GD:Cornucopia v0.1

Grim Dawn: Cornucopia v0.1b

Dropbox Download
Disclaimer You need to redownload this if you downloaded version 0.1 or 0.1a, we just fixed a bug in “a” with deadly momentum making it much stronger than it should be in attack speed, and fixed fighting spirit’s ultimate rank scaling, and in “b” we fixed a crash with IEE.

v. 1a - fixed fighting spirit ultimate scaling and deadly momentum attack speed mistake
v. 1b - fixed IEE crash

Merged Cornucopia with Grimmer and Grimmest by Jiaco, merger courtesy of jordan0422

Extract the .zip file to the ‘mods’ folder (you’ll need to make this folder if it doesn’t exist already) in the installation directory for Grim Dawn. That is, for Steam, Steam/steamapps/common/Grim Dawn/mods/[EXTRACT HERE]

Ceno and I are proud to share our first fragmented release of Project Cornucopia. With 62 skills touched up or reworked, we hope players find they have more build options and tempting choices than in the vanilla game. Testing all our changes thoroughly would take an unrealistic amount of time, and it is our hope that you will provide feedback to help us keep tuning these changes until they meet our vision.

Arpg’s are a complex web of numbers, and it’s impossible to predict all the ramifications of any change, small or big, that we make. Keep in mind that some of the changes we have made were done with future changes to constellations and items we have in mind. Some changes were even made with our second mod (completely new items and content) in mind, and thus will feel out of place or “off” for quite some time. If anything feels too “bad” we’ll likely temporarily “fix” it until we put infrastructure in place to support our original vision. So please, do not hold back on feedback, as nothing is final. It would be extremely helpful if you attach your character files in a .zip to go along with whatever complaint/comment/advice you have so we can play with it ourselves and decide if we agree. (i.e. skill x still is weak in ultimate, skill y is too strong in the low levels, skill z is too strong in the mid levels, skill b isn’t doing what it says it does)

Also, because of the way Grim Dawn handles skill identification (see this post) we had to remake any item that granted +points to a mastery or a particular skill. This doesn’t mean a whole lot for the average player, but it does mean that those interested in combining our mod with another mod are more likely to run into conflicts because we had to edit 1174 individual items to match up with +skill modification.

Development discussion will continue in the other thread. Feedback on this release would preferably be posted in this thread. The DevDiscuss thread is just a place for me and Ceno to sound off on the process or whatever’s on our mind.


  • new stat entirely
  • removed stat
  • changed amount
    ~ rework


*Added more base health to masteries; Soldier acquired 10 health per mastery point (500 total at 50/50), Shaman/Nightblade 8 health (400), Demolitionist 7 health (350), Occultist 6 health (300), Arcanist 5 health(250).
*Movespeed Cap increased 135%->150%, attack and cast speed cap increased 200%->220%.

Our intent here is to take some pressure off physique and tanky item choices. Yes this will make the game a bit easier, but making difficulty feel fair and exciting is something we will look at more towards the last third of development. We understand that some people won’t like this change, and we ask that you bear with us as we focus on build diversity for now.

[Class & Skills]


Ceno note: Oh, Cadence, thou art a twisted form. Cadence’s career has seen many ups and downs; it used to be quite strong, but now its power has dwindled to the point of unuse. The skill has been reworked on each of its modifiers (except for the transmuter).

