Grim Dawn "Ressurected" ;)

Been working on new low end pc reshade using grimtex(x2), just wanted to share some screens, and ask what you guys think. the reshade is set to run as smooth as possible on only 2gb vram and end content fps sticks often arround 60 to 40 fps in worst cases, when many mobs arround!

in game max settings, with grimtex(x2), no reshade!

mid / high - no post processing -no dof, in game settings, with grimtex(2) and my reshade preset for " performance "

in game max settings, with grimtex(x2), no reshade!

mid / high - no post processing -no dof, in game settings, with grimtex(2) and my reshade preset for " performance "

Dark and gloomy just the way i like it :slight_smile: always found out game bit to washed out / bleeched… either way hope you guys enjoy the screens, sadly dont have a better graphic board to push it even higher or try enb series :slight_smile:

in game max settings, with grimtex(x2), no reshade!

mid / high - no post processing -no dof, in game settings, with grimtex(2) and my reshade preset for " performance "

This game is amazing, cant get enough of scrolling my camera arround and enjoying every little detail it as to offer, and to be fare still looks great expecialy after some reshade´/retext workout! but thats my opinion anyways!

what you guys think!? any of you using reshade !? share some screenies!


im not too big into sharing :wink: was more interested in seing other peoples work :slight_smile: i can tho help you set reshade or tell you what shaders i used, reshade settings always come down a bit to your screen and graphic board settings anyways, so it might look cool on my but not on yours and you need to fine tune it anyways :slight_smile:

as for my screen shots, yeh they are more dark then vanilla by a mile (using fake hdr & curves shader) but the fires and other effects are casting alot of light / via bloom/eye adaptation shader now too to compensate for the darkness, this way i can make interiors and nights darker whitout darknening the days too much or make the desert over red/dark…and lights and fires feel more impactfull in the ambient(hard to tell in the screenshot cause lights/fire flicker and gets bloomed into other textures)… you can always fine tune color using vibrance or other color shader. then you can use luma/chroma sharper shader to give it a bit more definition… add msaa and other stuffs… the more vram you got the more shaders you can had :slight_smile:

and yeh i lowered or turned off some effects in the game engine cause they are over taxing… and im bosting it via reshade/graphic board control panel, this is also what allows me to run upscaled textures with only 2gb vram… ofc need a good ssd to load the textures fast and not make pc hang… or you can use smaller size ones.!

but anyways thank you for you comment, if you need further help with reshading or want some tips let me know!

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heres a good example on why i think game over bright and dunno feels like using old / bad lightning and low definition shaders /post processing.

in game ultra settings with post processing on,no dof, no reshade.

in game ultra settings, no in game post processing, no dof, my reshade preset.

maybe its just personal preference dunno but light in my reshade feels more natural tho i like to push the vibrance of colors up :slight_smile:

gray morning time no reshade, in game ultra sets. but for some reason post processing makes game so bright…

not so gray morning time, no post processing, ultra, my reshade preset, you can feel its a bit brighter then the first one but still dark since its rainy day.the diference in bright when post processing is on is overkill i think. but then again maybe its just personal preference :wink:

Either way fun stuff to mess arround with sometimes, you should try it, not too hard. tho i wished crate would release something of theyre own like some textures and overhaul graphic upgrade and more options so we wouldnt need to use reshade :wink:

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Your approach is good artistically, but I have a feeling it could lead to some visibilty problems during gameplay. In my experience, the washed out look of GD is significantly reduced with removing fog. Enhancing contrast is good, but only if it doesn’t darken the darker colors too much.

hi & thank you for your comment… sometimes i was getting some fps drops and some weird colors cause its weird to balance it all out with just reshade :slight_smile: but i kept working on it and i heard what the other m8 say. it was idd to dark so i boosted a bit how the bloom uses the bright colors to lighten it a bit :slight_smile:… i also now am instead using grimtex(x1) with enemies(0.5x) and my fps now hardly drops under 40 in high densinty places unless im online. solo is gucci :slight_smile: , there aint even no stutter when alot of mobs spawn at same time…

heres some screnies anyways… tho its hard to tell the full effect of the bloom shader because its uses some sort of eye adaptation and as you move you caracter, lights feel diferent.

Ultra settings, Post processing on, no reshade.

Ultra settings, Post processing off, my reshade preset.

Ultra settings, Post processing on, no reshade.

Ultra settings, Post processing off, my reshade preset.

Ultra settings, Post processing on, no reshade.

Ultra settings, Post processing off, my reshade preset.

Ultra settings, Post processing on, no reshade.

Ultra settings, Post processing off, my reshade preset.

Ultra settings, Post processing on, no reshade.

Ultra settings, Post processing off, my reshade preset.

So yeh i seriously mean it when i say this game now looks and runs better then diablo 4 in my pc thx for grimtex and reshade, in diablo 4 i have to play with all on low and open world sttuters like crazy, in grim dawn with my curent settings im able to play with 60-40 fps avrg, solo only. When playing online engine eats my fps depending on peoples ping for some weird reason.! and all this with just an old 1050 2gb vram… so yeh, im damn happy about it and this game, its comunity, moders and the devs that are all awsome :wink:

I forgot to mention that idd, alot of the bright comes from the fog… tho fog its what makes some scenes more cool looking… i seriously like it… my wish would be tho, that instead of a on/off option for fog we would also have a slider to define the amount and distance :stuck_out_tongue: , that would be perfect :slight_smile: . But for now i will keep it on because i was able to “dim it” with reshade and look actualy quite cool in most areas.

Ultra settings, Post processing on, no reshade with fog

Ultra settings, Post processing on, no reshade, no fog

Ultra settings, Post processing on, reshade with fog

Ultra settings, Post processing on, reshade, no fog´

Ultra settings, Post processing on, no reshade with fog

Ultra settings, Post processing on, no reshade, no fog

Ultra settings, Post processing on, reshade with fog

Ultra settings, Post processing on, reshade, no fog

To be honest i dont know what one i like most on the screenshots but when im playing, the fog actualy creates a cool atmosphere and helps hide some artifacts in the distance when you zoom out too much the camera in some areas. And playing without it, some areas on the screen will feel way too dark…

like if you look this area the fog is little but looks so cool…

reshade no fog

reshade with fog






I kinda like the fog… what you think ? I just wish i could fine tune it too, with a range/ammount slider :slight_smile:

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In some areas, where fog is part of the background, it looks good. But in majority it’s just a generic grey/green/red, artificial wall, obscuring upper half of the screen. It looks bad more often than not, so I disabled it.

Using my reshade i feel the other way arround. its more often cool then its not. so i keep it on :slight_smile: , either way this the reason why i would love to have a fog slider rather then just a on/off option. more options, more happy players! :slight_smile:

Today im working color and my own DoF settings. also created a uimask

In game max settings, with post processing and depth of field on, no reshade.

in game max settings no post processing no depth of field, ny reshade preset with new dof(work in progress)

In game max settings, with post processing and depth of field on, no reshade.

in game max settings no post processing no depth of field, ny reshade preset with new dof(work in progress).

trying my best here, barely toutched dof shaders :wink: any sugestions ? is it looking ok!? or too blurry ?

reshade preset far camera

close camera

In game max settings, with post processing and depth of field on, no reshade.

in game max settings no post processing no depth of field, ny reshade preset with new dof(work in progress).

In game max settings, with post processing and depth of field on, no reshade.

in game max settings no post processing no depth of field, ny reshade preset with new dof(work in progress).

Reshade, far cam

Reshade close cam

ah well bit annoying to configure dof… will leave it like this for now and keep playing bit longer butt its looking okish i ttink, i mean if you like dof :slight_smile:

either way, " sorry " for posting many screenshots and stuff but, it kinda helps me alot to see my own screenies, and i share a bit of what im trying to achive here :slight_smile: . hopefully someone with a much better computer then my and know how picks it up and decides to make even better :wink: . im quite newbie and all i know i self taught my self by keep doing it with many other games. hope at least you guys enjoy the screenies! and plz do comment if you have the time and pacience, i really would love some feed back positive or negative or dont mind either :slight_smile:

Decided to give up on dof since cant hide certain letters in the ui and it looked ugly and started new reshade from scrath with diferent shaders and " less fog in mind ", thx to dpyes tool, i can now control how far the fog is :wink: , Thank you again to its creator for making such cool tool!

In game max settings, post processing on with normal fog. nighttime. no reshade.

In game max settings, post processing off, backed up fog, nighttime. with reshade.

In game max settings, post processing on with normal fog. rainy day. no reshade.

In game max settings, post processing off, backed up fog, rainy day. with reshade.

In game max settings, post processing on with normal fog. dark dungeon. no reshade.

In game max settings, post processing off, backed up fog, dark dungeon. with reshade.

In game max settings, post processing on with normal fog. dark dungeon. no reshade.

In game max settings, post processing off, backed up fog, dark dungeon. with reshade.

Now nights are tidy brighter when there is " light in the sky " but was able to keep dungeons quite dark too still and player light seems more impactful :slight_smile:

In game max settings, post processing on, backed up fog, dark night no reshade.

In game max settings, post processing off, backed up fog, dark night with reshade.

Either way there is so much more i wish i could do / add to it, but my pc cant handle the shaders that i would like to had like god rays and others, and im trying to keep fps in between the 60-40 fps avrg so yeh… im already happy with this results, considering i got bit crappy old pc :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously would love to see Crate doing something of the sort or someone more experienced then me! we dont need GD2 when we can make GD1 look good!! And that was the reason for this post!.. if a newbie like me can do this.! A person with much more experience or crate could also do alot better… if only they wanted this game could be looking better then diablo IV :slight_smile:

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Ok, these shots with backed up fog look good. This is basically what I’d want the game to llok like - when you disable the fog all together, the backgrounds look somewhat poor. But fog around your character is not good also.

Can you please post instructions how could one replicate this, that is, how did you do this?

Thank you for your comment.

Im using Grimtex + reshade + dpyes + alot of hours and pacience / keep play the game to balance all out as best as i could :slight_smile:

Still far from perfect or from what i would want but hey… and yes fog gives alot of brightness to the image, removing it makes everything alot darker the further away it is.

As for intructions i can post some later yeh when im less tired / sleepy, been long day of work… or i can even upload my files here maybe i dunno ? tho you most likely gona have to fine tune it to your screen!

I would much rather see crate giving us all a graphical upgrade tho so we wouldnt be dependant on reshade or that they would unlock camera pitching, so we wouldnt be dependant on grimcam / dpyes :slight_smile:

I would like to see more options expecialy when it comes to graphics… like per example post processing is not just 1 thing! its multiple things… so having them separated would be nice… bloom level, sharpening, hdr, etc etc… or give use fog slider option rather then just on off option… stuff like that yeh… so the avrg user dont have the need for 3rd party tools to achive the game look we desire. :slight_smile:

Im gona be a little short on time this week,so wont have time to write full guide but heres small explaining on how to get the fog backed up and couple links.

Download [Tool] DPYes - Player/pet DPS meter & Misc util - Grim Dawn / Utilities and Resources - Crate Entertainment Forum

Place it inside game folder and run the game using the dpyes.exe

In game press f5. a small window should pop up. navigate to grimcam, and you will see couple camera control settings you can play arround with…

this the option that controls fog distance, if im not rong its in metter or units, i dont know xD but the distance prolly gona depend on your screen size / FoV / Camera pitch and preference.

I like my at 40-60 depending on area, because i will only see the fog at the edges of my 1080p screen, or when you go up a hill or something like that. the distance is not just horizontal but vertical :slight_smile:

Dont forget to leave a like / thank you in the dpyes page :slight_smile: its a great tool :slight_smile:

texture pack
GrimTex at Grim Dawn Nexus - Mods and Community (

really cool texture work. Download according to your vram. I think even the (0.5x) look bit cleaner then original and it should give a good fps boost on older pc’s.

You can run the x2 ones even with just 2gb vram but expect sutters. I would advice doing (x2) only if you got 4gb or more.
You can also combine them if you know how… like per example use terrain x2 and creatures x1 or x0.5 in case get sutters when alot of enemies spawn. if you playing at 1080p you will barely notice the diference between x1 and x2 anyways :slight_smile:

Home (

I would post my reshade preset but i dont think its finished if it ever will :slight_smile: and you prolly can find better ones out there, or make your own :slight_smile: its not too hard to start learning on how to use it.

have fun :slight_smile:

I will keep working on my and keep playing this amazing game :slight_smile:

Im trying to get that realism feel to it but its so hard with just reshadings :slight_smile: and not eat my fps :stuck_out_tongue:

in game max settings with post processing on / backed up fog, no reshade.

in game max settings with post processing off /backed up fog, with reshade

bit too sharp maybe dunno :slight_smile: what you guys think :P?

adding new ambient oclusion… in game one is so subtle when using my reshade preset :slight_smile:

in game options AO off…

in game options AO on

in game option AO off, new AO shader…

in game options AO off…

in game options AO on

in game option AO off, new AO shader

Awesome! Thank you so much!

np m8, its my pleasure. and sorry for being lazy not write a full guide. bit short on time anyways and you will find guides in most of the links… and if you have any issue can always come back here and ask! :slight_smile:

Good luck and have fun!

One the hardest parts for me so far as been to balance color of the game, in between xpacs. They all have a diferent tone to it in certain areas… expecialy the desert that is way too orange… expecialy arround 20:00 when the sun is setting… but i think i finaly found a sweet spot, at least for me :slight_smile: i do like dark and gloomy colors… and i cant nerf the orange too much without damaging the color in other areas… i wish i knew how to edit / change the ambient light individualy for each area…


16:00 crappy glitter shadows on highest awsome :))


00:00 Full Moon most likely :wink: and that player light yumm :)´

The green haze feels less strong here now too when fog is on. at least near the player and the other more lighten areas… Despite the fog distance its still aplys a bit of a green filter xD

I wonder if this green " fog filter " is an individual texture i could replace with a blank one :stuck_out_tongue: if anybody knows and can awser me that i would apreciate.

in game max settings, post processing and Ambient oclussion on, no reshade.

in game max settings post processing and AO off, reshaded.

in game max settings, post processing and Ambient oclussion on, no reshade.

in game max settings post processing and AO off, reshaded.

in game max settings, post processing and Ambient oclussion on, no reshade.

in game max settings post processing and AO off, reshaded.

Just another few screenies to help me compare some last changes… kinda running out of vram tho… suck to be poor xD but at least im having fun and i hope if you see this that you at least enjoy the screenies…and that might make you wanna try reshade and do an even better one… i would love to see them :slight_smile: