GOG Key Status

Not to rain on your parade, but it’s not not both. It’s either Steam or GOG. Re-read his response to your post.

Otherwise, the save file format is the same.

Well, I re-read both the question and the answer, and I still see two keys - or at least two copies of the game - being available to KS backers like me.

  1. The current Steam key (activated in my case), that can be turned to a GOG key.

2a. The key coming with the physical copy: either Steam or GOG, or
2b. No key with the disc, but still the playable game.

From what I understand, no DRM-free version of the game but for GOG’s, so 2b seems very unlikely. That leaves 2a; and if, like you are saying, the key coming with the boxed copy is the same as the one I have already, how will Crate manage from a technical point of view? Check each box owner’s key and make sure the right one is in their box?

Maybe I’m getting most of this wrong, but this is what makes sense to me for the time being. I’ll gladly read any better explanation than mine!

Just make you go to the Humble store to get your key. :wink:

Basically i want one install of the game i can play with my friends and one i can mod the shit out of, both on the same machine. I know it’s easy to do with gog, but I’m not sure about steam. I have no issues with steam so if it’s possible I’d just assume not deal with switching keys over to gog. Maybe I’ll just try it out if i get time tomorrow.

Thank you sir, that’s very kind. Yes, you should be able to use your DLC codes with any GOG key once they are sent out. You could also write in and get your original GOG key if you wanted to give it to a friend or such.

Maybe someone else here has more experience with this and can provide a more definite answer - I think it might work though, as long as you launch using the game executable and not off Steam. The possible issue might be when it came time for updates - I assume Steam would only identify whatever the most recent installation was. I’d expect the same would happen on GOG though, if you were using Galaxy for updates. I think the client wouldn’t be able to recognize two separate copies.

I’m not sure you’d really need to worry about having two copies though for modding. Unless people hack the game, you wouldn’t normally be modding the main game, mods would be a custom game and, while you can important campaign characters into mods (so it creates a new copy of the character to play in the mod) you can’t move chars back into the main campaign after they’ve played in a custom game.

So unless you make an effort to defeat that functionality, you shouldn’t have to worry about modding affecting your ability to play the default game with friends.

I was under the impression, same as some others, that the Patron / upgrade to loyalist when I purchased was for the steam and drm free, as in 2 copies, one on steam and one drm free version to run where I wanted if I didn’t want to use the steam one at that moment.

So have I lost out on a version here then ? :undecided:

Edit… or is it just that long ago that I’m mistaken…lol

To my understanding,

A. if you purchase from grimdawn.com > you get DRM free copy (steam only during early access)
B. if you purchase from steam > you get steam copy (steam DRM and no DRM-free copy)
C. if you purchase from GOG > you get GOG copy (and with Galaxy DRM i think)

So if you purchase from either site, you only get copy from corresponding site, which DRM-free only if you buy directly from dev, at grimdawn.com. And never 2 copy from 2 different site.

Although to my curiousity is, why people who buy from grimdawn.com still got steam version out of early access. My guess is once DRM-free version from grimdawn.com available, those steam version for group A people will expire out.

It’s just logical. If you buy from steam (where there profit cut between dev and steam), why should you get DRM-free version available to download at grimdawn.com?
Same if you buy from grimdawn.com, i don’t think you suddenly can get steam version.

Just a guess.

No, they can opt to exchange their Steam key for a GOG key.
Humble would deactivate the returned Steam key and provide a GOG key.

Considering it’s been six years for me I don’t remember either, but that’s what we have the Internet for. Looking at archive.org, they never really specified on the original crowdfunding page, and they didn’t on the Kickstarter page either. I think some people are just making that assumption because that’s how 99% of other games have been distributed. The notable exceptions are generally the ones using GOG, because GOG does not allow distributing GOG keys and keys for other services for the same purchase.

I purchased directly from the link on this Website, I think the mid-tier one. I cannot remember nor have recorded my old key. Would anyone from Crate be able to help me out?


First of all thank you for listening to your supporters, re-evaluating and pursuing an alternative DRM free solution based on that feedback. I’m going after my GOG key as I write this.

Second thank you so much for not giving up on GOG as a DRM free option. I can’t begin to tell you how important this platform is to me and possibly many others. Here is what I like about it in a nutshell. This digital distribution platform most closely represents the game “ownership” options I remember from the 80s - late 90s.

  1. Offline Installer
  2. Offline patches for each version, full control over patch management (even with their galaxy client)
  3. Full control over where I install a game and who can play it within my family while I’m playing something else.
  4. No internet connection required to play single player (i.e. I can play the game anywhere anytime as long as I have power)
  5. Promotes LAN as a viable multiplayer option
  6. Refuses to support games that require draconian DRM tactics.

All of that is available while also providing us seasoned gamers the best of the modern advantages of an optional online client.

I understand this effort has been considerably more time consuming, a much greater monetary investment, and resource demanding than originally ever anticipated. I sincerely want to thank you and the rest of Crate for not wavering from this path. ./bow

I only hope this hellacious experience has not permanently put off Crate Entertainment from ever using GoG as a digital distribution platform again. I know I may seem like a GoG employee, but I assure you this is just an older gamer clinging on dearly to the shreds of whats left of the perks and conveniences we once had in the past. I do my damnedest to support indie developers, publishers, and distributors that would like to regrow what we once had.

I know your plate’s are heaped full with things to do and deadlines fast approaching / past due. I for one am more than happy to continue to be patient as all of this pans out.

Finally thank you for such an enjoyable game. I’m looking forward to Crate’s future projects. Please be sure to take a nice vacation for some R&R you all have more than earned it, its been quite a long haul. Don’t burn out, you all have a bright future ahead of you.


Hey man, the first thing would be to try the humble key re-sender with the email you used for the purchase: https://www.humblebundle.com/resender

If that doesn’t work, email our support and we’ll track it down.

Noob question, what is GOG?:confused:

GOG once stood for Good Old Games. www.gog.com

They are a digital distribution platform similar to Steam, but more customer friendly when it comes to DRM (Digital Rights Management).

They offer quite a few games from the past, but tweaked to run on modern day operating systems.

Hope that helps.


So one can basically say if you care more for offline play and drm your better off to gog, but if your focus is online multiplayer then steam is the better option (due to more people to play with).


Perfect of course would be crossplatforming between steam and gog; so one could have the drm benefits from gog version but can still play online with steam customers - would really be :cool: if medierra could manage to come up with that. :slight_smile:

i saw grim dawn available at gog now. is it launch finally?

That is the goal of Galaxy, so everybody can play with others, even not GOG customers. But other customers often prefer the drm versions, not being free.
If you want to be free with your game, quit Steam.

yes it is :wink:

i just checked my HB account and i still don’t have the possibility to choose a GOG key, i just have an Access Key and the possibility to choose Steam. is this normal ?

i’m not in a hurry and can wait for a few days more, just wanted to know.

thx !

Yes it is. See the comments from medierra at the start of (and earlier in) this thread.