Grim Dawn Insanity: INFINITE Redux

Ahh I getcha. Yeah at the moment, I just replaced the existing text in the built in tags, but I can change around once I get the base game finished.

As for the Apocalypse, there is a lot of little things I put in that I thought were cool and a good idea originally, but now that some maturity is setting in, i’m changing a number of things (e.g. Barrogs Meteor Shower), and while I still have the same spirit I started with, the real excessive clutter is getting reduced.

I dunno if you got to the Wasps in act 2 yet… But yeah.

Ok i’m in love with the Raining Blood lol
the Spinning Flame is very hard to use (for me)
the Raven Shot is very fun
the femal chacarter is small no ?
Hell Phase is slow, normal ?

Raining blood is very powerful. I’m pretty sure it’s only going to get stronger as the game progresses man. Good choice of skill ;).

Spinning Flame is glitched. It clips on scenery at the moment, and that really brings its quality down. This coming patch it will be fixed (and im way ahead of schedule, might release early).

Raven shot is a little wonky right now, but definitely strong.

Female character is small haha, she’ll be fixed this coming patch.

Thanks man!

Also, UI will be cleaned and have bitmap images, so no more wandering through a broken UI. :wink:

@SolMundas it very well might be a mistake. This alpha is truly a broken game haha. Hard at work getting it corrected man. Thanks for all the help thus far

To thank you for help, I’d let you design a hero mob (If you’d want to of course). just think of a design and pm me.

what does requires gear mean on a skill?

example: Hurricane

I must have forgot to include what t equip in the tooltip man. Use an offhand.

I love this build keep up the good work, its still got a ways to go, I am not a fan of so many active skills, seems like we need more passives. The reactive skills are showing as active too, and they aren’t clear, if they need to be on bar or just occur off other skills

I know you are working hard, just wanted to put a little feedback

thank you ! that’s very cool ! i will think about it .

and a little bonus for you: a bug list :smiley: (a short one)

-the Lord of Veil (which is really cool but a little weak) skeletons does not disappear sometime, which is leading to big lags
-a lot of skill with equipment requirement don’t show the required item
-I don’t report balance problems because i know this is an alpha but… some monsters hit like truck :rolleyes:
-Alazar’s Ruby invocation give item when he dies
-Shade of Elnadrin spawn a hero monster at level one and he drop quest item

and voilà ! good luck

Myrdynn; Thank you for the input man. I agree that the skill descriptions are a little funky at the moment, will get them cleared up at some point. If it’s a true passive skill, it will say so. I do plan on making equipment take care of the majority of passive skill work, so for the most part, this is just a really unfinished build.

Sol; Veil king is a bit weak after you go forward a bit. I’ll get his numbers going correctly, and fix his mini skeleton spawns. Also, will get the required weapon text updated.

You definitely will come across some insane mobs at the moment (I have the amount of mob and hero spawns set with a wide variation, so sometimes, you will run into an absurdly powerful mob).

The shade of Elnadrin is fixed. Now called Necroskeletons.

Also, I have 150 hero monsters to make, so take your time thinking of one :wink: (though i’m thinking he’ll use raining blood ;D)

Just got the morning coffee poured, and ready to put some long hours into this. I’ll do my best to have a largely fixed beta by tonight.

Big update about to hit. Will be up shortly.

That looks better and better from your Mod, have also started to talk a character and am already excited. I play a Pet Master So Death / Hell and is fun to me right. Looking forward to the new version for download. ^^
Keep it up, Thumbs Up

Hey man, huge thanks for this encouragement and compliments. Im trying to get the new build working, but I need someone to confirm that this works and is compiled right. Small download. If you can test man, id be in your debt

The new build is now up and running! See the first page please.

The mod is 1.8gb, but this will be the LAST time you download a large file, as i’m saving this build and will just write over it with subsequent patches.

Finished most masteries (except Skill, consider that one dead for now), rebalanced many things, cleaned the UI a little (its still funky ish, but better.

I still am working on new weapons and unique enemies, for now, this is far more playable than the last build.

Nice update. I wasn’t able to play a lot before bed, but here’s some feedback. I’ll play a little bit more later.

~The Skill “Moonfire” doesn’t work even with points invested in Lunar Energy
~The Skill “Whirling Deaths spines” doesn’t show it’s image icon or skill name on the skill bar
~The Skill “Ice Field” doesn’t work it doesn’t show up on the skill bar *is this a toggeable aura or an actual skill?

~Idea: Maybe make the passive skills have a different icon than active skills, like the circle in normal grim dawn.

That passive thing was left out merely because I focused on so many other things, but it has been on the to-do list. Thanks for playing bro. Ill check icefield because ive had problems with it before

But moonfire should def work, no clue what happened there if it broke

Hey guys, if anyone has tried the mod, can you confirm it indeed was compiled right, and everything is as it should be?

Thank you guys.

I am getting the 6 skill sets, but the actual skills are vanilla grim dawn.

In that file there is unfortunately a mistake. Within the zipped folder, only copy whats in the mod folder to your gd mod folder and tell me if you get results. Thank you man.

Ok, that worked. Extracted to desktop first, then dropped the mod file directly in GD. Thank you.

Nah man, thank you. For serious. If you have suggestions dude, please please write me a book. I want to make this as fun as possible and will need everyones input.

For example, I made a hideous UI that I thought was awesome, and then someone told me it was horrible, and now the UI is far nicer. So I need to know everything.