GD:Cornucopia v0.3.1: Itemization Part 1 - Affixes and More!

Cool changes. Looking forward to seeing how it alters the game play feel.

@Ceno. What does the % chance to pass through on Storm Surge doing? I’m not sure I understand the concept of what’s doing the passing through.

@wolf. I’m not Ceno, but primal strike works win 2 handed ranged I believe. The pierce chance gave your proectile a chance to pierce. As we’ve added a good deal of pierce to 2handed ranged weapons, it seemed appropriate to lower the bonus on storm surge.

adoomgod’s response is correct. The +% Pierce Chance on Storm Surge allows you to use 2H Ranged Primal Strike like this build no matter your weapon selection. Although the goal is to keep 100% Pierce Chance impossible unless you use that weapon, to give it an edge of uniqueness.

Still no mention of blitz being usable with shield + pistol. 0/10. :stuck_out_tongue:

More seriously though, this mod is developing at an absolutely incredible pace. When you posted the first announcement for this project, I was expecting (and perfectly willing) to wait half a year at least for the skills and devotion alone, and yet here you’re already getting into itemization in just a couple months!

TBH I just forgot. If there’s nothing hard-coded stopping it we will hotfix it in.

that explains the folder name, but why the zip file ? :wink:

I’d really, really like to, but…

Lethargy? :smiley:

GrimmestCornucopia updated!

Huh. As someone who knows basically nothing about modding or programming in general, this seems really weird to me. If it’s supposed to be using the shield for damage, why is it looking at the pistol’s range at all? Still, if there’s nothing that can be done about it, I guess that’s that.

Uh. This doesn’t warrant a whole hotfix… but I changed Blade spirit to its intended cooldown. Should be up and running.

Thanks for the explanation guys. I wasn’t connecting the dots very well the other day.

Just a note to all:

The hotfix 2 changes seem to be automatically implemented except for changes to player skills. Item set skills were updated, and enemy scaling/resists were updated. We won’t be implementing their skill changes until when they fully document them (if we implement them at all that is).

ALSO: I added a .zip containing all relic blueprints to the first post in this thread. Should be compatible for all future versions.

Is it the same .zip as for the older version? On older versions it seemed to include debug and that legendary crafting guy’s recipes.

Different zip. Old one incompatible with version 2 onward.

Is anyone noticing a difference in the quality of non epic/legendary drops?

Still in normal but I’ve discarded some otherwise good epics for well rolled MIs/rares, which I don’t remember happening in vanilla. Although that seemed more base game changes than Cornicopia changes (like the bloodsworn codex now giving +2/+2 to briarthron/ground slam - pair that w/ subjugators prefix and you have something better than a measly +1 all occy skills focus)

Also as I’ve been playing a summoner I’ve been using the new Raven…some feedback on it:

The new base skill and lightning storm are awesome, finally it feels worth it to have the bird out. Still shoots into walls sometimes but re-positioning isn’t too bad - and it contributes a noticeable amount so it feels worth it to re-position. On that note the 18 sec cooldown feels a bit too punishing…could you maybe look into shaving a few seconds off the cooldown on summon familiar? Not a lot just down to perhaps 14?

On the topic of the familiar’s lightning storm - is the slow ment to be such a small chance for a small amount of slow? With the slow being a low magnitude slow I don’t see the need to limit it to a small % chance to happen.

Storm Spirit still feels lacking though. More often than not the familiar only buffs itself even with the 3m radius which doesn’t seem terribly useful.

^the base changes were indeed nice. We were planning on buffing MI’s if they didn’t. In fact there are still some that need buffing which will come in 3.2.

Normal difficulty really isn’t going to showcase it, as most of our changes, if not all of them, benefited rares which drop more especially in ultimate. Also because we chose to buff higher level affixes to a greater extent than the lower level ones. Uh if that was inarticulate, we increased the higher lvl versions of buffs by more than the lower level versions… usually.

As for Raven’s lightning storm. Well it scales up to a 30% chance which is decent for an AoE. As for the reason it’s a small chance, that’s because it’s a total speed slow, as opposed to CoF’s movement speed slow. It also slows monster’s cast and attack speeds which is quite potent. It also has that chance to go off on every single hit on a monster. It’s less to do with keeping the monsters in the storm and more to do with benefiting the player if you fight close to the storm.

As for storm spirit, it was already considerably buffed in what it does. But tell you what, I’m increasing it’s radius from 3 to 4 for 3.2. Not because it needs but, but because it irritates me to when it doesn’t go off on what you want it to.

Sometimes when i play and i exit and enter again i seem to be missing items on the main screen for my char but when i enter the items are still there ingame ?
some say equiped and requip the items and exit to resave the items (not working) so far only seems to happen with this mod ?

It happens with all mods. No one is really sure why.

Prolly the character screen doesn’t include the stat bonuses from modded masteries.