GD:Cornucopia v0.1

Had the same problem i haven’t tested thoroughly but i think when u copy over your base char rename the modded saves too "original name"1 just add the extra one since i think it see the same folder in both directories - just a theory

Well I made a test character to see where it stores saves for characters in modded games and transferred them to that spot, but I did some testing and it seems that the original save files are still set to putting the player.gdc in the folder of the original game saves, so that explains the overlapping problem. I’ll try your method and see if that helps at all.

Adding a 1 to the save folder doesn’t seem to work, it makes a new random character with the same name.

EDIT: I found a post on Reddit that Ceno was in talking about this problem, I guess for now it’s not possible to use an old save.

Another odd thing I noticed is after I restored my backup saves and went on the normal game, the skill descriptions are showing the modded versions.


Consider removing the cooldown from bloody pox… The spreading mechanic just sucks; even on tightly packed mobs. If possible I’d REALLY love to see it switched to “curse style” cast like Curse of Frailty. The DOT is VERY strong now, which is awesome. But, I can’t stomach using it in it’s current form enough to want to test it further.

That draw back is one of the things that allows it to be very strong but balanced. I’m having no problems getting it to spread.

Grimmest Cornucopia updated.

What’s new:
-Grimmest version 0.6.

See 1st post for DL link.

Having a lot of fun testing this. Currently have it at 17/16 at level 11 or so. It instantly clears any pack of mobs and deals heavy damage to bosses (about 1/3 of their HP at this point).

… I am now realizing I actually need to go back and test this skill in the vanilla game because I don’t know how powerful it was in comparison. I am definitely noticing that the aoe of the skill allows me to clear mobs I don’t think I would have normally.

Cost is a bit high. But I guess that’s to be expected when you “overlevel” a base skill at an early level. Still, having to deal with mana management on a melee hero is weird to me.

I dare ask, what was your design perspective to modify some skills so heavily, others not at all, etc. Specifically, Fighting form and the transmuter on ikandra’s aura. I’m in the process as of today in figuring out my own design process and mentality towards a more personal and smaller “balance” mod, and looking for some friendly discussion on your process.

I could be wrong, but from what I understand (and to be fair, I didn’t really read the other topic, where they discuss this stuff), this is just the tip of the iceberg. They chose the ones that needed fixing more than others, and will be addressing everything else as they go along. So it isn’t that they chose to heavily modify some - it’s just those are the ones that got hit first.

I think is where you ought to go if you’re leaning more towards process and design mentality, and discussion. :smiley:

Hey, I downloaded the mod and tried to transfer my characters from the main game to the mod using symbolic links, as instructed by depravity in his youtube video. I was able to successfully load all of my characters and they showed up in the loading screen.

The problem occurred when the game started and I noticed that my character’s mastery points were set to 0 and I couldn’t increase them. I thought it was a bug so I got out of the custom game option and went back to main. Then I realized my character in the main game was still stuck in the same state, with 0 mastery points. How do I fix this problem?

If something got adjusted more than something else it’s likely because that something was experiencing one of two situations:

Either a) that something wasn’t being used at all which indicated that its power was drastically underwhelming or that its utility and functionality was unimportant. (Manifestation)

Or b) that something was being used for one very specific purpose. This often presented itself in ‘one point wonders’, though I’d say Fighting Form’s case also applies to here. Fighting Form was always a ‘one-point or max it’ skill and there was no reason to take a middle ground or raise it into ultimate ranks.

I’d be glad to continue this discussion if you have any more questions about our design philosophy - no, really, I’d appreciate the talk; it helps me remind myself what I’m working on - but this isn’t really the thread for it. <-- That’s the thread we use in discussing the developmental process of the mod, and is probably better suited for a conversation like this. This thread is all about one version of that mod release in particular.

Ceno & adoomgod

I have checked the thread and found that saves/characters/stashes from our original game files are not working well with your mod at the moment. I also tried GDStash but failed. Can you please confirm if this is the case (so that I will not try anymore :P).

I have also one request from you, if possible/feasible: Can you please make a “GrimCalc” for your mod, so that we can see the differences from the original game and make builds with it.

Thanks for your great mod (which will be greater day by day), cheers…

I’ll answer all these in the other thread. This thread is in relation to this release only. Oh well I’ll half address the last quote:

Yes they aren’t working well. You can’t copy and paste things from vanilla into the mod, it wonks things up. But there are some work arounds. For starters I attached every blueprint in a .zip file in the opening post that’s compatible with this mod so people don’t need to blueprint hunt again.

Main Campaign saves are not intended to be used in mods. This is not a problem with our mod alone. It is always advised to start a new character for Custom Campaigns.

RE: grimcalc: That is a far larger undertaking than you might imagine. It would be quite helpful for us to have as well, but the amount of work required to get such a thing going is quite substantial. At this time I’d say it’s unlikely to happen.

Just some knee-jerk notes from my brief playtime this weekend.

The modified Savagery charge timer is too much. I agree that in its original incarnation it was overly short for melee builds that get face smashed and double penalizes the player for using tactics to overcome that by dashing out for a bit but completely losing Savagery charges in the process. On the flip side the much longer duration you’ve adjusted it to makes it so that it removes any of the other game play aspects of the charge building. In other words I don’t have to think about Savagery unless I go to town. I personally feel that the timer should be more in the range of 3-4 seconds as a happy medium between the two extremes of bouncing out for a few and completely losing all your stacks or just having it up all the time.

I’m not sure if Vet feels easier because of the increased skill power or something else has inadvertently changed. I came to the Burrwitch rift to clear it out of the Aetherials and it only spawned two heroes while the prior wave spawn packs also seemed rather ‘light’. Will test further.

Feels pretty awesome so far, although I’m not very far into it. I started a demo this morning with a mind on building a Grenado/Blackwater build. So far it seems pretty decent just starting out.

Thanks for the feedback wolfmane. :slight_smile:

We have not touched the difficulties directly in any way (yet); however, our rebalancing is primarily focused on build diversity in Ultimate difficulty, which means beefing up some things to get them up to snuff. That in turn means that Normal/Veteran are liable to be made easier than is intended. While this is an event we will try to avoid, our focus is on Ultimate in particular.

Thanks for the Savagery suggestion. I’ll try 3 and see how it works. I suspect that 3 may be sufficient due to the fact that we’ve raised the movespeed cap from 135%->150%, but I’ll be sure to test it out a little more in any event.

I,ve logged in to play and found skill points have gone missing again. Steam cloud saving is off. Have uploaded file if you want to look. I,m not very tech minded so I apologize in advance if I’m doing something really stupid.

many thanks.

level 35 so far, having great fun :smiley:

I can’t really see why this would have happened, unless you tried to copy a main-campaign character to the custom campaigns.

If you wanted to give me a grimcalc of what your skill investment was I’d be happy to fix up your character for you.

I’m having issues with the mod where +All Class Skills do not increase all skills in the skill trees. For example, +All Occultist Skills doesn’t increase Sigil of Consumption by +1.

Can you pack up your character and the item in a .zip for me to check it out? Thanks.