Grim Dawn Insanity: INFINITE Redux

Oh I will have to check that out then.

I actually couldn’t tell you with honesty that I knew much about Grim Dawn before delving into the engine tools. I beat a couple times, but never put real attention to detail. But I will look into those mechanics, and definitely add some.

When I make items, they will be entirely new, and as such, the oskills and procs will be new as well, so because I haven’t really begun making items, that kind of thing wasn’t looked into largely. But This next patch will have some new items, and I will definitely switch out/ add skills that can proc like those skills.

skill_wpattack_basicattack.tpl, to save you some time.

Just found under skills/ default in Asset Manager. Many thanks. It’s like I never even noticed it. I always went straight to Base_template skills and used skill_attackweapon.dbr for skills

I noticed you don’t mention Devotion in the OP. I assume you will eventually do something with it so it fits better with everything else you’re changing, you just haven’t figured out what yet?

I don’t envy the amount of work you’re making for yourself.

Slow and steady. I don’t know whether Irenicus plans to change the map at all, but I’ve estimated the Zenith campaign won’t be done for at least two years. A couple hours of work a day to keep you from burning out on development is sufficient for getting anything in the modtools done.

On the other hand, I spent literally one day making the mechanics of the Riftstalker mastery (another day doing the art), and that was it. Really just depends on how much you have planned out beforehand, as if you just wing it (like I did with Champion and Outrider) it’ll take a lot longer.

Yeah man, i’m still in the “what the hell am i going to do about that” stage with Devotion. I dunno. It will eventually come to me, like most things have.

But all this being said, I enjoy it. Not all the time, not every aspect. But it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, and i’m happy I took the time to learn the tools. I do wish I could make morphs, homing missiles and things like that for skill diversity (either the engine doesn’t support those mechanics or i’m just not attuned enough with it yet). But when it comes down to it, I love ARPG’s, and who hasn’t dreamed of making their own video game?

And Ceno is 100% right. The lengthy part is knowing what your going to do creatively. Putting it in motion is easy and quick. Very nice tools we’re working with.

Are there any log dumps that we can save for when the game freezes up? I’m in the middle of Wightmire/Foggy Bank and continuously crashing on what I assume to be one of the %-to-proc-when-hit abilities, but am not sure which exactly is causing it.

for now maybe just add random shrines around, or give 3 pts each one? If thats possible. Devotion seems so pointless as is, but maybe if we could max them out faster it might work into something

I’ve been having freeze issue in that area as well, it’s been kind of frustrating.

Guys, currently there are some game breaking bugs that will cause your freeze. I have an idea of what it is, but i’m waiting to get over to a friends house to get a bit of help, and use the base files as reference. I’m sorry guys, I’ll get it cleared up ASAP. For now, i’m removing the download link and replacing it with an explanation.

I’ve noticed some of my chance to activate abilities are castable buffs, and then I guess they can proc while active? Maybe something about that doesn’t work well and they should be purely passive with the chance to activate like Fighting Spirit in the Soldier mastery of Grim Dawn.

The engine itself has some things it just… doesn’t like, I’ve noticed. Still learning it’s specific strengths/ weaknesses. I think the crash was due to the Outlaws having broken skills, so my fault, not engines.

The trees will get sightly reworked because of the proc thing, and to incorporate more defensive stuff. How it is now is just to show where i’m taking this mod, and luckily, it’s been received pretty well, so you can bet all my focus and attention is being used to fix these crashes/ and incorporate things it’s missing, like items and defensive things. Also, crafting and endgame will be implemented, so just because this build doesn’t have it, doesn’t mean it’s not on my mind.

But yeah, sorry for crashes. Will get fixed asap. Thanks for playing it.

Also, I didn’t address your comment; I made them passive buffs BECAUSE that’s the only way it worked. Some pure passives couldn’t proc certain skills for some unknown reason.

That’s… really strange, but okay. Was wondering why it was that way.

this mod is an awesome idea. if i ever play grim dawn again. i will totally be checking it out :smiley:

did you upload your source anywhere ?

I can do a test if you like.

i use a tool called “beyond compare” to find and strip vanilla resources from folders

This mod is truly insane! Lots of interesting skills, although personally I’d like a few more autocast spells to be buffed and changed to cooldown abilities instead so you use a larger variety of skills. As others have said, more specific descriptions would be helpful to give new players more of a runway to choosing skills.

It’s certainly hectic with the increased mob numbers, speed, and levels. Right now it seems that both players and enemies are glass cannons, which makes for interesting gameplay, but may be too frustrating at higher difficulties. Even at level 30 I have 14k HP due to the 5 attribute points/level, yet can easily die in 2-3 hits from a strong melee mob. But it’s only in alpha so there’s plenty of time to do balance tweaks later!

While none of the numbers are set to what they will be in the end, this is the kind of thing that this mod is trying to make. Beating on a damage sponge slowly while taking minimal damage is BORING. But if you wreck a very dangerous mob before they could get to you, that can be exhilarating.

Currently stuck on a large bug that I can’t seem to nab, but once I do, i’ll be right back to work fleshing out this mod to what I want it to be. It’s not even close to done.

Thanks for trying it man, means a lot.

I finally finally FINALLY found the bug that was making everyone crash, and will be 100% fixed in upcoming upload.

Nice job! Repro is a bitch ain’t it?

Yeah. It was one of those “needle in a haystack” kind of bugs, I just got lucky and stumbled onto it.

I unfortunately was kicked back about 50% of my total work because of the last bug problem :cry:. I hadn’t entirely fixed at the time as i’d thought. Now, at the cost of a bunch of finished work, i’m back on track. I’m giving myself til the 6th to have a good, working, and upload worthy build. I work hard at this, most people know, and i’ll get everything back on track and get this mod worthy of a download again.