Grim Dawn Insanity: INFINITE Redux

that’s hard… hope everything will be good in next update .
Good luck man

I’m trying to look at the brightside, and figure this is an opportunity to make more quality changes than I had previously. Been at it for about 9 hours now, and i’m not too far from where I left off.

Thanks for the encouragement man.

Thanks for all the hard work you are putting into this. If you have the stamina and dedication to see it through to the end this is going to be a really awesome mod.

You can bet your whole life on its completion. I’m modding this day in and day out, all day. Unemployment has its benefits.

Thanks for the encouragement man.

And funny enough, i’m excited to finish it so I can play it too lol

Good day, when the new update will be available?

In about 8 hours. :wink: Thanks ahead of time for playing.

Hi Irenicus, I like that the Necroskeletons now are in Death Masterie tree. I would still find good if the Necroskeletons could get more coverage as the Lord of Vail and not stupid stand by me when enemies are near.

And sry my english is not good ^^

New build 1.1b up and ready for download. Gogogo!

Is this a patch to put on top of 1.1a or a totally fresh build? The download link size looks a bit large to be the former…

Entirely standalone, the last patch was essentially a different game, since I had to redo the majority of it. But I’m glad I did.

Bad upload.

Warden was broken, necroskeletons were derped. but this next upload 10 100% savvy. Should be up in about 30 mins

Congratulations, it seems you have achieved a lot already.
Can’t wait to see it finalized.

I didn’t install it yet, as it seemed rough still. But i’ll definitly test this ver. 1.1b.

Awesome man, hope it doesn’t disappoint.

Upload link on and working 100%. Install like every other mod.

Playing the newest version with a friend and we both came across some bugs.


Ancestral Retribution - spawns hilariously huge minion which instantly kills everything within 2 screen radius (have it on rank 1)


Storm Bane - increased lighting resist doesn’t seem to work
Frost Armor - frost resistance increase also not working

Will report more after I get back from work.

Ancestral Retribution is indeed working as it should. That being said, it needs reworked very badly, and even was, until I hit a snag and had to revert the game back quite a bit. He won’t be as ridiculous this coming patch.

Storm Bane and Frost Armor indeed work, but they increase the overall resistance by a percentage, and so if your resistance is 0, so it will be after putting points into them. This being said, they weren’t originally designed to work like this, and will grant flat boosts next patch.

This build in itself is a pretty… immature way of playing Grim Dawn. It’s fun, the skills are as creative as I could make them, but this doesn’t have the depth that I want it to. Just trust me, give me some time to address the core design, and i’ll make it into something more fulfilling.

Thanks for playing, and keep reporting all your opinions/ bugs man.

My bad, it’ll definitely be better if they give a flat bonus as you intend to rework them.

I understand you are working on core aspects of the mod and it’s too early for balance changes but it’s nice to see that you are aware of these “little things” and do something about them at this stage.
Anyway, you’ve done great job with the latest build. Most of the skills are very satisfying and the gameplay therefore very addicting.

Just some quick notes from our 1. act playthrough:

  • Warden’s “one-shot” reward chest cannot be opened after killing the new boss that replaced Warden (naming issue, I guess).
  • Would be awesome if you could add “auto-pickup” for components (QoL improvement)
  • Dropped Epic “Gladius” with over 7 000 000% attack speed increase (not sure if this is intended), I know the cap is 200% but such number is just plain crazy :slight_smile:

That’s all for now, will see what we find during our session later today.

Keep up the good work!

what I must choose when start new game: insanity - or insanity -

why my baby so little comparing to zombies?

is it normal that at the start of game zombies of 10 level?


  2. yes, that is how’s the mod intended to be (very hard)

The female was indeed changed by me, and is smaller. That being said, it was a huge mistake, and will be fixed next patch. She is also gimped as, if I remember correctly, I forgot to give her the correct starting weapon. But yes, this will be fixed.

Some news, update announcement.