Grim Dawn Console Version

If this is the case, wrong choice. Not that game will be bad or anything, it is just inferior to UE4. Well unity has its good side such as just port your game to other platform to 1500$. Probably only good thing about unity is that =)

Who knows… Perhaps they had their reasons for the choice.

Based on past comments/hints about the game I don’t think it’s going to be anything as big or involved as GD (maybe I’m wrong on that) so maybe that has something to do with the choice.

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I am not following you, please explain why the availability of a console port results in half of the current players suddenly being on consoles ?

Take a look at the other games that have done this. D3 is generally the easiest one to find and view the results of a port, and it didn’t go well…

how so (serious questions…) ? D3 has a ton of issues, none of which are due to having a console port as far as I can tell… so what issues do you attribute to consoles ?

Maybe i’m wrong but modern consoles support keyboard&mouse (just like you can use conrollers on pc).
At least my friends ps4 does, he uses kb&m while browsing the net (the very least).
I could see if games that made for consoles ONLY won’t always support kb&m but this is not the case in GD obviously.

No. Those are some very well known console specific games, that aren’t much like any of the well known pc specific games. It’s a pretty clear example.

Might not BE half…But then, how many can we afford to lose?

D3 was made with Consoles in mind at the start. It’s difficult to find an issue that isn’t at least somewhat influenced by that.

Since you seem to be in the know, do tell us just how many we CAN afford to lose? Where’s the hard data at that you seem so sure of your assertion here?

How many of the million or so (excluding multiple purchases by single purchasers) buyers are still playing that just “may” run away in fear from this imagined scenario you have lurking in your cranium? Show us your research.

/taps fingers across desk… waiting oh so patiently for the next sun burst of brilliance that’s gunna shine my way <-- please tell me you felt the eye roll? It’s important to me that you felt that.

How many of the million or so (excluding multiple purchases by single purchasers) buyers are still playing that just “may” run away in fear from this imagined scenario you have lurking in your cranium? Show us your research.

show me your research first!!!

It’s in the 500,000 sold thread somewhere here on the forum. Someone I believe not long ago just updated that Steam reports 900+k GD sales.

And be careful with the enthusiasm ASYLUM… I almost uncovered my chest to snap you a selfie. Show me indeed.

How many people would you say are active on the forums? I’m not worried about the sales, because the actual community is only made up of a fraction of those sales.

What %, would you say, of the people that have BOUGHT the game, actually contribute to the community in some fashion? We don’t have a ton of people around these forums as far as I can see. Is the Reddit more active? Doesn’t look it. Discord? Somewhat, but then I only seem to see people from the forums in there, so there’s some overlap.

Games like these profit from having an actual community.

As for “running in fear”…Probably not many. Leaving to go to the console version? I’m thinking somewhere less than half, and more than a quarter…And as our community is rather small, I’d rather not lose any.

Also, your insults are tiring, and poorly made. If you’d like to ignore the large number of past failures, and have faith in Crate. Go ahead. I’m not going to stop you, and I’ve done the same in the past for games I’ve enjoyed. The difference there is…I made the mistake, and I would rather not repeat it. Perhaps I’m wrong, perhaps Crate will be in the small, small portion that manages this…And I’ll be glad if they do, because I enjoy this game. But I’m also not about to hold my breath assuming they’ll pull it off, and I’m not going to blindly ignore the large chance of failure in what they’re attempting.

So, if you’d like to insult me, then at the moment the only reasonable insult you could make is over caution. Loose screws are hardly applicable, nor is “the data”, as you’re ignoring a fair amount yourself, and this is hardly an issue where everyone has exact numbers just sitting around. If you’ve played a game where this has occurred, you know exactly what it looks like. No real numbers available, as it’s hard to say who switched and when, and people leaving games don’t always announce it, so how could you have numbers? But the community members can see it. If you haven;t played a game where this has occurred…Well, then I hope this is the exception for your sake as well, because it’s unpleasant and feels pretty bad to watch a game you enjoy just kinda die off around you.

TLDR: Pow, unless you actually have an accurate rebuttal of some kind…Go away. Simply attempting (and failing) to insult me is not actually making your case, or harming mine.

Why do you think this and what evidence do you have that this will happen?
Just stating things doesn’t make them true.

Yes, the PC versioned suffered (by some people’s tastes) because it WAS created with consoles in mind. Since we haven’t done that and GD on PC is released and won’t change now in terms of how controls function on keyboard and mouse, it won’t be compromised by trying to create a hybrid product. We’re not about to strip out attribute and skill points or anything like that.

Let’s try saying it another way. I’m a fairly steroetypical nerd, glasses, not particularly strong, thin…If I see a pro wrestling team get their hind ends kicked by a guy, do I REALLY want to go try and fight him? No, it’d be insane to think I could succeed where the wrestlers could not. Crate trying to do an Xbox port is the nerd in this scenario.

Given that D3 sold extremely well on console, I don’t follow your metaphor - are you saying they somehow got their butt’s kicked by making a huge profit?

I don’t think GD will sell nearly as well on console as it did on PC but in creating the PC version, we’ve done over 95% of the work involved in creating a version for Xbox One. I estimate we’ll earn back our cost if sell only 10,000 copies. Even if we even sell 20% of the copies on Xbox One that we sold on PC, it will be a huge return on our very small investment. Really, it would be stupid not to make a console port.

Beyond that, if you think it’s pointless for us, with our small team, to try to follow in the footsteps of Blizzard, we shouldn’t have bothered making GD in the first place. Because we’re small though, we don’t have to sell copies on the same scale that they do to be successful.

As for all of you fixating on my example…Blizzard is not the only company bigger than Crate that I’ve watched try and fail a “successful” console port of a PC game. Blizzard certainly is a compelling example, but not at all the only one. I’m just sticking to them as I don’t particularly feel like arguing multiple examples where one would suffice.

I think maybe you’re applying your own definition of success here, which I guess is making a console version that is somehow “as good” as a PC version? Otherwise, not sure what you mean since Blizzard and Runic both made very profitable console ports that were well rated and enjoyed by console players.

Console players have different expectations than PC players. It would be a fail to try to exactly duplicate the PC experience on console.

As far as diverting audience, I doubt even 5% of the existing active forum members will switch exclusively to console. The forum represents a small portion of the GD audience and the vast majority of people here are among the most hardcore players. While people may try out the console version for kicks, I don’t see how it would be more attractive to a hardcore player than the PC version.

Really, I think there is much ado about nothing.

when the heck did they announce console version on these forums…you’d think it’d be a sticky or under development updates or something…

…because I’m trying to get my bro into the game but he doesn’t like computers…if its not coming for PS4 though then that sucks we wont be able to play it then lol oh well…

On 03-03-2017@01:21 PM Central Time


All i can say is that imo a Xbone port will be a great stepping stone for Crate.

I know way more people irl who play/played D3 on console rather than PC. Some people want to just kick back on the couch and casually play a game, thats what consoles are for (for the most part). It will appeal to a new audience, which is good.

given that I play SP 99% of the time, as far as I am concerned we can lose everyone :wink: Not that they are actually lost when playing on consoles… why would someone leave the forum when switching to the console version ?

D3 was made with Consoles in mind at the start. It’s difficult to find an issue that isn’t at least somewhat influenced by that.

I guess we are at D3 design decisions here… It will be hard to pinpoint any where the decision was made because of consoles instead of some misguided idea by the dev team.

You probably can find some explanation for why all these design decisions are due to console support, but you can just as well find reasons for them that have nothing to do with consoles.

Because of that, I find it hard to blame any of them on consoles. I certainly have not heard from Blizzard on any feature that it was added / not made available because of console support.

your arguements are weak. For one how exactly will a console port “split the community” as you put it? What? console specific changes that are necessary so that the game runs smoother like decreased mob spawns and increased exp gain to counterbalance that? How will that split the community?

also “games like this profit from having a community”? Sorry this isn’t a subscription based MMO, having a community as you put it does not generate extra revenue, more sales do. Which means good reviews, getting the word out, telling friends about the game, hell even gifting the game to people are all how crate makes money off of GD.

Also the forum community does not equal the global playerbase for grim dawn, hell the people on here are mostly the hardcore of the hardcore, not the 1m+ owners of GD. the people who are here are here for the long haul, come good or ill, we support crate. We also let them know quite vocally if we dislike something, and they do listen.

also your claims that ports fail, where you only give D3 a mention but don’t mention the “couple others you have played” Even then by pure sales metrics, D3 was successful. let me counter that with: Shovel Knight who has seen ports to PS3/4/Vita, XBox One, Nintendo 3DS/Wii U/Switch. Terraria who has likewise seen as many ports. If i can include console to PC ports then i can say that the Neptunia series as whole has been ported over to PC to resounding success, Nippon Ichi Software despite a rocky start with Disgaea PC has made enough off of it and the other games in the series that it looks like PC will likely see the entirety of the series come to PC. Arc System Works has also seen success with porting over Guilty Gear Xrd.

the point is developers port games to reach more audiences because they believe there is money to be made in bringing games from console to pc and pc to console. seriously the only merit your argument has is that yes D3 was designed from the ground up to be console friendly, and pc got shafted for it, that’s not the case here nor with any of the games I’ve used as examples, they were ported because an audience existed for them, and crate believes there’s an audience for GD on console, nothing about the PC version will change, hell the only thing that did change was DX11 support, and that might help some people on PC.

Shrug. You’d made your decision most likely before I ever found your game. I had little to no chance of actually changing your mind. But, now nobody can say I didn’t try, can they? As I said earlier, I hope Crate is one of the rare exceptions, and that neither the game nor the community of said game, suffers for your choice…But I don’t particularly expect it.

I don’t see a huge point in continuing to point out the various issues caused by console ports. If you’ve seen them, you’re not here arguing…If you haven’t, you won’t see them. If some mod would close up this thread at some point, that’d probably be for the best.

We haven’t announced it yet. I’m just not terribly secretive… :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably no one in the press will notice a few mentions of it here and there on our forums. If they do and a story breaks, well, then it will be about the same as if we’d announced it and save me the trouble.