GD:Cornucopia v0.3.2 - Epic Items, Components, and More!

Hotfix v0.3.2J - aka when can i work on v0.3.3


  • Fixed an invalid skill profile on Sharpshooter’s Bolt Rifle

Class & Skills

  • Gave Aether Ray its Aether Damage back. No idea how it lost it.

The dropbox links in the first post are up to date, but I can’t establish a connection to the mirror links. Will update those ASAP.

Thank you for your quick reply. And translation finished and I published your mod to our JP Wiki.
My favorite is a champion’s toughness.

EDIT: Sorry, I mistook the thread. This is a talk of Zenith.

v0.3.3 has finally entered official development! What does that mean for us? What does this mean for you?

In working on Cornucopia, adoomgod and I share a google doc in which we directly describe every change we intend to make for a patch as specifically as possible. We are more specific than the patchnotes that Crate releases, as rather than saying “increased X skill’s damage significantly” we’ll say “increased X skills damage by Y% multiplicatively”. This is as much for your benefit in understanding the changes as it is for our benefit in implementing them.

Point being, the first step in making v0.3.3 was figuring out precisely what changes we wanted to make. This is undoubtedly the lengthiest process of our release schedule, as it first requires us to be creative at times and to check each other’s suggestions against other changes we’ve made in the mod, making sure everything ‘works’ in a balanced manner. On a small scale this is complicated enough, but the googledoc we’ve made for v0.3.3 is almost 15,000 words long and spans 22 pages.

It’s been a lengthy process.

From here, we actually go about implementing our changes, which should only take a couple weeks. After that, we enter a closed-testing period in which we send our release to our handpicked testers among you, and they look for irregularities and offer their immediate insight into the patch, so that when we go public with the patch every corner of the changes has been as thoroughly looked at as we can reasonably muster. Closed testing shouldn’t take more than one or two weeks, too.

Finally, when all of that is said and done, we’ll release the patch to you fine fellows!

…unfortunately, this also means we’re kind of going to ‘go dark’ on updates and hotfixes for the next couple of weeks. Bugs spotted in the next couple of weeks will remain present and unfixed until we release v0.3.3, as our working versions will essentially be incompatible. Having said that, if you see something that looks ‘broken’, please report it to us!

We hope you enjoy the present state of the mod, and that none of it breaks too much for you.

Thanks for sticking with us through this lengthy, wild ride,
adoomgod & Ceno, Cornucopia Dev Team

looking forward to making a new build with the release and dropping another 100 hours into GD, thanks for your work guys.

Aww yiss. Every time you guys release a version of Cornucopia, it’s like Christmas all over again. The hard effort you’re both putting in is very much appreciated!

Don’t know if these set bonuses are intentional, but they look kind of weird.

Looks weird but that’s just how the game formats it.

If the 5 piece bonuses aren’t different from the four piece bonus then it simply doesn’t show at all. I mean we didn’t test it, but the 5 piece bonus should include the lower bonuses.

As for the conversion, well conversion just acts weird in the formatting as well, but it should all be functioning correctly.

I tested it. ._.

So, I found a bug where I can’t use sanctified bones in head armour. If I go back to the main campaign I can place it (and it stays in the there) and I can use it in chest armour in the mod. Not a huge inconvenience but it was mildly annoying.

Anyway, love the mod and can’t wait for more end game content which is what Grim Dawn falls down on imo.

I think this is an intentional change in the mod, not a bug :wink:

As mamba said, this is not a bug.

Fair enough. I tried to check to see if it was an intentional change but i must have done what my wife calls ‘a boy look’ (ie, standing in the middle of the room saying “I can’t find it”).

The tool tip needs to be changed then. I just checked and it still says can be used in head armour. I 'm pretty sure I am on version J which I believe is the latest?

Noted, thanks.

OK, well, that was almost two weeks ago. Where are we now?

In truth, not too far along, unfortunately. I was asked for a status update on the mod on GD’s Discord server (which you should totally come check out, if you haven’t already), and so gave the following explanation:

TL;DR the daunting magnitude of the size of v0.3.3 coupled with real life obstructions is delaying the development of the mod a bit.

It will come, no worries about that. But I’m a little hesitant now to offer any concrete dates on the matter. :o

Sorry about that. Thankfully, the mod is essentially stable as-is and people are definitely enjoying it in Grimarillion.

I know it’s been a while since you mentioned this, but I don’t think they do.

I ended up cheating and spamming the legendary armor recipe and I didn’t find any within 150+ crafts, but I found a couple of them within 10 crafts without the mod.

Hi guys!
Is there a way to get only skill tweaks from this mod into my game if I don’t need anything else? Thanks.

So im not the only one. I am at 11 warrants and counting (30-40ish legs?) Without seeing one of the new ones. My sample size is hardly difinitive though. Finially got a dreeg and trozan chest though which is cool.

So has anyone seen a new leg in a Cornicopia game?

Ceno, would it be possible going forward if you could have the hotfix letter listed in the file name of the downloads? So the folder would go like Cornucopica 0033J.7z and then inside that would be Cornucopia 003 folder (the actual mod folder)

It would make it easier to double check and make sure we’re actually using the most up-to-date version. Checking some of the end point dates I realized I had missed a hotfix (hence why no new items were dropping lol)


I’m going to look into the new Legendaries tonight…illegitimately, if necessary.

No, the Legendaries cannot drop in Cornucopia v0.3.2 (and, consequently, Grimarillion). That’s entirely my fault, but it has been corrected and will be a part of v0.3.3.