  • ~Cadence (Base Skill): Flat Damage changed to a range of Flat Damage. The lower part of the range is somewhat (20%) less than the Flat Damage on the original skill, but the higher part of the range is substantially higher and scales very well. At 16/16, the range is 146-475 Physical Damage. % Weapon Damage is unchanged so as not to favor one weapon type over another here. To promote more synergy with Weapon Pool Skills, Cadence now triggers on the FIFTH swing of your weapons, giving you a total of 4 chances to proc WPS before having one overridden. Finally, the duration of the Cadence buff (gained after using the skill 4 times and removed upon the fifth attack) has been doubled from 8-16 seconds.
  • ~Fighting Form: Melee users will see scaling bonus targets across all of its ranks, and ranged users will fire more projectiles in a 10 degree spread (the number of which is also scaling). % Physical Damage scaling also boosted slightly (now 86% at 12/12). To compensate for the addition of more projectiles, the skill now has a lesser chance to pierce targets (35% at 12/12, 50% at 22/12, down from 50%/100%).
  • ~Deadly Momentum: As Cadence now takes longer to build up to refresh the duration of Deadly Momentum, DM has seen its duration more than doubled (3->7 seconds). The rest of its stats were left alone, but it now also has a % Chance to Increase Projectile Speed by 33%. The % Chance of this scales (15% at 12/12, 25% at 22/12). Given the newfound AoE of Cadence, we think the old power of DM ought to be sufficient, but if that proves untrue, DM could see another buff to make it more usable again. Also added scaling attack speed.
  • *Fighting Spirit: Cooldown now scales downward with rank by 1 second until it reaches 8 seconds. At that point, its duration scales upward by 2 seconds with rank.
  • +Menhir’s Will: Added 1% Physical Resist with rank until 15%, at which point it stops scaling. Menhir’s Will functioned as a powerful instant heal but its overtime healing could not compete with enemy damage, discouraging investment past a certain point. Rather than drastically improve the overtime healing, we sought to encourage investment by reducing the damage you take for the duration of the skill.
  • +Rending Force: Now reduces enemy Physical Resist by a scaling amount for 7.5 seconds. The goal is to give Shield users (melee and ranged alike) a competitive edge against other weapon types. Similarly, this ought to make Tremor + Rending Force more appealing.
  • +Squad Tactics: Now gives up to 10% Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Critical Damage to yourself and affected allies. (Attack Speed bonus decreased slightly from before) % All Damage increased as well.
  • +Oleron’s Rage: Added Scaling % Chance of Scaling % Physical Damage, reaching 25% Chance of 420% Physical Damage by 12/12. Scales to 25% Chance of 500% Physical Damage at 22/12. Also added 5% Chance of Stunning Targets for a scaling duration.
  • *Menhir’s Bulwark: Menhir’s Bulwark was tuned in favor of being hit a lot but not so much that you die. It should now be substantially better at protecting you AND triggering retaliation/on-hit/on-block procs: Removed the +Stun Duration% from the skill. While stacking Stun Duration is certainly something you can do, it’s largely ineffectual due to enemy resists and when it is effectual is usually from stun retaliation, which you usually don’t want triggering because that prevents enemies from hitting you more often. Added scaling Reduced Enemy Damage Retaliation for 5 seconds, which reduces the damage enemies are physically capable of dishing out. Finally, we added a static 10% chance of -20% Reduced Attack Speed Retaliation for 5 seconds, which will actually BUFF enemies to make them attack 20% faster. That it triggers only 1:10 times should be infrequent enough to get you killed but frequent enough to proc your procs noticeably more. Finally, we increased the life regen by 33% and the damage absorption by 50% (both multiplicatively) at all ranks.
  • +Veterancy: This skill has almost always been garbage. And in the base game, the skill effects don’t even match up much with its lore! We added 3 new stats to Veterancy, all of which scale: % Energy Burn Resistance (35% at 10/10), Life Reduction Resistance (25%), and Reflected Damage Resistance (10%). Veterancy retained its exact previous stats too. Hopefully this will make you feel like more of a boss with the skill. We’re still unsure whether this will be enough to encourage investment, though; the new skill seems as though it would better keep you out of WTF situations, but wouldn’t do much for you once you got there. Perhaps that’s what balance is.


  • *Canister Bomb: Burn Damage improved at all ranks by 70%. Lower range of Pierce Damage and base Fire Damage exponentially raised to the 1.03 power. Higher range of Pierce Damage raised to the 1.05 power. At 22/12, the minimum and maximum projectile count was raised by 1.
  • *Improved Casing: Explosion radius doubled; that is primarily a pre-Ultimate QoL change as it shouldn’t matter especially much in Ultimate but IC is the type of skill that you usually didn’t bother taking to begin with, so we decided to improve all aspects of it. % Fire Damage improved by 150%, % Pierce by 100%. The base Pierce on the main skill is now a little higher than the base Fire, but taking IC should now balance that out with the difference in these modifiers.
  • ~Concussive Bomb: Reworked. Each of its 3 ranks provides something different to the skill. Rank 1/3 simply makes the skill do 15% more damage (with a damage multiplier), 2/3 gives you a guaranteed 4.5 second stun with 20% less damage (multiplier), and 3/3 gives you an extra Canister Bomb (throw 2 at once) with 60% less damage (multiplier) and 20% bonus crit damage
  • *+High Impact: Following the removal of its resist reduction, High Impact has well underperformed. We tweaked its damage values and gave it +% Fire Damage, as well as converted 10% (static) of the Physical on the base skill to Fire. Also boosted the % Physical Damage of the % Chance proc to be more competitive with the current state of the game; in fact, the +350% Physical Damage obtained at the previous rank 22/12 of High Impact is now at 12/12. Scaling of this tapers off into higher ranks, however.
  • *Skyfire Grenado: Now converts 10% Physical Damage on the base skill to Lightning. Range of flat Lightning damage maxes out somewhat higher. Now also increase the area of effect of the base skill (and all subsequent damage from modifiers).
  • *Quick Jacks: Quick Jacks used to be overpowered for Normal, so it was nerfed into the ground. Since then, it hasn’t been able to perform very well. We’ve undone the nerf to the Damage Reduction in attempts to make the skill usable as a caster-based autoattack replacer, like PRM, again. Furthermore, the Stun Duration reduction was dropped from 100% to 99%, letting you ministun weaker foes to keep them at bay as you kite larger ones.
  • *+Full Spread: Full Spread has had the number of its bonus projectiles improved by roughly +1, giving you 4 at 12/12 and 7 at 22/12. In addition, it also has a scaling % Chance of scaling Crit Damage. The % Chance tops off at 10% at 12/12, but the Crit Damage scales higher into Ultimate Ranks. As Quick Jacks doesn’t have the highest raw damage values compared to other autoattacks out there, we wanted to give it an edge for crit builds. On a cooldown, Stun Jacks should function as a good AoE stun with the potential to nuke enemies on a crit.
  • *Blackwater Cocktail: Duration doesn’t scale so slowly any more as you rank it higher, so it reaches higher values. After that higher scaling, we more than doubled the duration too. You shouldn’t need to cast it so much if you’re using it simply to proc debuffs, but we also increased its damage by 15% at all ranks if you’re using it itself as a source of damage.
  • *+High Potency: In lieu of the significantly buffed duration to Blackwater Cocktail, High Potency no longer increases the duration further; its previous value of 2.0 seconds would have been insignificant anyways. Cooldown remains five seconds, which at all ranks of the new Blackwater Cocktail will let you stack it on enemies at least twice. Because it is now stackable, Damage Multiplier reduced from +125% to +80%. High Potency now has a 33% chance to Stun Targets for 1.5-4.5 seconds.
  • *Demon Fire: Chaos Damage range buffed but tightened; lower limit increased by 20%, higher limit by 15%. Armor Reduction buffed by 33% at all ranks to be more noticeable as a debuff skill.
  • ~Ulzuin’s Chosen: Totally reworked. Now gives caster bonuses along the lines of Star Pact but also provides an AoE damage aura of Fire, Chaos, and Lightning damage along the lines of Night’s Chill. Is now an Exclusive Skill. Note that due to engine limitations, we had to make the skill a temporary buff…so we made it a buff that lasts 50 hours. This is mostly inconsequential, however it means that you cannot toggle the buff off except by activating a different Exclusive Skill. We’ll look into ways around this, but it shouldn’t really affect gameplay.


  • *Bloody Pox/Wasting/Black Death: Boosted bleed and vitality damage 200%, poison damage by 100%. Added -%hp regen to BP, up to -100%, negative flat hp regen to wasting which begins to skyrocket in it’s ultimate levels, and -total resists in black death. When we’re done tweaking this skill, We’d like it to be a semi-gear-dependant one that really shines if you can get it to high ultimate ranks. Right now its scaling is pretty linear for now, because we need a lot of feedback on this skill. The -total resists may seem low but that’s in anticipation of our plan to nerf both the necessity for and amount of -resists in the game.
  • *+Destruction: Boosted Fire damage by 45% and Chaos damage by 50%. Gave it back scaling % Weapon Damage. We want this to be more than just a hp-mitigation skill. Its damage was pretty abysmal, and we wanted to open it up to build diversity. It’s entirely possible its damage-to-health conversion will need toning down. Let us know.
  • *+~Doom Bolt: Doom Bolt is now the single-target nuke it was always meant to be. Boasting exponentially raised Chaos and Vitality Damage, as well as newfound Vitality Decay damage and a bonus to Crit Damage, Doom Bolt packs one hell of a punch from level 1 and it only gets better and better from there. Now, when you kill an enemy with Doom Bolt, you have a 100% chance to create a Chaos Pool on the ground beneath further targets, giving the skill a lasting presence. So do you use Doom Bolt to ravage a full-health enemy, or to pick off a weaker target to proc its bonus effect? The choice is yours.
  • *+Hellfire Aura: % Burn Damage is no longer complete arse (39% at 12/12? Are you insane, Crate?). In fact, its % Burn values were roughly tripled. Also gives 4x the Fire Retaliation it did before. Finally, also boosts allied Health and Energy by a scaling %. This should give the Hellhound more synergy with other pets, synergy with retaliation builds, and synergy with Occultists looking to tank up or cast more.
  • *Mend Flesh: In truth, there wasn’t much we could add to this skill to improve it as the template being used was quite restrictive. So we performed some QoL improvements (increased the radius of the effect from 1.0 -> 3.75 meters, so that it’ll heal an AoE of allies at once) and also adjusted some of the numbers for healing to be more consistent with the type of damage you’d take in ultimate, particularly at levels 10+.
  • *Storm Spirit: Flat and % Elemental Damages increased by about 40%. Relative to other Elemental buffs, this skill was vastly underperforming. It should now be more potent for pet centric builds and caster hybrids alike. Lightning Retaliation is now guaranteed (formerly a 33% chance to proc); see Hellfire Aura for why. Elemental Resists untouched.
  • *+~Lightning Strike: Higher range of Lightning Damage increased significantly. On hit, now procs a modified version of Valdaran’s lightning orb nova. This nova launches projectiles (a scaling amount) in a 360 arc around the familiar that deal Lightning Damage and reduce enemy Elemental Resists by a flat 30. The projectiles also have a 100% chance to pierce through enemies (which Valdaran’s did not). The goal here was to make the Raven into a pet that doesn’t simply autoattack things and is instead sort of a quasi-caster pet.


  • *Execution: increased weapon damage by a flat 50%. Increased cold damage by 20%. Too much? Not enough? Too much WD and not enough cold damage? Let us know.
  • *+Blade Barrier: Made reflect damage scale with rank, added bonus % retaliation damage, buffed piercing retaliation by 10%. We’d like to find a way to make the damage absorb last a second longer than the immobilization, but couldn’t yet so we tried to improve its ability to kill things before your invulnerability runs out.
  • ±Phantasmal Armor: Replaced energy leech retaliation with much stronger cold retaliation. Added scaling physical resistance.
  • +Anatomy of Murder: Added flat vitality damage and %crit damage. This is a potent change so we attempted it in small amounts. We’ll see if it’s too much or too little. Crit damage should be fine, it’s more of a question of whether we need to change the flat vitality to % vitality.
  • *+Elemental Awakening: Lowered max level to 10, improved the % damage bonuses to 100% at 10, and improved frostburn by 50%. So it takes less investment to get better bonuses. Added Cold Damage that only appears in its ultimate levels. The idea was to make this more tempting to push to ultimate levels.
  • *Ring of Steel: Decreased cooldown from 3.5 to 3 for ranks 1-16, and let it decrease further in ultimate ranks to 2. Increased radius from 4 to 5.5. Added a flat 25% more weapon damage at all ranks. Increased pierce damage by roughly 25%. The stun now scales until rank 16. Let us know if it’s still not enough to make this a viable skill for ultimate.
  • *±Ring of Frost -> Ring of Venom: Replaced pierce:cold conversion to pierce:acid. Increased from 75% to 100%.
  • *+Circle of Slaughter: Added poison damage in equal amounts to the bleed. Increased the scaling of both by 10% on their minimum damage and 15% on their maximum damage. Let us know if this still feels too weak.
  • *+Amarasta’s Blade Burst: Buffed flat Cold Damage by 40%. Added scaling Pierce Damage. Improved Frostburn damage and its scaling, becoming quite rewarding at higher ranks. Frostburn now functions on a 2.75 second DoT (rather than a 2.0 second DoT) to make it more comfortably appliable to more enemies on a 1.8 second cooldown skill.
  • *Blade Spirit: Added pet limit of 3. Increased their Whirling Blades’ minimum pierce damage by 20%, max pierce damage by 30%, cold damage by 25% and bleed damage by 35%. Increased their Blade Eruption pierce and cold damage by 40%, bleeding damage by 50%. Increased Blade Eruption radius from 4.5 -> 6. Reduced cooldown in ultimate levels. The intent here is that if you go crazy investing in Blade Spirit you can manually detonate them like a nuke, to constantly proc their death skill. We might have made them too strong.
  • *Blade Trap: Supposed to work on bosses now, increased cooldown to 8 to compensate. Increased pierce and bleed damage scaling + 50% at low levels up to 150% at it’s highest ultimate level. Lowered life-steal by 50% multiplicatively to compensate for damage buff. Will have to keep an eye on this.


  • *Disintegration: Improved flat Vitality Damage per level by 145%. Improved %Aether and Fire dmg bonus scaling per level by 75%. Hope this is now enough for people who want something weird with the Vitality Damage. This is probably too much to be honest, but we’ll see where it goes.
  • *Mental Alacrity: Improved scaling at higher levels. Cost reduction scales to 31%, cast speed to 22%, at +10/level cap.
  • *Reckless power: Improved Aether/Fire/Burn % damage bonuses by 75%. Improved flat Aether damage by 50%.
  • *Shattered Star: Improved %Lightning Damage by 25%. Improved chance for bonus damage from 15 to 20%. Improved crit scaling, especially past ultimate where it was virtually nonexistent. Now can scale to 75%, instead of 60%. Ideally this becomes an RNG kind of spell that you want CDR for so you can spam your odds.
  • *Star Pact: Improved CDR scaling to 20% in ultimate, made the scaling more linear and not a perfect curve. It slows down in the early ultimate levels then speeds up in the last 3 (let us know if this is too restrictive for CDR hungry builds). Improved Cold, Lightning, Frostburn, and Electrocute by 50%. Changed the frostburn damage from over 3 seconds to over 2, to make reapplying it more effective. Buffed it by 33% as well. Improved physical to cold conversion to 25%. Wonder if I should bump conversion higher.
  • *Wrath of Agrivix: Changed CD from 6 -> 8, increased weapon dmg added from 50% to 65%, changed damage multiplied from 100% to 250%. Let’s see if this can be a mini-nuke now.
  • *+Nullification: Improved scaling of elemental damage reduction, Especially the high ultimate levels because it’d require a lot of investment and gearing to reach. This is to set up, perhaps, for an elemental damage themed challenge dungeon some distance down the road. Lowered duration of elemental damage reduction considering its cooldown. Might need to nerf the cooldown scaling if this is really good now. Added Skill Disruption.
  • *Inferno: We took everything and doubled it. :cool:
  • *±Arcane Will: Cooldown Removed (nobody liked it) and duration reduced to 4.5 to compensate. Activates at 75% health instead of 70%. Increased Total Damage scaling up from 240% to 300% and changed curve. It slows a bit at rank 8 then speeds back up at rank 16. Added scaling resist to Skill Disruption and Stun. Stun goes up to 33% at 10, 50% at 20. Disruption resist goes up to 25% at 10/10, 40% at 20/10. Removed Energy Leech % bonus.
  • *+Fabric Of Reality: Set Max level to 10. Improved skill scaling so it’s 100% bonus damage at 10. Added scaling max aether and chaos resist. Let us know if it’s still not appealing.
  • *+Olexra’s Flash Freeze: Targets immune to Freeze still take the full duration of the other debuffs. As such, the -Fire Resist debuff was halved; -100% (flat) was too high anyways. However, the skill now also reduces enemies’ max Fire Resist by 3% for the duration of the skill. This should make it more powerful against overcapped Fire enemies. The skill now applies a 1 second Freeze every second. This means that Freeze-immune enemies will still suffer no Freeze, whereas Freeze-resistant enemies will suffer from stuttering freezes; for instance, an enemy with 50% Freeze resist will be frozen for 0.5 seconds every second for the duration of the skill.
  • *Absolute Zero: Physical Resist Reduction halved. As before, the amount of resist reduction you could have gotten from this skill was ludicrously too high against normal enemies, and now that you can apply it in full effect to bosses, we had to reduce this.
  • +Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange: Alongside the flat Elemental Damage, now also gives a 100% Chance of dealing flat Fire, Lightning, or Cold damage in equal ratios and sizes.
  • *Overload: % Elemental Damage scaling overhauled to be far more appealing to non-%Weapon Damage builds. Upper range of electrocute damage increased by 120%, lower range left alone. Burn and frostburn damage increased by 60%. All DoTs normalized to 3 seconds.
  • *Elemental Balance: Increased DoT % Damage by 20%. Crit Damage left alone.
  • *±Manifestation: Removed -% Elemental Damage. Now converts 33%/66%/100% of your Elemental Damage to Aether Damage. Pet bonuses are exactly the same as they were.


