
Does the graveyard have anything to do with the happiness of the villagers? If not, why? I think it would be nice that graveyards have some kind of influence over the people. Example: having a graveyard gives a small boost to happiness since the villagers can have a place to mourn a deceased loved one. That would be great instead feeling like the graveyard is nothing more than a silent dumping ground for the dead.


I think it’s the dead bodies lying about the place at random that impacts happiness.

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One thing that needs to happen with the graveyards is for the tombstones to disappear after a reasonable amount of time to make room for additional guests. Just like banished did them.

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This game is great at emphasizing realism and the micromanagement involved in that. Throughout human history, managing human remains has been part of city development and population increase. The history and reasoning behind the Parisian catacombs comes to mind. I like the realism of needing increasing space over time. Maybe an option could be to have a catacomb “structure” that holds remains that can be further upgraded to hold more.


Catacombs would be great. I’d love to have an actual graveyard keeper as well who builds coffins and handles the dead and whatnot. Would be a cool art design too


I agree. Catacombs and a graveyard keeper would be awesome.


Why? Just make a new graveyard. Not like there isn’t tons of space.

I note that in real life, people do not like to live near cemeteries, so it should worsen the attractiveness of near residential areas

Is that so? Cemeteries, especially old ones (in Europe), are park-like, very peaceful and quiet. It is nothing out of the ordinary to go for a walk at a cemetery.
A neutral impact on housing desirability is just fine in my opinion.


all sorts of superstitions and mysticism frightens people, even the thought that a hundred dead people are buried in the neighborhood already negatively affects the attractiveness of the nearest houses. I don’t know how it is in other countries, but our houses, which are located close to the depositories, have a lower price and attractiveness.
even the noisy commemoration or funeral events themselves already create unnecessary discomfort for ordinary residents who want a calm “quiet” life

In the end it is a design decision on a rather minor game mechanic. Graveyards are more of a disease prevention than anything else in the current state.
On medium difficulty after 16 years of settlement I had about 5 or 6 deaths which were mostly caused by predator/ raider attacks.
You can always place your graveyard on the outskirts of your settlement.

In earlier human history, people were buried in churchyards. Churches were near where people lived. As cities grew up, people definitely lived near cemeteries.

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