GD:Cornucopia v0.3.1: Itemization Part 1 - Affixes and More!

The “removed prefixes and suffixes from the loot table” is a great idea (they were useless). After 20 hours played with a new night blade i can see a really better loot quality.
The cast speed and attack speed to all gloves is a nice feature. Before that, i had to keep a glove for a long time just for his % attack speed.
Buffing some affixes and suffixes is good too and contribute to the better loot quality (and builds).
All the features and enhancements from your mod are extemely good:

  • More builds variety
  • Some useless skills are now viable
  • The loot quality is better
  • the game becomes more and more fun

I am impatient to see what the next versions will offer .

Thank you for your hard work.

Some unless skills? Did we miss any?
And thanks. We appreciate the support. Stay tuned because we will need a looooot of feedback for the next version.

I wrote some “useless” skills: I mean some of the skills from vanilla were useless (or disappointing) but with your changes they are not.
You can count on me for feedback for the next version.

Is it a bug with nightblade’s skill “blade trap”? I’m level 26, at level 5 it does 321 piercing dmg and at level 6 it does 251 piercing dmg.

Yup. Strange. Level 5 does more damage than levels 6 and 7. :stuck_out_tongue:

Fixed for next release. Thanks!

Edit: And in case anyone is curious, this is not a vanilla-GD bug. :slight_smile:

hi guys, just a quick question: Is the increased % all damage on the new Uluzin’s Chosen a global buff or does it only affect the skill’s own damage? (I wasn’t 100% certain, and it’s not exactly nearby for me, so i figured i just ask :P.) Ty in advance! GZ btw for moving up into the preatorian ranks u2.

Hey there, I have a bit of feed back on Aspect of the Guardian here. At the moment the skill is quite underwhelming for a bunch of different reasons but I have some suggestions could, maybe, hopefully make it better.

First issue is that the damage bonuses are waaaaay to low for them to matter in the early mid - late game. Because damage bonuses are additive 50% doesn’t really get you much later on.

Second is that I don’t see I use for the poison and acid resistance being so high or even there. Most of the late game builds that are likely to spec at least somewhat heavily in to AotG, would probably have capped or over capped, poison and acid resistance so that part seems pretty wasted.

To improve the skill I don’t suggest improving the % damage on it for the three damage types because I feel that Merciless Repitoire and Possession do that just fine, so I’d instead just get rid of them. I’d also probably lower or remove the poison and acid resistance and instead give the skill flat poison damage.

Flat poison damage isn’t available anywhere else in any of the masteries in the form of a buff, and the flat damage will scale better than those super tiny % damage boosts.

Anyway love the mod, definitely current my favourite, keep up the good work and all that:)

It’s up to you guys if you want to change this or not, maybe I’m just not seeing the hidden greatness behind the skill:D

It’s global.

It’s up to you guys if you want to change this or not, maybe I’m just not seeing the hidden greatness behind the skill
That Physical Resistance though.

I’ll consider your suggestions.

Having used this skill on several characters - it REALLY depends on your build if the poison resistance is useful or not. My Aether/Fire warlock, elemental warlock, and shield witchblade all adored the poison resistance as it freed up multiple augment/component slots. My poison witch hunter found it useful in the early game but less useful late game (as most good poison gear comes with loads). Which did reduce the effectiveness of the skill somewhat but there weren’t tons of good options and the phys resist was still nice.

Armor of the Guardian combined with the Transmuter of DEE which also reduces mobs Phys damage by 20%

Add in Briarthorn Shout from Shaman tree if you still play Vanilla chars and you wont take much physical damage.

I didnt even care this skill gave poison resist

Perhaps a dumb question as im on DAIL latest version but have ALL the skills been redone on vanilla classes? DAIL 0048 currentlyand they look really underpowered

Before I went on dail I played some weird cornucopia002 mod that had Uluzins Chosen rework that did all this DoT damage to everything around me …retarded amounts

I basically walked to Loghorrean almost one shotting everything from around A2 from this weird DoT that just killed everything in an Aura around me and this character was 5 hours old or something on Veteran from level 1…so I thought uhh ok games kinda…easier

Then I grabbed DAIL as mods were too annoying to merge, went and looked again at this skill and its gone back it its vanilla version of ‘affects stun jacks’ or w/e then I remembered why Ive never played a Demo.

Admittedly ive been playing the new modded classes but having a look back at Vanilla classes I dont see any noticeable differences…from Vanilla except Blade Trap is stronger…

I remember the Nightblade passive (Cunning/Bleed/Human Damage - vanilla) gave Vitality damage on cornucopia002 and now its whatever the Vanilla one is…again

Im confused …did the classes get buffed by you guys then nerfed hard or something? or is the updates to classes not transferring across?

The item affixes are though fine

12% Phys res and 100% Poison res underwhelming?
You must be crazy. :smiley:
Even if it gave no damage, just these two things make it a major reason to take Occultist as a secondary mastery.

Plus, the theme of the skill according to the flavor text is supposed to be defensive, not offensive.
The Poison res works for all character builds and basically gives you a freebie in that damage type, freeing up item, component and augment space, and it’s highly useful during leveling since Poison is one of the more dangerous damage types.
If anything, I’d say the 100% is slightly too good and could be lowered a bit.

OTOH, flat Poison damage is more of a niche thing and has far lower utility, so this suggestion is a weak one, IMO.

Something else, I wanted to ask about the lowered duration on Hungering Void. According to the wiki, it has a 20s duration at rank 10, but it looks like it caps at 14-15s on Cornucopia.
The values do seem to be improved somewhat, but I felt the original version with better uptime was actually preferable.

Was there a specific reason this was lowered?
As I never felt this was crazy strong or anything and it has a big drawback already.

I didn’t mention the physical resistance at all because I think that part of the skill is absolutely fine. % Physical resist is obviously a very valuable stat and so I’d just leave that as is, but I still stick by the rest of the skill being near useless for most builds that would want to spec highly into it.

Totally fine if you think that. I couldn’t come up with another way to fix it, I just felt that ragging on the skill without a suggestion didn’t make any sense. If there are any better suggestions I’d be happy to see them. AotG just needs something to make it seem less lackluster is all.

I could see wanting the skill to be more useful for this characters who innately have high poison res (innate being through gear in this case) and I think that straight up adding flat poison over 5 seconds would be a good way to do so.

This would let builds that do use poison - most of which are going to have some weapon damage attack - get a bit more milage out of the skill than they do otherwise if the poison resist isn’t doing much. While at the same time it would have a negligible effect on builds that do not invest into poison.

Although I’m not sure the skill needs a buff.

Not all of them, no. But DAIL is not presently using the most up-to-date Cornucopia, either; I’m not sure which version Davood has incorporated.

Still, which skills do you think look underpowered? In case it’s ones we haven’t touched, I’d love to hear about it.

Hi, I noticed a bug where the i learn Mend Flesh Familiar cease firing, but when I put the glasses Familiar he began to shoot again. Also familiar is slow to respond, not constantly keep up with me, constantly shooting at objects, behind which the enemy.

Did you not read the rest of my post?

Uluzin had a different skill, a dot aura

Anatomy of Murder giving flat vitality damage instead of just bleed/cunning etc. Blade Trap was doing huge damage compared to what I remember…Blade Spirit seemed weaker though

So yeah…maybe DAIL isnt using the last version for skill updates on vanilla classes but they certainly are for item drops and most likely devotions.

I only played your mod for a few hours so I didnt even look at other classes other than NB/Demo and quite limited within that too but those skills (anatomy/uluzin/trap) were a lot different. Uluzin completely

  1. I have never merged the cornucopia skill updates into DAIL - if they stop updating them then I can look at it
  2. I’ve been keeping devotions up to date with corn changes
  3. Item affixes have been merged

PSA to ceno and adoomgod:
“_corn” addition to all the file names and tags inside the files… not needed ! as of the patch from crate you can mod those files without needing to change the paths to the files.

Ah, good to know; I’ll stop spouting misinformation then. :stuck_out_tongue:

We know, but we are hesitant to make that update (even though it’d be a lot better for everyone in the long run) because it’d make people need to start from scratch with their characters. I’ve been thinking of releasing a Cornucopia003 in parallel to main-Cornucopia002 releases that mirrors the changes but without the _corn’s everywhere. Then at some point discontinuing Cornucopia002 and moving onto 003.

Loving the influx of more discussion. I’m not really sure armor of the Guardian needs more love. Sure it isn’t top tier, but for some builds it is really really really nice to have .

I feel my characters with occultist either one point it, or invest in it until it fills out my poison resist cap.

Part of the issue may be that melee poison builds aren’t a huge thing, whereas if they were the physical resist would feel a lot better.