GD:Cornucopia v0.1

If putting it at 99% fixes the issue, that’s what I would do. Missing 1% isn’t going to make or break the transmuter.

Better idea: 99.9%.

Displays as 100% so no one will ever know except the minmaxers, and seems not to crash the game.


Re-release incoming.

That 0.1% though… :stuck_out_tongue:

Off to go make my DW Aether Spellbreaker. Yay!

v0.1b: ‘Fix’ for IEE transmuter at rank 3/3.

Display suggests it converts 100% Elemental to Aether, whereas in reality it’ll convert 99.9%. This is the best we can do for now.

As before, the link in the original post is up-to-date as well. Thanks!

Thanks so much! You guys are fantastic, keep doing you :slight_smile:

Say, are the descriptions for the skills supposed to reflect the changes? My Phantasmal Armor still says Energy Leech Retaliation…

Some of them are, some of them aren’t. Thanks for pointing that out!

Edit: Wait, if it says it still gives you Energy Leech Retaliation, that’s a bug. The tooltip stats should automatically update correctly. Are you certain you’ve installed/loaded the mod correctly?

Attached 2 .zips to first post containing all blueprints for those who don’t want to have to find them all over again in the mod.

Okay i’m totally at a loss here, how do you install this thing? It’s in the mods folder, I selected one of the four things in custom tab (I cant find where anyone says which one of the four to select…) and it still doesn’t seem to be working. What am I missing?

Do you plan to incorporate into your mod?

Not really, no. We’ll probably make rare crafting mats (Scrap, Hearts, Blood, etc.) transferable but as for actually expanding the size of the stash probably not. This is one area where, despite the vast supply of people asking for an increase to the stash size, we can see medierra’s logic for having not done so and we’re going to abide by it.

Plus… players can always merge the files for themselves… and someone else could always release a merger with or without our permission.

So we’ll avoid extra work cuz we’re lazy devs.

One we were definitely looking at merging was grimmer and grimmest, Jiaco’s mod. But we already got a pm from a volunteer who’s already merged them.

Can we bother whoever that is to post a merged file for us? :slight_smile: Pleeeeassee?

With permission from the authors of Cornucopia and Grimmest, here’s the merge of of the two mods:

Download link

Let me know if there’s any error.

I will be updating this whenever either Cornucopia and/or Grimmest update.

I’ll let someone else check for errors heh. But I updated the OP with your link. Thanks jordan.

If someone else is willing to do the legwork of asking permission from the various authors (Ceno, adoomgod, jiaco and rorschachrev) I have versions merged with Stasher ready to share: GrimCornStash and CornStash.

Will edit this post with links if permission is received.

Go ahead man. Do yo thang. I like your naming sense.

jiaco says ok to merging with Grimmest. Just wishes he had time to finish the boss work that is ongoing…The spawn limit of 5 is kinda random in spots. :o

All good from me. :slight_smile:

I’m having an odd problem trying to carry over my characters from the base game. All my characters lose all the skill points invested in the masteries, forcing me to use a trainer to bring them back and whenever I log out and back in the character it resets them back to 0. Plus, my characters inventory is carrying over to the base game as well, any loot i pick up in the modded save is in my base games inventory, what is going on?

Also, I do not have steam cloud enabled if that helps at all.