Grim Dawn Passes 1 Million Copies Sold!

If he did it was just grandstanding. No need to ask for a ban, just stop posting on the forum. Or he wants to be banned so he can then go to another forum and complain about how badly he was treated by Crate for just making a few suggestions on how to improve the game.

I think a couple of his comments from his review of B31 pretty much sums up what he’s looking for.

“My profile: I like Action-RPG since Diablo II, and have been disappointed by almost all sequels, clones and variants since that time.”

“Action-RPGs in my book are more or less supposed to be arcade games, with instant action, not much to think etc.”

Well, sorry, but Grim Dawn does give you more to think about. When the devotion system was first introduced I would often spend a whole afternoon usng GrimCalc trying to work out which combination would be best for the toon I was planning to play. Skills I could sort in 5 minutes, but devotions? No way. At one point I was doing more planning than playing! :eek: But for me that’s part of the game, I can’t imagine starting off a toon and not knowing what devotions I’m going to aim for (though that might be an interesting challenge one day).

Grim Dawn isn’t D2, it isn’t Titan Quest/Immortal Throne, it isn’t Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Sacred, Fable, Divine Divinity, etc, etc. It’s just Grim Dawn - and I thank the devs for making it.

Well, that explains everything right there.

Is GD an Action RPG. Yes, but…

Action RPG is the broad “genre” it falls under. Within that genre is another sub-genre I shall call the “diablo-like”, which is what games like TQ and GD actually fall under. They are decidedly not supposed to be arcade games and most players of the diablo-like play it for in-depth theorycrafting and tweaking. While not the only draw of the genre, it makes up for a sizable portion of it.

We can see this in play thanks to “D3” and the legions of rose-tinted glass wearing fans of D2 (and I should add D1 here, which receives far less praise than it deserves. Even the mother of diablo-likes cannot escape D2’s shadow) universally disappointed by D3’s failure to deliver this vital aspect of the “diablo-like”. GD, however, hits that nail square on the head and I, and every other serious fan of the diablo-like, heartily thanks Crate and GD for delivering that.

Fortunately for Grimdawn_Betatest, D3 is the arcade game he was looking for. It’s been staring him in the face the entire time.

I was a little late to the party when I first joined the forum, (this was way before EA, and the early videos was about cameras rotation, and there was only med and rhis who was doing the game full time, with some part time help.

back then, the plan was to release a game as large as the first act of TQ, I still remember the early maps that got posted and then later once the money came in from the KS, and the team had more help, then the comparison screenshots of the an old map compared to the newer versions.

Still, it took a while before the game went to early access, before it was even playable.

the team has come a long way, and it has taken time to assemble the current team, there is that to consider, plus the funds to hire them.

for a game that was barely going to be a game, just something small and quick to complete, by heck this game has come a long way. 1 million copies is a lot sold for an indie game. Sure if it was D2, or a big name game, then there would a publisher doing the advertising, the boxed copies and more. I think 1 million copies sold is a real testament to how much the game has grown, and if people weren’t around back then, back when it was only a two man band and some part time help, then they don’t really exactly realise what it was like back then. The team got lucky, they got an engine that they could use, something that if they didn’t have, would have made GD impossible, or would have added years onto the timeline for any game release.

All in all, the game has come a very long way since it’s humble beginnings, just some ideas, some concept maps, models, (and of course the animator (Tumbledown) came later, as there was problems with the part time ones, as they had full jobs and couldn’t do all the models for GD, which slowed things down no end.

I still remember some of that, so hell yeah, 1 million copies is really awesome in my book.

What’s even more stupid is him/her comparing the sales of a game that was riding of the success of the first game and the financial backing and brand name of Blizzard. Of course it’s going to sell more.

I don’t care if it’s nothing like Diablo 2 or it doesn’t take anything from that game. All i wanted was for the game to be entertaining and fun and that’s what i got, in massive spades.

First of all - congratulations! It’s a great achievement.

I logged in to tell short story of my little aRPG spree.

I kinda was hungry for aRPG and when D3 released Necromancer pack I picked it up. While leveling felt like waste of time, I enjoyed it. It seemed fresh for D3. Maybe because I was not playing D3 for last 9 seasons… It was fun, but for a short time.
Then Path of Exile released latest expansion. I dived in. It was a bit hard to pick it up again, quite complex game. New content, leveling experience and endgame is great. For first time I tried solo self found league. I kinda do not like trading. Not for me…
After few days some kind of nostalgia clicked in. For two evenings I played Diablo 2. While it’s outdated in every aspect, it has something special. Then I remembered another game - Grim Dawn.
I installed it. Launched. Played for 30 minutes before sleep. I can’t find words for it, but there is something great about this game. Today I had 5 hours non-stop gaming session of GD. I never play so long in one sitting any other game.
So yeah. That’s it. GD for me is very special aRPG.

