Grim Dawn Insanity: INFINITE Redux -Newest

Bosses are probably the most enjoyable aspect of modding for me. They have huge creative potential, and i’m free to set up scenarios in which I can design the Boss’s strategy, formulate potential counter strategies for the players, and create silly over the top explosions which would make Michael Bay proud.

This boss is The Ascendant. The name is arbitrary and a little cheesy, just thrown on him cause it sounds kinda cool. Along with The Ascendant spawn his stationary Soul Nexus Disciples (also named in arbitrary fashion). They will grant him immortality until either you kill them all, or even better, lure The Ascendant down the road a bit (so he isn’t affected by the buff’s 30 yard range).

Once he’s lured away, or loses his disciples, he can now be damaged. but he isn’t defenseless. One of his spells creates a blue barrier around his body, severely punishing any attackers with framerate murdering blasts who hit him in this state. He then will cast an offensive teleport spell, and upon landing, petrify you for 1 second, and conjure 4 suicidal mages around you. These mages are untargetable, and will use a sacrificial aetherblast to blow themselves up, in hopes the force will take you out with them. They are easilly dodged, and they will never hit a skilled player like yourself.

After The Ascendant teleports, he will attempt a slow but powerful groundstomp. If it hits, aetherlightning will pour from the sky, and aether fireballs will launch in the direction of all those hit. Strategy here is clearly to facetank all these blasts, cause strategy. Once you run away, he will orally spew acid from his mouth. this attack is slow and grants you time to beat him over the head with a stick.
You can expect very complex and diverse bossfights to come. The plan is to make them fair, powerful, flashy, and most of all, fun to fight. I try to leave a number of ways to defeat these bosses for various playstyles, so that every build may have a way to complete them.

My vision for Insanity is unfortunately not performance friendly. Optimizing does matter to me a great deal, but my vision for the mod will always come first. I will do my best to spare some hardware resources where I can, but because this will inevitably have some slowdowns, I know the mod won’t be for everyone. I take suggestions for performance improvements, yet there are some things I won’t change if I feel it compromises my original vision.

Grim Dawn Insanity 1.5

Developing Insanity, and Where it’s Headed

[li][SIZE=“3”]What I personally want[/li]
[li]What Insanity did and didn’t do well[/li]
[li]Major changes to the mechanics[/li]
[li]Major changes to gearing[/li]

1.) This mod, and all relating info, has been shrouded in mystery for a while. I don’t really update publicly because it’s a hell of a lot of work that can be better utilized elsewhere. My philosophy on what makes a good arpg has accumulated to a vast depth over the years of playing them, and I could write a book on these thoughts if I so wished. Confining them to an article is an insurmountable task, and it’s very difficult to choose all the right words.

I started making Insanity Mod because I wanted something a little more over-the-top, a little more innovative, and something with massive amounts of theorycrafting and replay value. I wanted to change things I hated about other games, like boring item farming, frustrating twitch-reflex endgame, boring and old skills, skill balance, skill level requirements, boring early game, and about a million other things that ruin my interest in arpg’s. It wasn’t perfect, but I was excited about the future of the mod.

2.) Insanity was barebones in content, pretty pointless sandbox grind. No quests, or anything of value to really accomplish other than some weak bosses that players absolutely exploded with my lack of natural balancing. But it accomplished the basic premise of what I wanted. I hate item farming, I hate drawn out quests, I hate gimmicky thiings like the Shrines and Devotion type thing. I want to sit back, and do what I want in the game, at my own pace and leisure.

The result, i made the game feel pretty lifeless and pointless in most areas, but for me, it was nice to just sit back, relax, and just design builds. I want to fix the former, but keep the latter. I want the game to feel fresh, and not rehash the same arpg content. But I also still want it to have content.

3.) So let me break down my plans for the future here, starting with skills. Insanity had all skill start at level 1, and they had a max level of 30. At 30, it granted a perfection bonus meant to theorycraft into other skills. After some thought, I came to realize dumping points into one skill to improve it was actually really boring. It might add some stats, give some more projectiles, or summon something different, but no matter what, you eventually will max out a skill no matter what. That makes every point spent before it just false modification. The skill isn’t it’s true self til 30. So why the hell bother?

Well, we won’t be. I am placing ALL active skills inside purchasable amulets. So, what will you do with skillpoints? Well, now all your skills are passives. These passives have a max level of 24, and every single one of them will grant a number of 4 baseline stats per lvl- FlatHP, Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence. Based on which passives you go down, which will have their own unique perks and bonuses, will determine exactly how much of each baseline stat is added. One skill might add 11 hp, 3 dex, 2 str, and 4 int per point, another might have 8hp, 4 str, 1 dex, 2 int per level and so on. Each one will also offer 2 unique stat mods, differing skill to skill. One might grant 12 flat lightning damage and 2% attack speed per point, another granting %strength and %runspeed per point.

then each one of these passives will have a unique boost at lvl 24. These boosts will be very powerful, and drastically transform the power of your build. One might offer 30% physical resistance and 250 flat physical dps. Another might grant 33% HP and Stunning attacks. You will have to choose your paths with the points given to you upon leveling.

4.) Now onto gear. I want to entirely remove chance to gearing. It’s time consuming, it’s boring to farm, it’s entirely random. Ain’t nobody got time fo dat. The new plan is to make all of your starting gear capable of branching off into seperate crafted items. For instance, your starting boots can be upgraded to add either 10% runspeed and 14%Missile evade or 15%runspeed and 8% all resistances. Then each of those can branch off twice from where they left off. Say I can upgrade from 10% runspeed and 14%Missile dodge to 15% runspeed, 12%Melee evasion, and 18%missile dodge. I want each possible item craftable down a very long tree of possibility, each new craft being able to branch off in two ways. This goes for ALL gear.

I want to add even further depth and customizing onto equipment. One thing in arpg’s I’ve always disliked, is excessive skill switching. The game can be too hectic to really manage all your skills successfuly, without slowing the combat to boring levels. Well, my solution? Triggers. Each piece of armor will have a specific proc-gemtype attatchment, and many to choose from. For instance:

Helms- Main attack skill modifier gem (I want there to be many ways to customize base skills, by choosing the modifier only attatchable to helms)
Torso- When Struck proc (100% proc ratios)
Shoulders- On Kill proc (100% ratio)
Gloves- On Attack proc (100% proc ratios with 0.8s internal CD)
Belt- Choice of various Active Toggle Buff gems
Legs- When Struck by Projectile proc (100% rate)
Boots- When Struck defensive buff skill activation

6.) You might be thinking “That’s gamebreaking!”, but this will be balanced. This will be reasonable, and this will not be game breaking. Trust me here.

All bosses will be getting changed entirely from the ground up as well, to include various strategies, instead of stattank battles.

Riftwalkers will absolutely be back as well, same as Dimensionals and Primordials.

I don’t want this mod to fade into obscurity, and it sort of has since I removed it from NexusMods (in a favor I had to the owner of the other link provided). I hope you will continue to have faith and follow me with this mod.

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Hi Irenicus thy Mod very interesting, especially the likes with the mercenary system I really good but also with the lvl 1 skills, so can do a lot of things from this man. I’m very curious when the mod comes’d like to play. ^^

Sry my english is not so good

Hey man, thanks for the positive words. I work on this all the time, so realistically, should be done within the year. I’ll still actively update even when it’s finished, too, so the experience changes enough to keep it interesting.

This looks promising. And very fancy !

Maybe even too fancy. If the screen is covered with shiny effects and earthquakes at level 5, I dare not imagine what lvl 120 will look like. Since you claim to be inspired by Median (excellent source of inspiration btw !), pay attention to the colour palette it uses for skills and procs (for example, nova spike proc is extremely discreet to not clutter the screen).
I would advise against a skill that makes continuous meteors fall down from the sky. In this engine, it messes up the screen very fast.

Apart from that, you deserve credit just for what you have done in this alpha footage. Impressive !

Don’t drain yourself too much though. Median took YEARS to make and update.

Those words made my day man. Thank you.

that looks pretty impressive, looking forward to the final release.

Hey Irenicus, your mod looks awesome and Median is indeed an awesome source of inspiration. Way to go :slight_smile:

I don’t have much time on my hands but I would love to try your mod and give you feedback in the little time I have !

Cheers !

Thank you all for the incredibly encouraging words.

I do warn you that the mastery UI is messy and I was saving the cleanup for last.

Lets hope i compiled this right haha.

Link to the download;

Holy moly 3 gb? On a site that only lets you DL at 500 KB/s with the free option? How come you didn’t use something like Mediafire/Dropbox/Nexusmods?

With that said, I am very intrigued by some of the ideas behind the mod. I noticed you didn’t mention items at all, what are your plans in that avenue?

Yeah dude, honestly, im not even sure it was compiled right

And All items will be overhauled, thought I mentioned it shrug

But yeah, everything to do with gameplay will be different.

If its compiled wrong, ill def use nexusmods

Well I’ve not got much else going on right now, so I’ll let the download finish in an hour we’ll see just what state it’s in.

Given that the GD installation itself is around 2.7gigs and the largest part of that (to my knowledge) is the map, I’m going to hazard a guess and say you compiled something incorrectly.

My internet is too sour to check via downloading a 3gig file, but I’ll offer some insight if you can tell me what you did to ‘compile’ the mod.

Well, I basically took my folders from database and resources*, along with the arc files.

I did something stupid when I was learning the tools, and I basically modded over the base game instead of using a separate mod. Any tips or ideas about what I need to do to compile would be great

I mean, the entire Grim Dawn database is only 400megs (including .arc files) (I also have some personal applications in that folder too). Really curious how you could possibly come up with so much data.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with modding over the base game (unless you are literally just editing the standard database without having created a mod for it). That’s basically what Cornucopia does.

Edit: Oh, resources.

There’s…basically no reason to include the vanilla GD resources in your mod. If referenced, they are used automatically as part of the base game even if your mod does not include them. The only reason to include such resources is if you change them but keep the same name.

actually man, that is the size of database. The heavy file comes from the .arc files in resources

Edit- I just followed the mod guide, and it specifically says “dont forget the .arc files”. Also, the base game ones are modded. Essentially, I do not have vanilla at all.

Are you referring to this?

That’s referring to your .arc files, not the vanilla ones. :stuck_out_tongue:

In any event, the only reason to include the entire .arc file from the base game is if you change literally every subcomponent of the base game. Building a mod generates the mod’s own .arc files which include only the resources your mod is using. Looking over your first post, you can probably delete Creatures.arc, fonts, Level Art, levels, Menu, Shaders, Sound (maybe, unless you have custom SFX, but again, your Sound.arc should include ONLY that SFX), System, and Terrain_Textures.arc. That’s 2.83gigs according to my installation.

Hmm yeah does make sense. But also I cant really delete anything, because I’ve changed likely every aspect in some way already. Will recompile and put on nexus mods. Thanks man.

I’m just confused now, checked the resource folders files and thats 4.8 gigs. I’m thinking that because I change everything a bit that the will will be large.

If someone can confirm or not whether the current uploaded one works, that would be crazy helpful.

There’s a to choose from in addition to the regular, it’s tiny and has almost nothing in it. Was confusing initially which one I was supposed to pick.

Some parts seem to be working, most others definitely not. Able to level up just fine, mastery choices show your new masteries, but the descriptions are from the regular Grim Dawn ones. Selecting one shows a skill tree just like the regular Grim Darn ones, but with names/descriptions of new skills but the same stats. As in, I pick War, see Soldier skill tree, and Cadence is named Ancient Retribution, but is definitely still Cadence. All the monsters seem to be standard Grim Dawn spawns. Stat/attribute point changes you mentioned also don’t seem to be in.

Overall I would certainly say “not working”.

Ok man, sorry about wasting your time. Ill upload to nexusmods and get it sorted.