GD:Cornucopia v0.1

Do you think you could talk about your reasons for the changes to concussive bomb? The changes are interesting but there’s no buildup of effect. I don’t really feel like the last tier is really worth the 3 skill points it takes to get there.

100% Chance to stun for 3-4 seconds.
Total Damage modified by -35%.

100% Chance to stun for 4.5 seconds.
Total Damage modified by -65%. (is this right? are the modifiers additive?)
20% Bonus Crit damage
Double Projectiles

The first point is the weird one for me. The second and third make sense but the first one seems to fight the other two. Maybe doom was trying to give people the option to build Canister for pure damage? but then you miss out on the extra projectile…

More explosions.

More explosions aren’t that great if the two bombs combined are weaker than if you just threw one.

Edit: The way the skill reads in game gives the impression that the effects don’t stack with each other, which is weird (I didn’t get much time to play with it today). But even if they do its still worse than what the transmuter did before in my opinion.

Ceno made the change. And it was toward the end. If in practice it’s too low we will adjust it.

The problem is that all 3 ranks of the transmutor is supposed to be about equal to each other. Pretend that all 3 ranks are each a separate transmutor. Yeah it sucks that you sort of “lose” 2 skill points but we will continue balancing until it seems worth it.

The effects don’t stack. He wanted to experiment with making a transmutor that gives you 3 different versions and I liked the idea.

So judging by this, I am guessing that a skill can only have one transmutor at a time.

From experience that’s not the case, it can have multiple transmuters.
They act like skill modifiers, the template name is different and the programmation is probably a bit different too, but that doesn’t change the fact that you can make different transmuters for the same skill.

Rank 1 was supposed to make the Canister Bomb capable of dealing high-end damage for Ultimate. If that isn’t the case, the damage multiplier can be boosted. Edit: Honestly, since the skill is on such a large cooldown, I wouldn’t mind bumping the multiplier for this up to something like +50% if it really needs it. Because even if you stack CDR, you’ll be gimping enough of your damage output that your other bonuses probably wouldn’t benefit it much. I’ll play around with it.

Rank 2 was to keep the stun that people are familiar with.

Rank 3 was to appeal to crit builds, particularly those with on-crit procs. Two canister bombs gives you a lot of opportunities to land a crit, and if you’re stacking crit damage (which we’ve seeded more of throughout the masteries) you can overcome the damage reduction if you so choose.

Edit: Tiers can be reorganized as well. That occurred to me as I designed it, that each subsequent bonus is inherently ‘more expensive’ due to being a higher level on the transmuter. Ultimately, at most you’ll be spending two extra skillpoints over something else, so it doesn’t seem like so much a problem to me.

How would you organize it?

Whelp, I know what I’m doing this weekend.

I am trying to move shared stash from the main game to this mod, but copying and overwriting results in the stash being regenerated from scratch.
What to do?

You can’t. But you can use mamba’s stash tool to edit the mod stash file. No tool yet exists to convert vanilla to mod stashes or vice versa.

But I was able to use mamba’s tool to directly generate items into the mod stash. This will help me test changes in the future quickly. Mamba is a baller.

I started a soldier to lvl 6 with some points in cadence & 1 point in Blitz. When I logged back in only the 1 point in Blitz remained all other points had gone.

Are you using Steam Cloud saving? If so, no idea how to help you. Not sure how cloud saving interacts with mods. If not…

Can you give us your character file?

It’ll be in My Documents/My Games/Grim Dawn/save/user/ and will be prefixed by an underscore ( _ ). Zip it up and send us the whole folder.

What Ceno said above. This shouldn’t have happened. It seems like a cloud save thing. Our update from .1 to .1a didn’t change any file names so that can’t be it.

Made an account just to post for this mod, so far i’m loving the changes, however there seems to be a bug with Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange and possibly its transmuter at 3/3, as any time I mouse over it my game immediately locks up and crashes. I can reproduce the bug 100% of the time and have some minidumps if necessary, though it could be on my end and not the mods fault.

I have no idea how to interpret a minidump.

As I replied to EpicBeard, send me your character and I’ll see if I can reproduce it on my machine. Thanks!

Are you using Steam Cloud saving? If so, no idea how to help you. Not sure how cloud saving interacts with mods. If not…

Can you give us your character file?

It’ll be in My Documents/My Games/Grim Dawn/save/user/ and will be prefixed by an underscore ( _ ). Zip it up and send us the whole folder.

After taking a point out of the transmuter down to 2/3, I was able to mouse over with no problem, here’s the character file with 3/3 in the transmuter.

I’ll be damned. Yup, can reproduce this.

oh man … sooo looking forward to see how this all shapes up in the end… looking good guys … major hype! :smiley:

Update on this:

Seems to be connected to converting 100% Elemental to Aether for whatever reason. I rebuilt the transmuter to be a 2-point skill that scales 50%/100% and, sure enough, hovering over the skill with 2/2 investment in the transmuter crashes the game.

I don’t think this will be solvable on our end. Maybe we’ll split the transmuter into 3 different transmuters that give you each individual element -> aether conversion? Seems gimicky…