Grim Dawn Insanity: INFINITE Redux

Why do so many skills have “100% chance of X” instead of just having X as a plain stat? It kind of bloats the tooltips and I’m not 100% sure the character window tooltip works that well with % chance damage, even if it is 100%. Looks sloppy as a result.

I know you said you’re aware of the UI issues but that one in particular just bugs me so much.

The 100% thing was a remnant when I thought you had to put in the %Chance, Next patch ill fix.

And yeah man, won’t fault you for the UI problems. I know what i’m doing when it comes to bitmapping (finally) and that will be fixed far before any real post alpha/beta release. Quite simply, for now, that is just to serve a cohesive funtion, and not the UI I will have in the end. Again, saving that for when I have the all the free time post mod to be finicky.

Thanks for the feedback man.

You probably know this but, you might want to revisit a lot of the skills and put text saying that they can only be used with specific weapons. A lot of the skill text doesn’t say which weapons can use them.

Oh, for sure man. I’m going to go in right now, find the required weaps for the skills missing the tooltip and make a small notepad file for now, because I’ve heard this by a lot f people, and it’s really just stupid of me to forget to mention them in the tooltip.

Been playing for several hours and i must say im in love with it.
Insanity is a lot of fun and i really like all the ideas of this mod, everything.
Finally i can build an unarmed character with a shield and smash their faces feeling like a god.
Although there are still some bugs and glitches but thats what ALPHA meant to be. Cant wait for another update, keep up the good work!

This compliment felt nicer than anything i’ve felt for a long long time. You truly made my day.



For some reason I can put 60 points instead of 30 into Acidic Bolts.

Erupting Death is acting like Curse of Frailty, when the description says it should be a chance to cast when hit rather than doing it myself. Actually, now that I look, the stats are exactly like Curse of Frailty. Whoops?

Hellfire Ravens is hilarious, CAW CAW.

Man, the number of broken skills is just shameful. This next release won’t be so depressing. Been at it all day, and even found a better design for UI, so it won’t give your eyes, or anyone elses, cancer.

And the hellfire ravens fly straight into the ground and explode to their death. If that’s not comedic, then I dunno what is.

The new version is really cool ! but i think the map need clearly to be bigger in the futur with the huge speed and the crazy AoE (i know you are working very hard and it’s not the good moment for that) anyway good job, just a few things:

-In my opinion there is to many skills per classe
-The visual of certains skills are too much for me (like Ethereal Flesh(and have a wrong desciption in the skill bar))
-The crazy speed and effect will lead to lag (especially in multiplayer)
-Quasar (i’m screaming DIIIIIIE(in my head) every time i use it) can’t be very effective due to the static position (insta death with boss)
-Hellspike rain is a very cool skill but a bit slow
-Draginrift Strike is cool but the visual is too much

think for your hard work !

love Telekentic Blast

how do I not autoequip weapons everytime i pick one up?

Barrog, infinite loot bug

Ice Field (maybe make it a buff) I am not sure if its working since everything dies so quickly

I am playing straight Shadow for debugging purposes, having a blast

I know you are doing a ton of work, and maybe this can help clean it up down the line, but how bout columns that are a little more, how do I say it, categorized

Like a column that has buffs, or auras, another column that has the melee skills, another caster, etc maybe

not trying to throw too much at you at once

Psychic Shield ability seems bugged. I can use it regardless of having weapons/off-hands equipped, but even using it with nothing in my hands I don’t seem to get +1 to skills at all.

I fully read every comment, so know that it gets stored in the brain.

Sol- Yeah I like the idea of a bigger map. Idea isn’t off the table. Also, there will be a full skill-number overhaul when i’m done with items (I’ll rebalance the numbers/ mana cost).

The various bugs, like plus skill on aura not working will either be fixed or removed, I have to think on it. I’ll likely just fix.

Skill UI is definitely not done with, and there WILL be a far better one coming. Categorizing may be a little later, but i’ve full plans in making it.

There are a lot of skills, but that was on purpose entirely. I like choice. There will be more choice of passives once I get items made. For now, defensive stats are basically little to no balance at this point, and it will be fixed.

         Also, in all sincerity, thank you for trying the mod. Especially in its infancy. There isn't much to do yet, but I have big plans for it. MedianXL has enough to keep the player interested, and that is my source of inspiration. I'll get to a good endgame, and have a plethora of new items and trinkets to collect (on that now by making more hero's and reducing amulet dropchance to 5%). Again though, I have to mod entirely by myself, and in all honesty, there are times when I don't even know what the hell i'm doing. Everything from skills to tooltips, to ui, to balancing, to mobs, I have but my own sad brain to rely on. So thank you for the vast bug reports, and playing such a broken mod. To know you're having fun is all the inspiration I need to make this mod into something more.

I will give myself about a week and a half to address the bug issues and add more content with another release. The plans at the moment;

-Add a number of new hero’s, who can be turned into mercenaries

-Fix the absurd monster count in act 2, and make it less laggy

-Add a number of new weapons in the game, replacing older ones

-Revisit Darius boss skills, make him less of a pushover

-Get a number of act 3 monsters completed

-Fix known broken skills

-Address UI problems

-Rebalance some of the less effective skills to rival favorites

-Bug Squashing Massacre.

Fun game mode idea, I like it. Might give this a go sometime! :slight_smile:

Awesome man, I hope you do.

For everyone experiencing hard crashes in act 2
It’s not you. Some of the proxy numbers in act 2 were set to absurd numbers and will be fixed in next patch.

Are any of the attack skills auto-attack replacers such that they work with the weapon pool skills you’ve put in? If not, that means the components/relics that currently give such a skill have a high priority due to that, while most other weapon components skills are useless since they don’t scale nearly to what the mastery skills can.

Currently, consider on attack procs entirely dead. There are some non active attack skills that will proc, but they just don’t scale up to what they should at the moment. But this will be dealt with scrutiny very soon.

Those are the weapon pool skills I was talking about. What I was asking was if there is going to be anything like Beronath’s Fury from Shard of Beronath, or Savagery from the Shaman. These skills replace your auto-attack and can work in conjunction with weapon pool skills (think of builds using Mistborn Talisman’s Troll Rage skill with Nightblade dual wield weapon pool procs like Belgothian’s Shears).