And I’m really glad on your success story. Keep on going!

A really amazing milestone to cross!

I first got this game in Early Access, a little before Act II came out I think. Honestly, back then, I was a little bit skeptical about the project. Like, of course I got the game because I wanted to see it succeed, but at the same time - it’s an ARPG, a genre that’s not doing particularly great nowadays, particularly not when the focus of the game is singleplayer. I really did wonder if you guys could pull it off, if you would have the combination of skill, creativity and dedication. Being a professional software developer myself and really interested about moving to full-time game dev in near future, I can understand and appreciate the amount of time, effort and money a project like this takes.

Well, you really did it! By now, having recently started playing again since some years, I’m really quite astonished at how good the game has become. In most ways, it even surprasses its grand predecessors.

Ever since D2, Grim Dawn definitely beats every other ARPG I’ve tried from Torchlights to Sacreds to Van Helsing to Path of Exile to so on.


is there something updated to the sells? do you reach 1,5 millions? another question : how many xpac sells do you need to make a 2nd xpac^^? i will buy them all :P:D

I will buy them all and for five times the asking price!

Congrats to Grim Dawn. Best ARPG that’s ever been. Lore, music and atmosphere is an impossible crown to take from the Diablo series.

But for GAMEPLAY, which is what really matters Grim Dawn crushes everyone. There’s just too dang many ways to play this game to the point of absurdity. If you can create the build in your head based around a style, a constellation, a class, a weapon, chances are you can try to make it work in game.

Much love. I’ll be back hardcore for the expansion.

Happy that the game is doing well. Keep up the good work.

Congrats to Crate for an awesome game, and for passing 1,000,000+ copies. Just hope they don’t see the need to sell out to a publisher like EA or anyone else, as I think that would be the end. So keep up the great work, take a good long break over Christmas, and I’ll be looking forward to whatever great game you make in the future.

Massive congrats to the team and possibly my favorite games designer now, played a good solid 1300 hours on the main game before my pc when poop. Was so looking forward to the expansion but yer hope this game will come to ps4 at some stage so i can support it there too.

Anyways thanks for making the best arpg since D2 and thats some mean feat.

Have a good xmas and wish you all the best.

I love GRIM DAWN, i hope you guys reach your goals and bring us more content and games like this!


Thank you for being you!

Titan quest is the only game that I still play (and mod) 11 years after release…a testament to your passion and ingenuity (it is my understanding that “some” of the original team are now a part of Crate Entertainment). I have very fond memories, throughout my early 20s, farming with my Haruspex. Just like in Grim Dawn I have many character builds that I enjoy playing to this day.

So, in 2012 my purchase of Grim Dawn and subsequently all of the DLC in 2017 was an easy decision.

I will continue to support your endeavors in any way that I can.

I wish you the best of luck and eternal success!

Indeed some of them are. Medierra who formed Crate Entertainment, Westfaliah and Grava all worked on Titan Quest and/or Immortal Throne.

i may be late but congrats!!. can’t wait to now about this secret project. is it titan quest 2? :stuck_out_tongue:

Well if that comes by i said take that opportunity!. Get the money first and then get out!. Best of worlds for Medierra then since he will have money and form a new team. Just as Thor’s Ragnarok… Asgard is not a place. It’s the people. In this case, Grim Dawn or Titan Quest doesn’t matter but it’s the team behind Crate :slight_smile:

No, Crate don’t own the rights to Titan Quest, they belong to THQNordic who made the Titan Quest Anniversary Edition and now the expansion for it: Ragnarok.

We think the new project is a city builder/RTS type game from what Medierra’s said in the past, but we could be totally wrong on that too. He hasn’t said anything definite about it except that it’s coming some time in the future.

Would love for Crate to port this game over to PS4 & XBO (if Diablo can do it, then so can Grim Dawn), I’m sure you would sell more copies. I know it probably won’t happen, but I can dream.

Game is being readied to port over to Xbox. Medierra in March this year:

"You can mostly thank the XboxOne port.

It requires DX11 and we’ll also need to do a bunch of work to get decent frame rates on there. We won’t be changing anything else about the PC version that will affect gameplay but it will get these engine improvements and some additional controller functionality.

We also are planning another “spin-off” game that is based on GD but a somewhat different kind of game."