Grim Dawn Insanity: INFINITE Redux

this looks exciting ! can’t wait to see more of it.

Brotips for smaller release packages:

  1. get “beyond compare” and compare all of your assets against vanilla. anything identical = DELETE IT.

  2. then when “building” make sure to click on build -> compact when you are done

  3. when packaging for release. try and use 7zip LZMA compression. it is the absolute best level of compression

  4. finally. when organizing files for packaging. only include the following: \database*.arz
    \resources*.arc *.map

and do not include \assets\ or \source\ and definately do not include subdirectories of database/resources.

for reference. DAIL is 140 megs with 28 mods merged together. with all vanilla resources removed and using LZMA compression. the 380 meg version of DAIL has extra music files that can’t be comrpessed :frowning:

EXACTLY what i tought
(and in a thread for the mod lilith for titan quest in steam forum i have asked him yhe same thing lol)

Reminds me of MedianXL by a large margin and that’s an awesome thing. It still holds as one of the two of the best ARPGs for me (PoE being the other one). Both mods try to expand upon the arcade-y, slash-and-loot action upon the original by going beyond what is offered. Streamlining story quests, expanding on side areas, difficulty-exclusive items and activities, challenges etc.

In median’s case apart from hard focusing on true gameplay aspects, I’m glad they did away with quest/story and level fluff, added tons of lore based on the books which mixes well with the level/item design (apart from Fauzt, Laz and Marco ubers), a small number but great quality easter eggs, “the real game only starts at level 120”, and on top of it all actually encourages build experimentation/switching since there is literally no “one build to rule them all”. Also, for me, atmosphere that actually mattered and realized; I felt genuinely scared at The Void, felt in a different time in Toraja and Fauzt, and felt really lost at Yshari.

I hope this one offers challenging “ubers”/optional but very difficult endgame quests, mechanics that dissuade mindless, auto-pilot farming*, unique area/enemy/boss mechanics, an existent learning curve, and lots of character customization -that no ARPG has yet to replicate- in the future as well.

Good luck, I’ll be glad to test it out aswell.

  • Please, just please don’t include mechanics that resemble startled witches. Duncraig’s OHKO barrels, Nihlathak’s rust furies, unformed land’s anytime-stunlock, quov tsin’s elemental requirement are all great examples. While easy to avoid through summon decoys, nobody likes them.

I do agree about the placeholder pics, I wanted to save such things for when all of the skills were finished, but I can see it being annoying. And I remember testing the totems, and the only way I could really get them to burst-spawn was if they were targeted, but there’s ALWAYS room for mistakes, especially when it comes to me. :wink:

The skills really are crazy OP early game (time has not yet come for balance patching, considering I still need to finish content). But you didn’t complain so I have a feeling that you knew this.

Just poured the morning coffee and off to see what I can do about this mess.

I definitely do have endgame in mind (it’s not implemented yet, total conversions solo are very time consuming), but whilst Median was built around lore, I’m not terribly sure mine will be. I didn’t follow the lore in Grim Dawn very well, and unless I hear some real complaints about it, I think i’ll stay clear of the lore.

And lets just say amen about the last part :wink:

Yeah DAIL is a very quality mod, he went through pains to get things compressed right. I will make sure things get compressed better and better, but i’ve so much to do and so little time to learn all of it, that real quality may take a while.

Thanks for the brotips man.

thats funny, I have used Myrdynn since beta of Asheron’s Call in 1998

Free version of beyond compare that I use that essentially does the same thing:

I downloaded. Thanks man.

i will gladly translate your mod in french if you are ok with that (when it will more advanced)

Thats an incredible offer man, I’ll likely take you up on that. Ty.

no problem man, I have already translated a big mod for Titan Quest (D2I). Not a big deal :wink:

Edit: i’m currently looking at your mod files and i think (not sur)that you have a lots of useless files here.
I think you have to create a separated file with your tags like here :
sorry if i’m wrong, i just try to help :wink:

Oh I definitely do. I’m not great at compiling yet. They may not be perfect uploads for a while, but i’ll do my best to avoid a 2.5g again :wink:

Devs, could you post some screens, please.

I removed the ones I had up because my laptop just couldn’t support the quality I wanted. But this is an earlier build, and explains what’s new.

i really like the skill without weapons in the shadow mastery, a very good idea !
just a little thing: do you plan to create new tag for your skills or use the old one, because i can’t traduce old tag with new description; they are overwrite by the base game localization


And i’m not entirely sure what you’re asking, but if you mean for the eventual translation, we’ll do what we need to man. We’ll figure it out then. Thank you for being such a persistent tester man, helps a lot. The UI will be completely overhauled by next patch with some large content changes/ additions.

Going to be honest, I think that looks horrible. You’ll have serious contrast issues, and it’s much too busy as background for something you’ll be looking at a lot of the time.

Not only that man, a buddy just told me it was from a Disturbed album haha. Thanks for the brutal honesty, will definitely be getting changed.

i mean that :
a bit hard to understand i know

ps: have you tested the mod in a crowded area in multiplayer ? the game engine can handle the apocalypse ? :slight_smile: