Grim Dawn V1.1.2.0 Preview

Shield and Retaliation have been nerfed as expected, via Warlord passive and active skills. I don’t understand though some %retaliation damage added to attack nerf: Aegis of menhir, of course, needed it but BWC on Turrion shield for instance ? Too soon to ponder because Fire Retaliation Damage and % Retaliation options have been added in devotions to compensate (and in Demolitionist passives).

There’s only one thing I don’t understand on item changes. Dawnshard pieces have more %retal and Fire retaliation now. That’s a good thing. But why keep that awkward and annoying “25% fire converted to lightning” on the chest armor ? I really don’t understand the goal of this one.

Acid retaliation has more support now. I like that too.

Good, thanks. Now patiently waiting for the update.

thanks Z

-Raise the Dead: summoned skeletons now also reduce All Resistances with their attacks
I will definitely use this in the Aether AAR build! I look forward to it! =)


It really feels like you’re nerfing all the other retaliation builds when warlord is the problem.

M. Zolhan’s Revenge: 30% to 15%. This is extremely unnecessary because something like a tactician, it’s one of the highest %retaliation procs we can actually make for the build. It’s also a WPS. While Oathkeeper gets numerous %retaliation WPS in addition to %retaliation to attack trees built into it, I think those values could’ve stood some adjustment rather than this legendary.

I think the general mistake is that Oathbreaker already had numerous sources of %retaliation to attack and then lots of gear added more. This patch you’re toning it down but this still leaves out some soldier based retaliation builds that didn’t pick up Oathbreaker as a second.

For instance, M.Zolhan’s Revenge %retaliation could’ve been tied to Cadence, Blade Arc, or Blitz or even one of the augments to these skills like Blindside to accomplish this since they’re less likely to be utilized by a Warlord who has Righteous Fervor (and all the many many items that add %retaliation on top of the skill path granting it).

Physical Retaliation also taking a big hit when it seems the major problem was Oathkeeper having 2 sources of Physical Resistance reduction. I feel this patch is misaddressing the major problems and is instead now hindering any non warlord physical retaliation build.

I’ll see how this plays out, but I’m not ashamed to say if I don’t like the looks of it, I’ll be dusting off the Ranged Retaliation Mod again for my Tactician.

Damn’t, man, what did I say!

Worth noting is the gains non-Physical Retaliation damage types are gaining in Constellations and gear slots.

We need a clarification that is a this
5 levels to shard? 5 levels + boss rooms?
or this is just a 5 new maps?

5 new maps in the rotation.

trap resist in the arcanist tree :cool:

Thanks for quick answers

Raise the Dead: summoned skeletons now also reduce All Resistances with their attacks

this is a global debuff? how long is the duration?

Thank you for doing this for us, Zantai.

Hi zantai, please also see my concern on the upcoming bonemonger changes a few post above:

Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

Fair enough. I should definitely see what happens.

Worth noting is the gains non-Physical Retaliation damage types are gaining in Constellations and gear slots.

Also fair enough, however I’ll point out my slight apprehension that the only source of RR on my particular retaliation build is Break Morale which kind of forces Physical Retaliation.

I’ll stop here.

Damn, a lot of good changes and steps made in the right direction. Props to Crate and Z. for actually listening to game veterans.

I like this patch. But. Here are some changes that I personally don’t understand/like:

Mythical Arcanum Frigus: added 30% of Chaos dealt as Cold modifier for Phantasmal Blades

I understand this is a “compensation” for Phantasmal Blades nerf on Harra’s set. But this pistol is still awful. Noone would ever take it over Crescent Moon. Change stats on pistol to make it usable.

Korvan Wyrm: added 10% Cooldown Reduction

Item is still useless. So let’s say I choose to use cooldown Physical Primal Strike on my Warder. What do I do in between? Spam Cadence with no attack speed?? Add ~24% attack speed to it.

Mythical Glyph of the Storm Witch: added +2 to Canister Bomb


Mythical Time-Flux Band: added +2 to Canister Bomb and 40% Elemental Dot damage

Why? Can we get something that Lightning builds could really use? Like Maelstrom? Or Tenacity of the Boar? Or Torrent?

Mythical Leviathan: added 5% Attack Damage Converted to Health modifier for Amarasta’s Blade Burst

Completely useless. Not what Leviathan needed.

Harra’s Artifice Set: removed Chaos dealt as Cold modifier for Phantasmal Blades. Added 25 Cold damage modifier for Stun Jacks and increased the Cold damage modifier for Callidor’s Tempest to 85.
Harra’s Hood: increased Cold damage modifier for Callidor’s Tempest to 44 and reduced its % Attack Speed Reduction to 15%. Added 8% Crit damage modifier for Stun Jacks.
Harra’s Ward: reduced Cold damage modifier for Phantasmal Blades to 12 and its % Attack Speed Reduction to 15%

I understand the nerfs of PB part of the set. But CT and SJ desperately need ADCtH mods, damage is not going to make them really viable.

Rage of Agrivix Set: replaced Fire damage modifier for Vindictive Flame with Aether damage and increased its % Cast Speed modifier to 10%. Added a -15% Fire Resist modifier for Siphon Souls.
Mythical Codex of Agrivix: added 90 Burn damage / 3s and -0.3s Cooldown modifiers for Vindictive Flame
Mythical Mantle of Agrivix: added 25% of Lightning dealt as Fire

Sorry, but

Aren’t we converting Fire to Aether while using Agrivix? This is so confusing

Shattered Realm Ward: removed bonus to All Skills

Welp, makes it useless as well as hitting quite a few builds that were using 2-3 pieces of SR set. A lot of melee builds will feel that amulet nerf for sure.

Hungering Void: duration is now static at all ranks at 16s, reduced baseline chance of activation to 33% (scaling with skill cooldown/duration). Reduced % Crit damage to 30% by max rank and increased % Chaos/Vitality damgage bonuses to 375% by max rank.

Vitality/Chaos builds say thank you. But for everyone else it kinda looks like a war against build diversity. Non-Vitality/Chaos users get punished for using non-damage related devotion.

Lemme rant! :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. More nerfs to Dying God. Sweet. High time change the name already: Dead God.

  2. Why bother buffing Sentinel of the Three? This build can’t work without Absolution relic. And now there’s no Absolution relic. Nerf -65% shield recovery, seriously?

  3. I think Agrivix should lose that aether conversion already and become a fire set. Let’s not pretend aether’s good for anything anymore… :cry:

  4. I’m loving the “fixed the issue where too many people bitch about wd nerfs on aa replacers by telling them it’s net buff

  5. Why OCTAVIUS was hit hardest of all non-retal phys sets? Huh? HUH!!! But DW Warborn seems alright with 4k+ armor and 30k weapon damage?

  6. Agh, forget it…

So many pet changes that I wanted. Gods yes. Even the Raise the Dead change is something I wanted for my meme build…

Now we wait for some numbers on everything. Dammitt take my energy.

If you search the word ‘‘reduced’’ you will see it involves mostly retal in the change log:)

Rip Shattered Realm Ward. Welcome to the mid tier Octavius.

Everyone taking the same thing isn’t build diversity. And they don’t get punished for taking it, they just don’t get as much as they used to.