GD SynergiesMOD

I had problems with missing DLLs with a steam game in the past I fixed it by going an other steam game folder and copying the missing DLLs across.

Pls not the overstacking of Damage Reduction and the messy gear progression :cry:

Aside that, I liked Synergy on TL2, it surely made it more interesting and the classes were cool… too bad for the Paladin, but eck it wasn’t a easy feat.

Good luck on GD!

I have zero experience, but I’d be willing to put myself out there for some icon art as well as a general soundboard to bounce ideas back and forth.

Like others have said, I’m a fan of Synergies and can’t wait to see what you do with Grim Dawn!

It takes Thousands of hours working on your craft to start becoming good with it. With coding it takes even more because there is so much variety in what is out there. I look forward to seeing what you do with Grim Dawn. Maybe we even end up working together on a Grim Dawn mod that is a mesh between ours.

WOW Nice idea !!! I love the work on TL2, very great idea :smiley:

tears of joy …

I loved what you guys did with TL2’s Synergies, hope you can replicate the same quality for GD.

Awesome to see you here and with great plans for GD, Salan! Your work on Torchlight was beyond amazing.

Sorry I’m late to reply, lost internet :frowning: paying for cell based access atm until a new replacement for a Dell 16 port switch comes in, or I manage to daisy chain 4 tiny switches. All bad.

Windows 10 itself needs an update. (Or to be eradicated.)
First attempt: run a steam verify. Second attempt: GD folder has “Repair.exe” and if you run it will clear some stuff out, and I think reregister the DLL (common troubleshooting step among programmers). I wouldn’t download the mod tools, I’d let steam install them for you as part of the 1.0.3 update.

Having invested several thousand hours into training artists to do work only to end up with no usable sets of art, I am very much not going to support new artists. Show me something usable and that’s different. I failed to make a game despite spending over $12k on artists because they never did the work right.

Hey Salan! Thank you for giving your time to this game! I of course know about your mod and play TL2 even now! I just want to suggest one thing - Could you please make a version of your classes for those of us that want the standard challenge? I loved your classes for this mod in TL2 but couldn’t play it because the constant barrage of enemies were not to my taste and the low pop edition didn’t seem to help much (for me) even though many obviously love it! It hurt my soul not to be able to use the classes because they were all great!

Regardless of what you decide, I am glad that you are on board and working on this game. Can’t wait to see what you do with it!!

How’s this relevant to making a few icons? It’s not rocket science. Besides, the situation you described can be easily pinned on you for failing as a project manager.

Obviously you know since you were there. Let’s talk about the guy who charged me time for his laptop to render by the hour while he was on a date. Obviously my failure for not making him work only in the office and sit behind him the whole time.

I get where you’re coming from. I never suggested that I’d be the best choice, which was made clear by specifying my lack of experience. I simply saw a thread where a great mod developer was asking for help in the future and no replies addressing that request.

Besides, straight from the OP’s mouth:

I’ve taught myself coding in a few languages, CAD modeling, and 3-D printing. The latter two when used in conjunction require a hint of an artistic flair so that’s why I think I could be capable of figuring out a handful of icon arts. Again, I’m clearly not the most qualified, but I’m dedicated to Grim Dawn and would love to contribute even a little bit to the mod community. If the OP doesn’t want to use someone like me, then that is fine too, no hard feelings.

I think he could have just said “you can’t learn or be taught talent, so demonstrate you have some first,” and summed it up. He’s scarred by his experiences and wanted to blow off some steam it seems, but poor art contributions would not take much of salan’s time to address (i.e. dismiss), nor any of his money. It can’t hurt to send him a few icons for consideration.

My frustration is over getting ripped off and dicked around by 5+ “artists” and yeah I’m bitter. Unfortunately some things can’t be taught and it is better to see work done first. Games are harder for artists because there is a technical challenge, and with every artist there was a lot of art that simply did not pass the tech specs (supposed to be 64x64 pixels and they give me 100x90, etc).

My bitterness is aimed at the guy who says I just fail as a project manager, and that the responsibility is my own. Considering I made video guides on how to play “little miss dress me up” in Daz3d and 2 people didn’t even bother to watch them, I don’t carry that burden. 2 people flat out stole from me, that’s not a project management issue.

Keep in mind, this isn’t my mod and I’m not the person who decides who works with whom. I humbly suggest it is better to try and make some art first. I put a tex tutorial out there. Making icons has a slightly different process and there are technical issues. I’m no longer in the “sharing mood” on how to get around all of this stuff though. I spent 10 hours figuring something out, maybe someone else will too.

Salan, I’m so glad to hear from you again after all this time.
I’d been playing your TL2Synergies for almost a year, it was really fun and well-made, considerably one of the masterpieces of modding for me.

I am really looking forward to GDSynergies, if you decide to do it, it would probably be a great gift for all Grim Dawn players. :smiley:

Well, I didn’t check this most of the day, but I had some awesome progress.

Downloaded the game again, and the asset manager loads up all good.

Started playing through the game with my daughter (again), always need a MP game to test mods with, and a girl for the right amount of ‘OH MY GOD YOU DIDN’T JUST DO THAT TO ME’ screaming…

on the part of the artist, I have contacts for all the stuff I had made for me from TL2, I just figured new project, new potentials, ask here to see what was around.

I am a really really bad artist, i can edit, but i can’t make.

I got really lucky with my mod in the area of attracting art work, I have heard and seen horror stories when it comes to good coders/developers needing artists. I’d be bitter if I was screwed too, and I don’t hold that against anyone for needing to vocalize. But now that its out, perhaps this thread can continue on its happy way for all involved.

Dang, I loved the synergies mod and the Paladin!!

Very good to see you here as well, made me register since now i know this game is getting a good community!

Unfortunately i cannot dedicate time to get modding knowledge but i will def follow yours! Keep it up!

I posted this in the end game ideas thread about a month or so ago.

I guess this is a case of ask and you shall receive! Glad to have you Salan. Can’t wait to see what you put together for Grim Dawn. Raid tiers inc!

Been working on the ground work for the mod, getting use to the tools, working on mob editing, additional new mobs, new skills, new bosses, and checking out how monsters spawn and such.

tools are great, so much more indepth then what I am use to. I love the ‘teams’ and reputations.