  • *+Mogdrogen’s Pact: Radius increased from 12 to 15 meters (minor QoL change). Energy Regen increased by 20%, Health Regen increased by 33%. Now also reduces Physique and Spirit requirements on Armor.
  • *Savagery: Weapon Damage % increased by 15% (multiplicatively) at all ranks. Duration of charges (how long they last before decaying from inactivity) tripled from 2 to 6 seconds; hopefully the charge timer change will let you kite a little better with the skill if needed. % Bleeding Damage increased by 2 per rank, meaning Rank 1 is now +2%, Rank 2 is +4%, Rank 3 is +6%, etc. relative to what it used to be. The goal here is to better Savagery’s synergy with other skills that may not have % Weapon Damage, which is why we didn’t simply buff the flat Bleed damage (which is fine where it is). % Lightning Damage increased by 1 per rank for similar reasons.
  • +Might of the Bear (Savagery Transmuter): Now works with Shields.
  • *Storm Touched: Now gives 1% Attack Speed per rank, starting at 1% at 1/12 and continuing until 12/12. This is a minor buff at 12/12. In Ultimate ranks, scaling slows down but is still better than it was, reaching 19% at 22/12. % Chance of Electrocute/Lightning are no longer using the Global Offensive Modifier. Instead, they have their own independent ratios to proc (which, actually, they already had before, so maybe the Global one was a bug?). Chance of Electrocute improved to 33% (static). Chance of % Lightning now scales, starting at 20%.
  • +*Stormcaller’s Pact: Added flat Lightning Damage again. It’s in range form; at all ranks, the minimum damage is 1. The max damage scales on an exponential curve. % Crit Damage improved by 40% (multiplicative). This is a significant buff deserving of an Exclusive Skill, but it’s the least significant one we tried out. The others were adding 3 % Crit Damage per rank of investment (see Savagery for what this means) and giving a standardized increase to all ranks; both would have given too much % Crit Damage and the latter would have made Stormcaller’s Pact too much of a 1-point wonder. So we settled on this middle ground. The skill, for an Exclusive Skill, is very offensively powerful now. But as it offers literally nothing in terms of defense, we think this is fine.
  • *Upheaval: Flat Lightning and Bleeding damage boosted by 25% and 55%, respectively. % Weapon Damage scaling overhauled. If this puppy is going to trigger every time you crit and overrides other procs, it damn well better be worth it.
  • *+Blood Pact: % Chance of Lifesteal increased to 45% (from 33%). Now increases your Total Speed by 1.15%/rank (25% at 22/12).


Attached a .zip with all non legendary blueprints, and a .zip with all legendary blueprints for those who don’t want to find them again. Formatted for your mod character’s blueprint folder. (probably C:\Users<YOURUSERNAMEHERE>\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save\Cornucopia001)

Attachment: _Lanfear


Way back in ye’ olde days of the world, when we were all deciding upon a screenname to pick for ourselves to define ourselves on the greater internet, I decided upon the one that is ‘Ceno’. There was purpose to this choice, though that purpose seems a little mangled nowadays. Way back when (2007), I wanted a name that was humbling and approachable without being overly complex. ‘Common’ was the concept I wanted to approach, to seem as nondescript as possible. So I took to Google Translate and asked for the Latin ( :cool: ) word for Common, which was supposedly ‘Ceno’. Well, if you’ve actually taken Latin, you’d know that ‘Ceno’ has very little to do with whether or not something is ‘common’, but I didn’t know that at the time. I wanted a ‘common’ persona that I could do great things with, that I might inspire others to do the same; if someone so ‘common’ is capable of doing greatness, then so too must you all be capable of, as you all are very special.

Since then I’ve carved out little pieces of the internet, helping out where I can with the hope that others pay help forward as well. I think it’s been working pretty well, all things considered. Today I get to take the concept a little further. With the release of this mod, and all those subsequent that I partake in, I look forward to seeing how the community receives, responds, and builds upon it. I look forward to seeing who comes up with ideas, big and small, for improvements and augmentations to this great title - Grim Dawn - that we’ve all come to love. I hope, in some way, that I had helped inspire such creativity, particularly in those that may not have endeavored to try modding out in the first place.

TL;DR Google Translate gave me the wrong name but no one has noticed yet and things have been working well regardless. Go do stuff because you can and you’re great at it!

Working with adoomgod has been great. He is an odd character, but it’s the quirky ones that usually tend to have the greatest genius in their innovation. His genius seems to come out in subtlety, that is, the fine details and minutiae are where he seemingly shines. Though he seems to play the pathos card a lot, his words do have weight behind them; he has tremendous experience with Grim Dawn, and he has been an utter pleasure to work with. Cheers, my friend!

This mod is not perfect. It won’t ever be. But it has accomplished, even now in its very basic and rudimentary state, that which we hoped to achieve: more diverse expressions and more possibilities for fun. While we set out to ‘rebalance’ Grim Dawn by tweaking numbers here and there, the main goal has always been to make it more fun. There will always be ways for you to break the balance - we have no doubts that some of you will find things here that are inherently overpowered - but whether there are always ways to have fun is another story. I think we gave GD a lot more such ways than it had before. And I love it.

Having said that, if we screwed something up - which we almost definitely did, because that’s life - let us know! This is our brainchild, yes, but it is molded and birthed from your criticism as much as our thoughts! If something you wanted to be updated was not touched upon in this release, let us know; just because this is our pass on skills and masteries does not mean it is our last one. Alongside that, ahead of now, you can look forward to us touching up Devotion Constellations, Itemization (from the lowliest of Magic affixes to the awe-inspiring Legendary drops), statwalls of Ultimate and mechanical difficulties in Ultimate. All in the name of ‘balance’ under that of ‘fun’. :slight_smile:



Hello everyone. :slight_smile:

First of all, not sure we’re going to stick to this “two personal responses” per release format. I mean we might… but we might not. But as this is our first release it definitely felt appropriate here.

So where to begin? Well for starters it’s been great working with my partner Ceno. He’s definitely a very smart guy and I respect his eye for creative on-the-spot-decisions. I’ve been learning a lot from him and still have a ways to go to catch up to his pace. (I’ll be studying the in’s and out’s of github over the next few days, that’ll help) I like both the similarities in our personalities and approach, as well as the differences. It has so far felt like a symbiotic union. By the end of development we shall have fused into a singular modding entity known as Cenoom, or Doeno. I highly anticipate this.

Frankly, Ceno had more time to put into this release than I have, and I just want to acknowledge that here. He doesn’t care much for this sort of thing, and I doubt he’d ever bring it up but I want it acknowledged. I hope that soon my life-responsibilities will free me to live enslaved to the Great Will of the Mod. All hail Mod. Mod is love. Mod is life.

If I seem goofier, or at least stranger, than usual it’s because I’m giddy to be sharing this with everyone. To see what is loved, hated, and all the feelings in-between, to get great feedback to help make the mod even better, and to finally be able to play the damn thing more. I have an inkling now of how Medierra and team felt they couldn’t play their game much because they were so busy making it.

Finally, I ask for patience with us in general, as modders, as well as for future releases. Our second big release is planned (subject to change) to refine the changes made to skills, possibly change some new ones as well, and branch out into editing shit-tier constellations. (So speak up and be detailed in why you dislike constellation “x”). We will probably do tiny update-releases though for minor things if we feel it’s important. (Someone points out something is easily over-powered or still too weak with a shared character .zip to prove it, something is broken, etc.)

I truly hope you guys have a blast playing this first fragment release. We have sooooo much more in store for you all.

This is exciting :smiley: Thanks guys!! Cant wait to try this out later. :smiley:

No new content? Lazy devs.

+1 to this. Lmao

Fo shiZzle.

Less bromance. Moar endgame.


Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

Well done guys!
Hoping to see what’s up next :slight_smile:


This made my day lol




I will give it a try by reading the changes you guys are starting by buffing the “bad skills” I guess it will be good to destroy the content with the skills you like ,thanks

Yeah we wanted to work from the bottom up to bring everything kind of up to the same level of ‘meta’ and then tweaking things downward as we changed that meta.

Dunno if this is on your guys end but when I exit to menu on my created character his chest and foot gear does not display.

You want the zip or can you verify on your end first?

Prolly you should put a readme file in the archive with the version name and the instructions to convert vanilla characters and stashes to modded ones, along with removing the version number from the folder name.

*Bloody Pox/Wasting/Black Death: Boosted bleed and vitality damage 200%, poison damage by 100%. Added -%hp regen to BP, up to -100%, negative flat hp regen to wasting which beings to skyrocket in it’s ultimate levels, and -total resists in black death. When we’re done tweaking this skill, We’d like it to be a semi-gear-dependant one that really shines if you can get it to high ultimate ranks. Right now its scaling is pretty linear for now, because we need a lot of feedback on this skill. The -total resists may seem low but that’s in anticipation of our plan to nerf both the necessity for and amount of -resists in the game.


YES sparkles

I don’t see any mentioned changes to Soldier skill tree.
EDIT: Apparently, renaming the folder breaks the mod changes.


I haven’t even gone through the changelog yet, but I’m just gonna say in advance here…

…that I’m about to read the whole thing naked. The way it was meant to be done.

I may have made it too strong. At the very least it’s demolishing the first difficulty so far for me. I like that it isn’t breaking bosses and heroes though, due to their innate resistances, high hp and the fact that BP can’t hit any faster than it does. Still I’m only 10 levels in here so we’ll see. Don’t worry, I want this skill to be good as much as you, and I also feel that the first difficulty is mostly a wash… but I don’t want something that lets you piss over all of it with 0 effort. I can always tone down the early game scaling and maintain the high level scaling and ultimate ranks. I could tone down all the normal levels if they’re ridiculous and maintain the ultimate levels being really strong (since you need +skills from items, it’s much more of a level capper so you can’t just rush the skill and stomp everything early on… but I’m not exactly against doing that in the first difficulty anyway.)
I also love/hate how it’s weak against monsters that don’t leave a corpse… but I can solve that by getting other skills.

That’s a great idea.

I do want the zip. That hasn’t occurred for me, but it sounds like a small bug.

Here ya go… Maybe it’s just a bug with custom games? Dunno. Lemme know how it displays for you.

[edit] or it might be graphics setting issue with those particular items. GD’s been known to display certain things oddly at certain settings if they are too low.