Grava'Thul's Nullification against melee should go and here is why

Ah, yes, me saying that i actually move out of the way the second it appears on screen, knowing exactly where it land and it still somehow hit me because the isometric view was not made with this type of attack in mind. :rolleyes:

Don’t come to me with fucking bullshit like “being lazy”.

Did i also mentioned that roofs make his meteor null, rendering him weaker than a standard hero?

Well i admit that i am lazy. :smiley:

I could kite Ravager to death for over an hour, I don’t give a shit, because I was actually playing no matter how boring the fight was. However re-toggling my buffs every 15 seconds is not playing, it’s just retarded. Now call me lazy.

Still wouldn’t touch Aleksandr though. He is like Mad Queen, it’s cheap gimmick that you need to avoid and you’d be fine. I personally like it and as I recall it has been adjusted
Also, I can see if you have problems with dodging it but imo the attack is pretty easy to dodge and with a few deaths one can learn to avoid it :stuck_out_tongue:

You lost me here
Where has anyone complained about not being able to kill him. Grava died like a bitch when the expac was out fresh. He still does to some builds
On others he is a little harder but as I said earlier doable

The thing is “Nullification” isn’t a joke of an ability which is what the discussion is about. No offense but did you actually read a single post before calling it “crying”?

This is the best way to win an internet argument
Insult the other person and contribute nothing useful. If you think we are wrong then you should say why so instead of saying “dodge it” and “you’re lazy”. Should a nemesis have something like Nullify in their arsenal?

Wait I am confused I thought someone said Benny got buffed like crazy in the expac
And tbh the old nemesis are all weak beside Maiden maybe. The new nemesis are all tougher than Mad Queen (imo) and should remain like that which is why I don’t want them to simply axe his nullification and rather would prefer they replace it with something else like “Enrage” as mentioned above

Actually Ravager is a lot more fun than Mogdrogen imo.

  1. I know what I am hitting so nothing gets in my way
  2. I know when to dodge, when to kite and when to run like mudafucka
  3. I can clearly see what’s happening on the screen

And I do agree with the re-toggling thing, it is annoying. I usually stand still while re-toggling and get murdered :smiley:

Would be cooler if Ravager of Souls gets Nullify and Grava gets it removed. Personally I don’t mind a Super Boss using a Super Hax :stuck_out_tongue:

Benn wasn’t buffed besides giving flat resist reduction to his chaos wave. And sorry, it makes next to no sense for the AoM Nemeses to be above the vanilla Nemeses and all of things, Mad Queen.

Mad Queen is a secret boss hidden in a secret area. You don’t need to approach her unless you want fight her. Grava and all other AoM Nemeses are categorized as Nemeses and as such, should have around the same difficulty, more or less depending on the build. There shouldn’t be an huge power gap between Benn and Grava. They’re both Nemeses, have the same loot quality and the same max level spawn (106).

Kuba, and to a certain extent Aleks, are the only ones that even remotely come close to the power of the vanilla Nemeses. Grava and Reaper are so above all others that is ridiculous from a balancing standpoint, specially when their troves have the same loot quality.

Bro, you are listening only to your high esteemed self it seems. Everyone here can kill Grava. I have 4 characters and all 4 can kill him without much trouble, and none of them is soldier based or has a shield (one is even ranged rifler).

Actually, “Arcane” heroes are bad design too. What makes them even worse is that they are harmless to a well build character, they are just extremely annoying.

Aleksander is a dificult encounter in Crucible, he is easy in campagin. He is dificult, but fair, same as Kuba.

That statement is so b/s, lol. Who said anyone’s lazy? Posters here spent countless hours grinding for better gear and figure out best builds. Norzan, for example, doesn’t even play in multiplayer (so no easy Rogue dungeons clears for him). Everyone who posts here is a nerd (me included), who dedicates hours of his real life to this game and this little forum community. A lot of people are over 30 and have families, and yet you are calling them lazy?

How about Crate makes special monster just for you, who not only nullifies your skills, but removes augments from your gear and makes you unlearn skills, so you have to run around with your inventory tab open putting new augments on then opening skill tab and put skill points back again and then reassigning devotion procs too. You wouldn’t mind, would you, or what are you, lazy?

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Can i just say i’m glad Grava is part of the expansion, meaning he can’t spawn in Bastion of Chaos? Last thing i wanted is to run into this asshole in this dungeon.

I went to see what the big hassle was, because a video of someone deliberately getting hit by the Nullification Orb multiple times and still beating it in ~2 minutes did not persuade me in the least. The 2 second animation (similar to Ben Jahr’s obsidian cluster summons) that says “hey, I’m just going to hit you with this super nullify balls of deaths here, you sure you want to tank this head-on?” gives a player more than enough time for someone to move next to some shrubbery and have the orb disintegrate. Even if someone didn’t know about it and got Nullified, the move itself didn’t seem too strong in that a player can re-apply the lost buffs in a reasonable matter and knows better to not get hit by that next time.

Having 5-6 pools out at once that give you 52% chance to fumble for 2 seconds straight, something that’s completely unresistable and unavoidable? That just needs to get out. Artificially padding the fight time by making you miss 50% time that you have no ability to mitigate isn’t fun at the slightest. The Nullify balls would be completely fine as they were if you had enough DPS to take him down so you only have to see it 2-3 times, but padding the fight time makes it so much worse.

This is the part that bugs me. I kept trying to reposition my character in melee range due to the fumble voids. In the end I had a character that ran around like a headless chicken for 2 minutes.

Even though his nullification balls are telegraphed. I still feel you have to predict when he’s due to cast it. Sometimes it’s hard to see Grava’s attacks due to enemy density or your own proczilla like attacks.

Strong tanky builds can still burst him within 3 cycles. Tank builds with low damage output could easily be there for 3 minutes+ due to doing insufficient damage between null ball bursts and because the fumble pools just mitigate damage further. Still if they took away the fumble pools I feel he would be too easy (except for the players who refuse to kite).

I wasn’t getting hit by it deliberately, maybe I played it badly, but I did not see it or couldn’t predict it well enough. Thing is, that was an insanely strong melee (non soldier/shield) character that can take on any nemesis or Gladiator Crucible till wave 161 without too much problem. This is why I wasn’t dying between nullification attacks. But my point was that is it’s not fun, trying to counter those kind of mechanics is not fun at all. It’s like dodging superboss atacks because you know if you get hit animation won’t kill your character but will make your actual physical computer freeze.

I am sure you have since figured it out, but for people who haven’t gone through this yet, Grava’s about to bust out his Nullify Orb when he puffs out his chest and raises his arms like he’s going to Hulk-clap you. It’s a much easier tell than Alex’ Meteor or even Mad Queen’s Retaliation Aura. At the very least, you can time your nukes so that you can retreat and make his nullify worthless while you wait for your cooldown to refresh so you can provide the next nuke.

I’m running a DK tank, and here is what I did to more easily cope with nullification abilities, not just from grava, but from other mobs like heroes which also use them. I made a button macro with logitech software that toggles all my buffs back on with one button press. It’s usually not a huge deal, if my toggles get dropped, I can pop overguard, and then toggle my buffs back on. I got several buttons setup to burn 2 skills, etc. It really makes management of C/Ds much easier if you got a gaming mouse with extra buttons. I couldn’t see me playing GD with just a 2 button mouse (3 if you count the scroll wheel).

I just wanted to point out how brilliant this part was.

With that said, carry on. :slight_smile: