Grim Dawn Insanity: INFINITE Redux

It’s alright, not like the download got in the way of me doing other stuff, and checking in-game was only a couple of minutes at most.

Been working on mod for a few months now, and never really learned or understood compiling cause im derp. But this one should work. Will link when finished, and change the one from that post

This looks like it’s going to tick all the right boxes for me.
Especially true what you say about early levels usually being a bit boring. Something to create more interest at the start of a new game will be especially welcome. Will download and try as soon as it’s available again.
Thanks for your hard work.

You sir, have gained my attention. Very impressive work so far, keep it up!

Will be more than happy to test it for you to help you make it even better.

This will sound pathetic, but with all of the incredible positivity and kindness i’ve seen so far from this thread, damn near makes my eyes foggy . It’s a nice feeling, and everyone here is incredibly supportive and encouraging, and this worlds needs more of you all. Especially with the internet dominated by some of the most pointlessly cruel, spiteful people.

I have the upload 100% fixed, after help from Elleyra in testing the mod til I finally got it compiled correct. So huge thanks to her. However;

Please know that this Alpha does not currently hold my vision for what it will be very soon. You will come across a few broken snags (by no means in the slightest does it break the game, but I have to mention it.) Tell me everything you like, want changed, suggestions. Because this mod does not currently hold my vision, I am afraid it will be written off entirely by the public. If you play this and dislike it now, please know that it’s not done. The UI is messy, i’m saving all of the aesthetic additions til the core game is done.

I can promise everyone that this will be updated at the very least once a week with some new ideas, monsters, items, skills, oskills, dungeons etc.

The goal before ALL else, be it balance, story, consistency, is FUN. That is my first, second, third, and foremost my biggest priority with this mod.

With all of this being said guys, I updated my threadpost with the working link. Get it. It’s ok if you play five minutes or five hours if time is a factor. take your time. My STEAM* incase you have questions; Daniel Powell GDAM

If on top of all the good ideas you have, you build a new good map… ооо are my hero
but even if you don’t good job !
(if you want to check a REALLY good map check the lilith mod for titan quest)

Yeah man, the idea is far from off the table, but I hsven’t even tried to open the world editor yet. Spent just about all the time since modding tool release just learning asset manager.

I would definitely like to. But I still have a good bit to do just to get the base mod finished.

I completely understand, i’m currently waiting for the download of your mod.
i’m excited to try it !

Awesome man. The Skill UI is ugly right now. Ignore it til next patch.

There’s a very wide selection of builds man, my suggestion- keep looking through skills till you find one you resonate with. One that sounds fun.

I haven’t downloaded it yet, but I just wanted to stop by and say I’m pretty excited to see that MXL is your inspiration for this mod. I legit probably put more hours into MXL than any other ARPG out there. Really looking forward to see where this mod goes.

Bug Reports:

-Whenever Mercenary Kyzogg the Reanimator dies, he drops loot, this includes resummoning him via the skill as well.
-Rather than on kill, Hell’s Reanimating Strike summons on hit.
-Hell’s first row summon as the same name and tooltip as the 3rd row exclusive summon.

ok i am testing the mod and … wow that the best mod for grim dawn for me, a lot of good work man .

for the bug :

  • some skills have the same names and decriptions (quasar and…quasar)
  • some skills don’t work (quasar (not the shield))
  • a lot of skills don’t have a names and a pictures
    -is that normal that i have two mod in my mod list when i put yours ?

i think you are aware of that but i want to help.
Sorry for my english i am French so… and congratulation you are an international modder :wink:

lmao man, it truly is a mess at the moment. The alpha release may have been a silly idea haha. But I want you to say EVERYTHING you can about it, especially the bugs, because I’ll get the big ones fixed asap.

When it comes to the UI, it may be half broken, and yes, some skills arent filled in yet. Thank you for the testing man, and the time you took t write this. Know i’m hard at work, and good luck with Warden :wink:

Funny enough man, that on hit summon was on purpose, I didn’t think of the reanimation inconsistency. Thank you for bringing this stuff up man.

Hey man. You’re in good company. I have likely over 20k hours into median. That being said, let’s hope I don’t disappoint. Because if I was waiting for a Median spiritual successor, I would have crazy expectations. I can’t promise the alpha is an awesome idea yet, but i’m working on this constantly. Thanks for your support man.

hope I can help downloading now, this sounds awesome, but I have no idea what Median is

edit: I must be doing something wrong, I get it loaded, but when I hit level 2 its asking me to pick a regular class


I should only assume it to be the definitive inspiration for all ARPG modding, and the ultimate goal of a modder to surpass its glory.

started my ARPG’s with D3, then POE

as to my above I got it launched, is it supposed to have all level 10-11 mobs right at start?

Yeah don’t put it on veteran right away. The skills are pretty OP at the moment so you can breeze through them once you get your first level.


For the Death skills -Fire breath and lightning breath totems
** could you give them a stationary or totem like targeting? For example you can only cast them when you are in a certain range of the monsters and you must target the monsters. Could you have them be cast freely so you can place them as soon as they are off cool down?

**I honestly think the biggest thing is to just add some placeholder art to the skills and make sure there are no duplicate names. You have a bunch of skills its just kind of tough to play test them all when I can’t remember which skills I have on my bar since I can’t differentiate them as they have no art and it just shows an empty skill bar.

It’s actually quite funny because your pseudo Myrdynn was the pseudo of one of the most proefficient theorycrafter/modder of the Diablo II community. He did a lot for us in providing explanations about inner mechanics and how the whole thing worked :smiley: