Granted item skills that people don't use

Hello, going through different builds I see that some items grant skills that people simply do not bother using. They might be too weak, or simply too much of a hassle to introduce on top of all the other skills a “piano” build needs to use.

I’m planning on making a mod to address this, either by slightly buffing skills that are ALMOST worth it or simply making them passive benefits otherwise (toggable aura, for example).

Can you give examples of granted skills that you do not use later than act 1?

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Pyran’s Pyre

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I 2nd that.

Also “Unleash Chaos” on the Darkblaze amulet, “Apocalypse” on M. Herald of the Apocalypse amulet & “Arcane Devastation” on M. Arcanor Blade of the Luminari.

1st having too little dmg. to justify interrupting Fire Strike spam, 2nd having too much cooldown & for the 3rd the dmg could be higher.


those two are used tho!

Someone told me that skill from Valdun’s rifle is great to use but I still don’t believe it, lol. To me granted item skills are great either in early game or only in certain builds in late game. Like an auto-attacker build doesn’t need any extra skills to interrupt its flaw. While casters could certainly benefit from some kind of spam/adtch filler or some nuke with strong cc/dr.

I always lack OA when building Valdun build, dunno why. It’s just how it is I guess. :stuck_out_tongue:

But would be nice if it proced

“used” as in actually useful?
ehhhhh… not so much tbh.

well the meteor shower one is somewhat powerful and cool looking. And Arcanor’s sword devastation is used because Arcanor builds are bums and need help with damage :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

" somewhat " yeah… dmg on it is ok with a giant f***ing delay, big spread…ohhhhhhhh and also BIG COOLDOWN!!! :rage: :roll_eyes:
+1 on the cool looking part tho. :grin:

And the sword devas skill… honestly, just slap +1proj. to it and it’ll be actually useful.

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Very nice for proccing Devotions. When I have it in a character I definitely use it. Only downside that I asked to have changed is where it throws enemies up in the air and you miss your shots…

If you are playing an actual Darklblaze build you don’t really an extra proccer.


Ayyyy… WPS are ur best friends here. :sunglasses:

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Yes ! Hate that skill, as cool as it looks it’s just cancer to use on a glassy AA build like Darkblaze.

And how about ‘Burning Eruption’ or whatever it’s called from the Korvaak’s deception relic? Can it please be changed to %chance on attack? Cool looking animation and decent dmg skill but it’s kinda moot in an AA build. Crazy thought….make it similar to reaping arc with lower cooldown but for ranged? Please?

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This one needs a buff Specter - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database especially considering how late you can get it.

Really? I love that ability. That shotgun blast chunks enemies if youre up close. Its so fun to use for some reason.

If you like shotgun blasts, there’s a gun in the League that allows you to spam one constantly Looted Legion Shotgun. Although it’s a spell in that it doesn’t trigger WPS. Also reminds me of Flame Surge from Titan Quest.