Grim Dawn Legendary Jewelry + Belts Feedback

Removed Deathlord band from the list, upon further review it’s a solid ring for a few builds. But while blood boil fits thematically on the ring, nobody cares about blood pox except as a debuffer so blood boil being replaced by grasping vines would make it fantastic. Or bloody pox getting its time in the sun.

I forgot to response to this thread.
About mythical flames of wrath: this need to be an aether amulet. Please change that guardian of empyrion mod to an aether one. Doesn’t make any sense that it’s giving GoE fire damage, fire RR, and Lightning RR; while it’s actually converting some fire to aether and doesn’t give any +%damage to lightning.

Also, doombringer desperately need +1 to soldier or oathkeeper.

Are any of the items listed in the OP fine now(or already were and I was wrong)? Are they appearing in any sub 8 minute crucible builds or SR50+ builds?

Also keep in mind to let me know whether or not “this item CAN fit into a decent build, but you always pick this other item for that slot instead because it’s just better.”

Removed Overseer medal from list. Passable faction item now.

Hey,you can remove Mark of Voracious one for example.I used it in my Warlord.I have almost permanent Overguard,so 10% life steal and 20% to Shattering smash is really excellent. [] Classical S&B Cadence Warlord tank for easy SR 75

Doombringer can be used with Nature Avagenger set,which lacks any good amulet anyway.Ofc is hard to compete with +1 to classes.

Did you try other medals like markovian’s stratagem? We’re they not better? Or did you feel Mark of the voracious one offered stuff that made playing more comfortable than the other medals?

If so I’ll happily remove it. Doombringer in skeptical. Pretty sure I’d use a conduit or shattered realm amulet or something over it. I get that it fits into avenger but if nobody else test whether or not it’s outclassed, it I’ll get around to it.

In my initial idea was Stratagem.But I noticed the big difference in life steal,so decided to stick with Voracious one.Also with over 180% AS is worth it.

Doombringer biggest problem is the fact it has only bleeding resistances on bleeding build…Literally garbage.But good boost to Shaman WPS.

Stratagem is more for Retal builds. I used Voracious 1 on my Cadence Warlord too with good result. This was pre Spellscourge amulet attack speed buff.

In general: I really like the leg faction amulets and medals. Which there were rings too


I removed voracious from the list. I wish it gave a bit more but I’m a bit of a coward when it comes to relying on lifesteal. If both of you say you enjoyed it over other medals that’s convincing enough.

I am keeping Doombringer on the list @Nery I don’t know how I feel about the cadence bonus on it, and I think it could use another resist or at least swap the bleed for acid or vit. I left it on the list and updated its section. I’ve played with it now on my archon avenger.

Mark of the Farseer

Good for budget Primal Strike builds. Health is a bit superfluous, I would rather see flat OA/DA.
Bleeding on Horn of Gandarr, why not something more useful like lightning damage or pierce damage? We are not swimming in C+ and SR+ Horn of Gandarr builds.
Bleeding damage on War Cry, not so sure about that. Damage mods on War Cry are in general not used at all in building.

I suggest make it more Lightning damage focused. Remove bleed on Horn’s replace with lightning/electrocute. Remove damage to war cry, perhaps give -1s skill recharge instead?

@malawiglenn I agreed with your feedback so much I just quoted it into Mark of the Farseer’s section in the opening post.

I understand and agree with Z’s stance that faction legendaries don’t need to fit into strong places of end-game meta, but your suggestions would make the medal a much better budget piece, and even with your changes it’d still be outclassed by other medals for that slot. So yeah.

Electrocute on War Cry and Gandarr might be a little interesting? Electrocute Warder/Vindicator? I dunno. -1s on War Cry is always nice too.

@adoomgod this is the second best faction medal for lightning / electrocute IMO Bysmiel Mark of Storms and compared to Mark of Farseer, its not that much difference apart from the skill bonuses and modifiers (which currently is bleed oriented, apart from +3 Storms Surge). Making mark of the farseer as a “buffed” version of “Bysmiel Mark of storms” would make more sense if you know what I mean.

Heck some of the pet oriented faction (blue) medals gives flat damage and OA :stuck_out_tongue: So giving Mark of Farseer some OA/DA instead of flat health would definitely be of consideration.

Another idea, could be to give “total damage modified” to Horn of Gandrr too. Like 20% or so. Then ppl would still need to invest in the skill and other skill modifier items

EDIT: sorry for all the edits :wink:

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I concur completely. The argument I propose in favor of this to Z is:

While not all faction legendaries need to appear in the end-game, when one can do so WITHOUT displacing a non-faction legendary, that’s a great thing. Electrocute primal strike is not so hot right now anyway, so it’d be supporting nuke primal a bit more.

So the OA/DA instead of health and electrocute skill mods would be super nice. Please please please please please?

@malawiglenn I’ve suggested total damage modified skill mods before with little to no success. I like their concept because they encourage skill point investment. Welp either way, we have an accord.

edit removed jaxxon’s lucky bullet ring from the list. Jesus that retaliation build!

Re-added Jaxxon ring to the list. The Paladin retaliation build linked above is a shell of its former self. It’s slow, it can die in SR reasonably, the supercharging pets exploit was patched. That Paladin is much worse than just plain ol’ retaliation warlord and buffing Jaxxon’s bullet would not make that build OP.

After confirming that that once God-Tier build is not even top tier anymore, and that Jaxxon bullet doesn’t even do Valdun much love, I can assert confidently that this ring deserves a buff.

How do people feel about Starfury Emerald? Isn’t it kind of unpolished in comparison to things like Stormseer Sapphire or Aetherbolt Pendant? The sprinkle of DA looks a bit out of place, and the resistances are very narrow: I don’t know about Hagarrad setups, but they’re definitely not a good fit for Skybreach.

Iskandra, Invoker, Cataclysm if used with a set are all better options for amulet slot to go with Skybreach then Starfury. Starfury misses CDR.

Adding the following belts to the OP:


Sash of the Blood Lord (Bad chaos belt, Hasn’t even been attempted seriously since 1.0.0.x)
It would likely be glad to trade the crit dmg for OA, the bleed can be split between bleed and a better resist. But really chaos builds need better than a non +1 all skills belt with proc that only does some dmg when hit by melee attacks and nothing else.

Cinderplate Girdle (Really cool but out-competed by +1 class belts)
TLDR; I understand the value you place on conversion and that you want it to be a non Inquisitor belt, but at the very least Amarasta’s Quick Cut is still a joke WPS. It should never be a dps loss and yet it until you invest more points into it. The only build that makes AQC is deathmark, so please buff AQC then nerf deathmark a tiny bit more if you still need to…

Then please bump the crit dmg to 7% like blade breaker sash like blade breaker sash.

Boneweave Girdle (not bad for HC but often outcompeted in SC)
TLDR; after the lifesteal in ult nerf you can bump the 5% lifesteal on this to 6% or 7%. Item is also begging for a resist since it’s not even a +1 skill belt. It’s also begging for a fourth skill.

If you want to make it more build defining you could add forcewave support and tack on vitality forcewave to a 2 hander. Vitality forcewave would look amazing. Really any converted to vitality skill archetype you wouldn’t mind sprinkling into the game could see support on this belt. Especially for a 2 hander vitality converted vision.

Tinker’s Ingenuity (hp regen belt without a place to call home)
Zantai, I have come to infer that you don’t want people to become too immortal or free to kite with regen. But I’m begging you to put some +skills on this thing and 30 DA. Worst case scenario the cooldown on the proc can be nerfed. All the other tank belts are better.

To make hp regen less than a joke you have to invest HEAVILY into it. Skill points, item slots, and devotion. Doing so completely tears down your damage. I see it as a “fun” thing for players to have the option to make super tanks with less damage but the disparity between hp regen tank items and non hp regen tank items is still too big.

Lacerator Girdle (Not bad but worse than other options, and supports warder which is weaker bleed combo)
TLDR; Could try just buffing the bleed on the proc. Also the bleeding players tell me +savagery here

Competing with +1 skill belts and has no flat bleed on the belt. Proc lasts so long, more dmg on it would at least highlight the unique aspect of the belt and be amusing in gameplay.

Murmur’s Kiss (Good belt but Dervishes need resists)
TLDR; Great belt concept but Dervishes get blown up. Even just a fat amount of fire resist would be an idea since you can use the +10%cold/lightning augment to balance it. Or aether.

Sash of the Immortal Sage (An “okay” tank belt with a good mount of room to be better without breaking anything)
TLDR; It fits into 1 good retaliation commando of all things. Mirror of Ereoctes can be +4 since the skill cd is so high and this belt does 0 for arcanist dmg and retaliation arcanist is a meme currently. Dropping Harbinger of Souls for Menhir’s Bulwark would add support for the skill, battlemage, commando, and seems like a good idea in general.

If you worry it’s OP on the commando you can always tune down the retal on that build some.

Non Retal builds using this are slowed down significantly so I don’t see the harm in letting a tank item be truly tanky. Looking at you Everliving Grove gloves >.>

Chains of Nightfire (good belt, cool concept, can be further specialized for off-meta builds)
TLDR; +1 High Impact should be +3. The blade spirit exploit with item swapping was patched so don’t worry about the old builds you saw with this. Honestly putting +3 Grenado as well here would really help cold grenado out.

Any other issues this item would probably be linked to chillflame evoker weapon and whether or not what the do in coordination together works well enough.

Voidmancer’s Cord (I’m not a pet build expert)
TLDR; @Maya @sigatrev any thoughts? How is this? Please comment on the 2 items below this as well, if you don’t mind :).

Spiritseeker Cord (I’m not a pet build expert)
TLDR;…but I can tell you that the pet bonuses could afford to be stacked for cold pets. Cold dmg +% cold dmg etc. I’ll let the experts say the rest.

Nosferattis (I’m not a pet build expert)
TLDR; How is this? I imagine it could use some +skills aside from mastery, and that bleeding pets would need to be hybridized with some bleed from the caster so more stacking sources. But I wouldn’t know.

Crimson Lotus (It’s fine but please add 100% fire DEE support to game)
TLDR; Flying flaming eyeballs would be cool as fuck. Please add fire dmg to DEE to a fire scepter or dagger. :slight_smile:

M.Voidmancer: I used to use it for the +3 to Familiar and Primal bond pre FG, but now-a-days Shadowfiend always seems to win out due to that Pierce Res to pets. I blame Callagadra. Otherwise, still a pretty solid belt imo.

M.Spiritseeker: I only tend to use it if I need the +2 to Reap Spirit to have it at 23/16 so that I can have 3 of them out on the field. Otherwise, Shadowfiend once again wins out.

M.Nosferattis: Personally I have never had a problem with Mind Control so far and once more, Shadowfiend exists. Even in bleed based pet builds, its performance seem subpar.

While this can be taken another way that Shadowfiend’s Cord is a bit overpowered, the truth is that pet resistance has become much more important and Pet Pierce res is hard to come by when you don’t have Shaman. Also since it gives +1 to both Occultist and Necromancer masteries, it just tends to be the more attractive choice.

I would however be against nerfing Shadowfiend just to make the other choices more appealing, however.

Not sure if Voidmancer needs any changes, so I will leave it be, though maybe it could use something minor. If I had to, my choices would be one of these probably:

  • Change Pet Lightning res to +30% - 50% (not sure what the sweet spot would be) Elemental resistance.
  • Give Pet Freeze resistance (not sure if it would be thematically appropriate)
  • Change the %chance for increased Pet Lightning dmg to a +% pet lightning dmg bonus
  • add a small amount of flat lightning dmg to pets

For Spiritseeker, some additional pet bonuses would go a long way to make it more attractive.
Could even have a Vitality to Aether conversion for Pet dmg since Aether Pets are an interesting concept which lacks gear support other than Diviner’s Reap Spirits AFAIK.

Nosferattis: Personally, I would like to see a +1 to all Shaman skills. Bleed Pets are a shaman thing. Considering we have Shadowfiend for Cabalists, having Nosferattis for Conjurers would be nice. Don’t think that anything else would be necessary.

In my very humble opinion this is an OXYMORON

Belt that gives 2 ranks instead of 21-23 can never be good for autoattacking nightblades.

Conversions are absolutely useless for mainstream dervishes and witch hunters. Aether? What aether? Fire? Fervor got full fire to vit. Aegis got full fire to acid. Other oathkeeper skills have no support from acid gear. Devos? Acid optimal devo path is set in stone and no matter what Imps and Meteors you mess around with it is always gonna be inferior. Only good for gimmicky because-I-want-it-this-way kinda builds.

Witch hunters? 5 ranks still kinda loses to 21. But might be good with the new Venomblade ABB with no aa replacer as nightblade is not so desperate for ranks in wps then. Maybe. Only good because acid witch hunters have nothing else.

Deathguard reaper? Why not a single rank to anything necro?

Retal? Takes Misty all day long.

I might yield and agree that it’s the BiS for acid spellbreakers. So it better get 100% lightning to vitality in case acid AAR gets any funny ideas (stupid joke)

Proc is shite. Looks good on paper. In game usually only hits one enemy and only once. 0.5s cooldown is misleading. With 15% on attack it procs once per 1-3 seconds on the average against 2-3 enemies (tested, not calculated). If it was made like Agrivix’s Malice with 25% on attack and circling instead of shooting out then maybe maybe…

No res really seems like a typo here. Someone hit Ctrl+Shift+Left and Delete by mistake? Twice for two lines?

In conclusion, the purpose of this belt is like the purpose of all evil: to better appreciate the goodness in the world: Treacherous/Deadly Means.

That is not bad belt, it’s terrible really. I tried different belts, even blue belts such as Bloodbathed links ( much better than this (i don’t say how this belt outclassed by guthook belt). Even if increase damage proc 3 times and add bleed damage on belt, players in 99% cases always would pick off guthook. Maybe also add some fumble on proc on top of this(like more defensive version)

perhaps change thread too? :slight_smile: we can do that now ourselves