My controller (Steam Controller) still doesn’t work. I cannot assign skills, it just keeps jumping from the top to the bottom when I try move between the skills.
There’s an issue where when you unpack GD database on a slower computer, which takes about 2+ hours, then copy -> paste everything to one “mod” folder, change stuff you want and pack it again and replace GDX2 to not have to play on a mod, Crate releases a hotfix which forces you to waste another ~3 hours to do the same stuff.
A temp solution to this to to click the dpad really fast to the skill you want, then very quickly select it.
If you pause for even a moment it will auto scroll. Its a pain but I’ve been able to set all the skills I’ve needed this way.
Thank you for the new cursor navigation with a gamepad! BUT, it doesn’t seem to be working 100% of the time. Sometimes on certain items the cursor will not move off the item no matter what direction I push.
Also, when selling items the cursor will jump to an equipped item instead of the nearest neighboring inventory item. Not idea if you are trying to empty your inv fast.
I find the TQ console method works well in that you use the shoulder buttons to select which part of the UI you want the cursor to be focused on. So if you are in a vendor you can toggle between your inventory and theirs instead of having to push the arrow key 20+ times just to get to the opposite UI element.
I suggest checking out TQ on PS4 if you are planning to keep the same UI navigation for your XBOX release.
GOG is waiting on hotfix 2, which is coming soon. The patching process on GOG is much more burdensome unfortunately so we’re holding off to send both at once.