GD:Cornucopia v0.1

I’ve seen this before if you have a skill that reduces physique or spirit requirements…are you using the new Modrogen’s Pact?

Btw this looks like a great mod - looking forward to giving it a spin when I get back.

I’ve been having this issue as well. Not sure why. Even on chars that aren’t using attribute reduction as mentioned by Silben.

If I can figure out a good way to reproduce it I’ll report the bug officially.

I’m pretty sure this has to do with how mods in general work, as loaded from [modname].arc and [modname].arz.

No it’s a new NB. Only took him up to the first rift yet. Only skills are Dual Blades, Belgothian’s Shears and ABB.

Simple thing that will make Bloody Pox a lot more powerful: Turn off gore. Only bodies, no more gibbing. Enjoy.

What are your video settings at? Guess it could possibly be a video settings bug with certain gear.

Here’s my settings

I’m very new to modding, so I have a few questions. Will installing this mod and starting a new character affect my other characters? Does installing this mod affect the transfer stash? Do I load the mod by selecting “custom game”, or will it load automatically once it’s in the proper directory?

Yes you must select custom game to play mods. Your vanilla characters do not appear in custom games and you must either manually transfer your old ones or create a new one.

They are completely separate from vanilla characters in all ways, including the stash. Probably to prevent bugs and oddities due to the nature of modding changes.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

Does this include separating one mod’s chars from another? (I can see both positives and negatives for having this…)

Chars should be able to go between mods (although, because this one changes mastery and item data, I wouldn’t recommend it) however transfer stashes are relegated to each mod.

Well, nevermind on my idea of the gear disappearance being due to graphical settings. I jacked everything up to high and no change.

I also have the same problem when playing with other mods, I have no idea why it’s buggy like this but now all my characters look fucking retarded.

To fix this you just have to equip stuff equipable without any +x to attributes, may it be from leveling (!) or equipment.
Only leveling masteries make you able to keep your jacket and pants on.

Crate pls

:smiley: Wow, Thank you for this beautiful mod.

I’m getting the bug too. Really not sure what it is. Low priority, especially because the chest piece does show up in game… and because I’m not sure if it’s because of the mod or not… I’ve had this happen rarely in vanilla as well.

You’ve changed my life. But seriously, I KNEW I remembered spiders leaving corpses sometimes. But that also removes the weakness of BP. Well time to keep testing.

Well, if Somerled is correct it’s probably something Crate will have to fix. No biggie. As you say, it doesn’t affect anything in-game that I can discern.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

Inferno: We took everything and doubled it.


Deadly Momentum is presently bugged. We’re looking into it. Gives you maximum attack speed while the buff is active for some reason. Hotfix incoming whenever we solve this.

Dropbox Download
Disclaimer You need to redownload this if you downloaded version 0.1, we just fixed a bug with deadly momentum making it much stronger than it should be in attack speed, and fixed fighting spirit’s ultimate rank scaling.

So yeah, 0.1a fixed 2 significant errors on our part.

The link in the first post is still updated too, btw.

Stupid Question, but is it possible to transfer the mod changes to the main campaign ?

I dont want to start over with my character and if i use the copy to user folder method ( to play with my campaign character in a custom campaign ) i dont have any skill points on my masteries. Oo

It would be cool if this is a possibility.

Neverthless, great work so far waht i’ve read so far ! :smiley: