GD:Cornucopia v0.3.1: Itemization Part 1 - Affixes and More!

It happened in Titan Quest too! :slight_smile:

I just want to say I am enjoying this mod, keep up the good work fellas.

Yep, definitely. (I updated the mod on the weekend.) Fooling around in Ultimate by now with two hc chars and i have to vendor sooo much good stuff :cry: :D.

It is good to hear that you play a cadence built. I am now playing a Battlemage lvl 65 (primarily soldier with full cadence tree) and there are two issues that annoys me:

First the 4 charge levels: every fifth strike is too much for me, I dont like it when my 5th strike misses or hits a white monster. Also this forces me to use proc skills to fill the big emptiness between cadence procs.

Second, huge energy need. I must use energy potions everytime it is cooled off. I even stopped to use my other abilities to not to have zero energy during a fight with the energy potion is still cooling down.

These are my opinions only. I want to hear yours and others’ who are using cadence.



Well my IT/phys Warder (2h) in hc is lvl 80 by now. I never had any mana issues, but i waited quite some time till i started pumping the baseskill and i always used a soulshard (now two, but i plan to replace these, once i can get rid of the Wardstone in my medal and use an Arcane Spark instead). I also have a littlebit of manaleech from the first Revenant node and a littlebit of regeneration from Ulo.

If you are playing Cadence with a very fast weapon, e.g. as a dualwield Blademaster with high ias, you might need some manaleech (Tip the scales comes to mind, Revenant has a littlebit, also Viper, or you use an Arcane Spark.)

In my opinion it’s an advantage that cadence now combos much better with weaponpoolskills than in vanilla, thus the chargelevels also feel fine to me. If you don’t want to use WPS, but just Cadence for AoE, i’d recommend to leave the baseskill at low level (just pump Fighting Form) and pick up some singletarget nuke. (The simple Slam from a chipped claw should be sufficient for Vet and Elite.)

Imo it would also make Cadence to similar to Bladearc and to good in comparison, if it would be just as great at AoE without additional investment.

Question about affixes for pets. Are there any? Any plans for the future to add some. Some more specific like 2 resistances or health regen for pets? Or giving items a very small chance to generate entirely with affixes that benefit pets only?
Also are there any future plans on for example taking that protective shield proc from runic bracers and making it able to generate as an affix on another item? Same goes for other unique item abilities that only spawn on one specific named item?

It depends on your build. Using an elemental version of cadence I feel I have none of those problems. If people are interesting in my character I can post it, but he clears all the content in the game (that I’ve reach so far) pretty easily. He’s lvl 81

As for pet affixes. Dunno, new affixes = new content. Would come later. Pet builds are already really strong, and they just happen to rely on magic affixes. I don’t think I’m going to add rare pet affixes because It’d just dilute the affix pool. I may throw some pet stats on existing rare affixes though, since if you’re not a pet build they’re just the cream on top. But pet only builds are kind of niche… I rather support pet hybrid builds through MI’s, epics and legendaries than affixes.

From a 2h experience I left the base Cadence at 2 skill points and focused on Fighting Stance and Deadly Momentum. With the aoe and the life on hit it’ll clear fast until around level 25+ where you’ll need to start slowly re-investing in Cadence again. You’ll also want to focus on attack speed modifiers on gear (probably better now with the additional attack speed bonus coming from gloves they just added) and then start compensating for the longer build up time with investment in WPS skills, as mentioned. This is all physical based damage, as Doom said the mileage will likely vary if you go elemental Cadence.

I think the point is worth mentioning that while their version of Cadence is pretty good, it doesn’t provide you with the option of just sticking with Cadence, you have to invest in WPS procs in some form whether you really want to or not since the damage won’t keep pace with content if you don’t invest in the base skill. Then, when you do invest into the base skill the time-between-hit for it becomes terrible for a 2H build. I assume sword and board would have the same issue.

The AoE is good enough that I was never really overly concerned about wasting a Cadence proc on a white trash mob. It does happen but you should be aware of the possibility and prioritizing targets anyway to keep it at a minimum.

Hotfix A

  • fixed blade spirit cooldown (this was done earlier but I’ll list it in this hotfix)
  • fixed arcane bomb
  • fixed “of binding” giving %health on some lvls/places instead of flat health.
  • fixed PRM targetting

Hello, arcane bomb does not work as in version 002, when triggered, there is only 1 bomb.

It’s working. Perhaps I forgot to mention but I reverted it back to the one bomb in vanilla version because when I tried to tweak it they spawned weirdly.

It has a slightly higher radius though and is still one of the best constellations for aether/lightning builds.

Bugfix A

  • fixed Raise the Dead.

Sry I fucked RtD up guys. levels 3-5 should work again. Just redownload like always.

As if anyone cares if it works or not.

Would you consider changing the Raven constellation’s +60% Lit dmg for pets to a more generic pet bonus?

No. Raven constellation helps raven pet. Makes sense. Boom.

Okay but really my answer is: I have already considered it.

Points against changing it: Generalized pet build is already strong strong strong. I like that it’s rather gear dependent. I like how strong it gets and don’t feel it needs more. My pet conjurer absolutely shits on the game’s content.

That’s there to promote hybrid builds. Aka something like, lightning hound + raven + lightning based character build. I plan on making more items in the future to support new build arch-types as well. I’d like to create a lvl 75 version of the stormhound relic with a better stormhound.

Anyway, the only thing I’m really considering is perhaps changing it to pet total damage +10%, pet lightning damage +40%. (total dmg is stronger than a single element type dmg so it warrants -20 to the current lightning bonus… and i’m wondering if it’s too strong as is but in the late game I don’t think so)

I’m working a cold hybrid with coronus and nightblade. I need 5 more Eld to unlock Leviathan and was hoping to grab more pet bonus constellations. I may just grab Spider and then after Leviathan work for pet bonuses.

Edit: Actually, working in the storm hound would turn out ok as well.

This is not a place to discuss other mods. Coming here to suggest changes to support your coronus build is ridiculous.

Nothing in our design is done so with merges in mind. Cornucopia is a self-contained entity that will provide the best experience to those who play it on its own. Well, after it is finished that is. We have a lot of difficulty to add in.

Yes, it would have been ridiculous to request a change to directly support another mod. Anyway, allow me to clarify:

I understand the Raven constellation bonuses exist to support hybrid builds. Would you consider changing the +80% lighting pet damage bonus to a generic pet bonus, perhaps +elemental damage? This would support other hybrid builds not focused on lightning damage.

PS. You already answered this. I just wanted to clarify so it didn’t feel like it ended on a sour note. Thank you, keep up the good work! :smiley:

Ah. No prob. And naw, %elemental damage is a ton better than lightning damage. It affects ognapesh, hellhound, the lightning pets, and the chillmane pet from the legendary… oh and the ghosts from the necromancer’s handwraps.

I mean if I change it to %elemental damage then I’d have to lower the amount (irregardless of the fact that I might have to lower it anyway if it’s too impactful/high which it really might be, if I change to elemental I’d have to lower it even further, period).

It may seem annoying but I really want there to be devotion nodes with single pet dmg type bonuses… because it allows the constellation to still be decent in stats for the character as the pet bonus won’t even affect most builds. But for the builds it does affect, they should be building hybrid or pet based anyway, and thus will have gear that gives them less player stats… theoretical balance!

I think I will change the raven node though to a mix of a little pet total dmg and a decent amount of pet lightning damage.

i wanted to post this bug here


i am pretty sure 91% health is not what is intended lol

will try to find more bugs

Known issue. Fixed in next patch. It’s supposed to be flat health.

Thanks. :slight_smile: