Grim Dawn v1.1.1.2 Hotfix 3

Previous values…
Physical 90%
Pierce 99%
Fire 50%
Cold 50%
Lightning 50%
Poison 100%
Vitality 30%
Aether 30%
Chaos 50%

Current (in line with other pets) values…
Physical 20%
Cold 15%
Lightning 500%
Aether 25%
Chaos 25%

…and it seems, that the sfx also always trigger on passives like ‘Tremor’ (passive, that grants the skill forcewave 100% chance of 100% cooldown reduction), resulting in serious earbleeding, pls fix that, it just made me quit.

My god, you could just nerf the % armor bonus of barbaros proc, why did you remove it entirely?

Now it will be even harder to survive with trickster, and other low armor classes.

Ouch that is going to hurt.

gg wp, Z.


Was playing last night and earlier today and all was good.

Then I went to work. Fast forward 10hrs - came back home, loaded Steam, and it began downloading/installing Hotfix 3…but, before I could continue enjoying more Forgotten Gods…I was dismayed to find only 2 of my 36 characters were listed in the character select section.
1 of each class combination ranging between levels 11 to 80.

I checked the save location and all the character folders and files are exist…they just don’t show up in the character list within the game.

Full Disclosure - I use Grim Internals and FullRainbow mods - gotta love the dps calculator and the color coding of item affixes and stats.

@Zantai - Created this profile just to post this issue for awareness - I enjoy Grim Dawn and WILL create them all over again :cool:

How could people be surprised that pants with 120 flat OA, a proc that does an additional 150% damage and 10% total speed (a stat that no other pants have access to other than green leggings “of kings,” and good luck getting any decent MI pants have that suffix) - much less have that amazing armor buff - get nerfed? Those pants gave so many offensive and defensive bonuses that any other pants were completely fodder tier compared to it.

Barbaros pants are still amazing for offensively minded builds (the 10% Total speed in the proc alone still makes it better than the vast majority of pants out there); there should be another set of pants that just has the armor proc for those who really need the armor, like how Golemborn Greaves are great for builds who really need armor and don’t mind using the boot slot for it.

Question then becomes: which pants are worthy of getting the Armor proc? I’m sure there is a set of pants somewhere that aren’t getting any use.

My Friend is playing on steam and has now updated to V1.1.1.2.

I however still have V1.1.1.1 on GoG and there is no available update.
We can’t play LAN together because of the different versions.

Please could you confirm when other platforms are launching this patch if you have this information please. I want to keep playing with my friend :slight_smile:

Loving the game so far.

I’m in the same boat. Any ETA on the patch for GOG?

why the nerf to chausses ? melee in HC is already pretty sketchy

I’d maybe check to see if your Cloud save settings reset.

So the goal was actually to have the GOG patch up tonight as well, but a last minute technical issue for the programmer that handles that deployment caused a delay.

The upside is that we’re going to fix the bug people are experiencing with the new Cooldown Reset indicator spamming and then GOG should have the updated v1.1.1.2 after that, likely tomorrow (note: standalone installers are handled by GOG staff, so that will probably not be til Monday).

While the Chausses of Barbaros where it bit overpowered it was one of the few ways for melee classes with lower armor values to buff them up to more safe levels.

If your class combination does not include soldier and has no heavy armor set appropriate for your build it becomes rather difficult to reach safe levels of armor. If you are trying to make a auto attack build this kind of sucks.

Thanks for your reply. This is unfortunate. A shame it’s such a hassle to downgrade versions on steam.

Any chance shattered realm will get some balancing with the scaling of bosses and what bosses can spawn at the same time?

We’ve made a few adjustments to what bosses spawn at what shards with this hotfix, but if you have specific feedback, we are unfortunately not mind readers, so you’ll have to actually post it. :smiley:

…wait what?

This is really annoying on things like transmuted forcewave since it’s constantly proccing and sounding

Some other changes have come with so it is not so bad: Bloodied crystal has armor, augments have it. Probably some less-used pants could get it.

I love GoG, but patience is a requirement for patches and updates with them.

Will the cooldown reset indicator hotfix be called v1.1.1.2 Hotfix 4 and have its own separate thread?

Nerf & nerf, well guess the overall clear time might be even longer now.
Or only a little bit longer with Monster Health scaling.
Gonna need some testing runs to see the real impact.

Rip all my dual wield melee Nightblade based char, viva lazy pet build