long time ago and Chariot is trash now. 4 points in Dying God do more than the entire Chariot. The only waste is Eel, Sailor’s Guide is good for move speed. My point is, it’s not Tempest + Chariot vs SotH, it’s Tempest vs SothH, and SotH clearly comes out on top with massive bonuses to lightning, crit and OA.

  2. I have spare ring set with Ancient Hearts for fighting Moose, that’s the only place where resistances are a problem for me. I’m geared much more towards defense because it makes my life easier. My build focuses on being as easy to use as possible, and being indestructible definitely makes my life easier.

  3. Yes. You could, shave a few points off of it because it progresses slowly after lvl 6, but I have points to spare. It does a lot of weapon damage, so it not only gives aoe damage, but also lifesteal.

  4. You sort of answered #2 for yourself here. 2300 DA makes you uncrittable, even by Fabius, which is important because he can spawn with blue weapons that have nasty on-crit procs. In general, regen/lifesteal + high DA + 15k health = indestructible. These contributions are multiplicative, meaning that losing one severely impacts the overall performance of the char. As to how I got there, Judicator’s set + max Physique + Empowered Legplates of Valor with 3% DA. The Signets also increase my regeneration by 100% which makes Menhir’s Will insane, they are defintiely a better choice over a more offensive ring combo imo.

  5. Here’s some comments:
    5.1 Seems to me like you pout points into Cunning, which is imo a mistake. If you ever make another Warder, try building it with max Physique.
    5.2 Zolhan’s is much better than Markovian’s. Markovian’s doesn’t increase weapon damage, and the DA reduction is not worth it unless you teake it a much higher level imo.
    5.3 You don’t have Scars of Battle and have only one Scaled Hide. This is a huge waste of your 1.3k armor. Try this: Back up your char, then go up the soldier tree and max Scars of Battle. You can take points out of Brute Force, since that skill is kinda useless (low numbers). Then fight Fabius a few times. You should see a huge increase in tankiness since most of his damage is physical. You can then reset your char if you don’t like the results.
    5.4 Ultos’ weapon is far superior to this one. Shaman skills is not nearly on the top of our priority list like it is for Primal Strike chars. On the other hand, more attack speed, higher base damage and a sick aoe procs are all too good to pass on.
    5.5 You say you drop Fabius in 30 sec, but that you have to kite around sometimes. This is exactly what I wanted to avoid with my build, I went for consistency over speed. I could probably kill him faster if I used 2x Tempest ring of Attack, but what’s the point? The Warder will never kill Fabius in 10 seconds like a Blademaster or a Witch hunter will, but those chars will never be able to ignore all damage around them and slowly steamroll everything (including the Avatar of Mogdrogen) like a Warder will. In the end, it’s a matter of preference.

I can actually do it faster if there are more mobs around me, because the mobs are useful for activating the Judicator’s Signets proc. You can tell that I’m doing very low damage until I finally activate the Signets, then start pummeling him with 2.0x crits.

BoM defintiely has it’s merits, especially offensively. However, Black Star just ticks so many boxes (lifesteal, resistances, res reduction) that it gives me a lot of flexibility in other slots and even in the skill point distribution.

As for Falcon, it’s not for clearing waves, quite the opposite. It unloads 4x your weapon damage into the face of anyone standing right in front of you, which is where bosses tend to be.

I’ll have to give it a try, then! In a perfect build, I’d like to see Arcane Bomb, Elemental Storm, and Falcon Swoop together but I suppose that won’t happen without more sacrifices.

Good points to consider, but I was thinking of most of them before.

  1. Eel + Sailors + Spear for 13 points have in total (only listing important things):
  • 180% lightning dmg
  • 40 OA
  • 30 DA
  • 5% OA
  • 10% crit dmg
  • 15% Aether, Slow and Freeze res
  • 5% Movespeed
    Tempest + Chariot for 13/14 points have in total:
  • 16-375 flat lightning dmg
  • 150% lightning dmg
  • 100% electrocute with + 30% duration
  • 75 OA
  • 3% OA
  • 3% Movespeed
    Seems like you’re right, but the margin is not that big. 20 Primordial are still hard to get, e.g. I lack 1 point to swap my Chariot+Tempest for Eel+Sailor+Spear.
    Btw, I have 20k+ electrocute ticks on Fabius, so I’d recomend to consider it too.
  1. When I built my Warder I wanted to launch the game and go kill something without bothering too much. So, no changing equipment and no elixirs. I actually kill Moose with 0% Freeze resist without any of those, though I die once in 5 encounters or so.
    5.1. Yes, OA is really hard to get in mid-game, and I made a mistake putting points to Cunning and hoping it will help.
    5.2. Will try it out, thanks.
    5.3. Will likely try. One related question - the numbers I’m being shown in Brute Force tooltip will be multiplied by my lightning dmg modifier afterwards? Because if yes then loosing ~400 flat lightning dmg will drop my average hit by 5k+.
    5.4. Though Ultos’ weapon is superior in damage, +2 to all skills effectively gives a lot of utility (flat and % hp regen, oa, da, crit dmg, aspd, 120 hps from wendigo) and, as I see, is one of the easiest ways to 26/16 Savagery (+3 BoM will do). Also, Stormreaver has 80 OA and a useful AoE skill with % main hand damage involved.

Btw, I have no lifesteal apart from Feral Hunger. This is disturming at times, but I got used to it. It never works on anything dangerous anyway. I tried using some, and figured out that I don’t feel much of a difference unless it’s 7%+, and it takes much more than I can sacrifice to get that number. And this is one of the ways to limit the steady growth of hp potion stacks in my backpack :slight_smile:

Yeah the numbers on brute force are after multipliers. Wouldn’t it be fun if dual blades was giving BMs +1100 pierce damage pre multipliers though :smiley:

I wouldn’t worry about the utility Stormseeker gives, you’ll be fine without it though I suppose if you don’t have 4 piece of Ultos you might value all the points more, but even then. You lose so so much damage, no flat lightning dmg (iirc), lower base damage, no attack speed. Also the Stormseeker has a stronger version of reaver’s aoe proc, but it is 15% chance on hit instead of a castable thing and has a 1sec cooldown. You will be able to proc is very frequently though, definitely better than reavers ability