[How-To] Download and Install Older Versions of GD [Steam-Only]


K… that took a bit longer to do than I thought :laughing: :smirk: primarily because I also needed to get the layout for this reply setup properly and organized, including testing each different manifest ID in turn to make sure everything functioned as expected.

Here’s the rundown: Everything is set for v1.1.2.5 - which is still v1.1.2.0 plus its subsequent hotfixes.

Be SURE you follow the guide in the OP if you haven’t yet. If you do or have then you should know what ya gotta do with the below provided info. You will need to do each download in succession if you also want Crucible, AoM, and FG content as well.

  1. Base Game:

    Uploaded to Steam on: 23 May 2019
    AppID: 219990
    DepotID: 219991
    ManifestID: 2699307760082373485

    For Powershell: .\DepotDownloader.exe -app 219990 -depot 219991 -manifest 2699307760082373485 -dir "C:\DepotDownloader\v1.1.2.5" -username YOUR_STEAM_USERNAME -validate -remember-password

    For CMD: DepotDownloader.exe -app 219990 -depot 219991 -manifest 2699307760082373485 -dir "C:\DepotDownloader\v1.1.2.5" -username YOUR_STEAM_USERNAME -validate -remember-password

    • Crucible:

      Uploaded to Steam on: 23 May 2019
      AppID: 219990
      DepotID: 483840
      ManifestID: 1268737622096471428

      For Powershell: .\DepotDownloader.exe -app 219990 -depot 483840 -manifest 1268737622096471428 -dir "C:\DepotDownloader\v1.1.2.5" -username YOUR_STEAM_USERNAME -validate -remember-password

      For CMD: DepotDownloader.exe -app 219990 -depot 483840 -manifest 1268737622096471428 -dir "C:\DepotDownloader\v1.1.2.5" -username YOUR_STEAM_USERNAME -validate -remember-password

  1. AoM:

    Uploaded to Steam on: 9 May 2019
    AppID: 219990
    DepotID: 642280
    ManifestID: 5927776835735340890

    For Powershell: .\DepotDownloader.exe -app 219990 -depot 642280 -manifest 5927776835735340890 -dir "C:\DepotDownloader\v1.1.2.5" -username YOUR_STEAM_USERNAME -validate -remember-password

    For CMD: DepotDownloader.exe -app 219990 -depot 642280 -manifest 5927776835735340890 -dir "C:\DepotDownloader\v1.1.2.5" -username YOUR_STEAM_USERNAME -validate -remember-password

    • Crucible:

      Uploaded to Steam on: 9 May 2019
      AppID: 219990
      DepotID: 642281
      ManifestID: 8906648209548039389

      For Powershell: .\DepotDownloader.exe -app 219990 -depot 642281 -manifest 8906648209548039389 -dir "C:\DepotDownloader\v1.1.2.5" -username YOUR_STEAM_USERNAME -validate -remember-password

      For CMD: DepotDownloader.exe -app 219990 -depot 642281 -manifest 8906648209548039389 -dir "C:\DepotDownloader\v1.1.2.5" -username YOUR_STEAM_USERNAME -validate -remember-password

  1. FG:

    Uploaded to Steam on: 23 May 2019
    AppID: 219990
    DepotID: 897670
    ManifestID: 5019683749839769436

    For Powershell: .\DepotDownloader.exe -app 219990 -depot 897670 -manifest 5019683749839769436 -dir "C:\DepotDownloader\v1.1.2.5" -username YOUR_STEAM_USERNAME -validate -remember-password

    For CMD: DepotDownloader.exe -app 219990 -depot 897670 -manifest 5019683749839769436 -dir "C:\DepotDownloader\v1.1.2.5" -username YOUR_STEAM_USERNAME -validate -remember-password

    • Crucible:

      Uploaded to Steam on: 8 May 2019
      AppID: 219990
      DepotID: 897671
      ManifestID: 863333166660654322

      For Powershell: .\DepotDownloader.exe -app 219990 -depot 897671 -manifest 863333166660654322 -dir "C:\DepotDownloader\v1.1.2.5" -username YOUR_STEAM_USERNAME -validate -remember-password

      For CMD: DepotDownloader.exe -app 219990 -depot 897671 -manifest 863333166660654322 -dir "C:\DepotDownloader\v1.1.2.5" -username YOUR_STEAM_USERNAME -validate -remember-password

  • NOTE: If you followed the guide and backed up and/or moved your local install folder out of the way to allow the game to create a new folder (as well you most likely should) then there is the possibility that after attempting to launch the game it will simply crash. This will be because the game seems to utterly FAIL to produce a proper options.txt file that it can use for some unknown reason.

    The solution to that is to simply slot in a known working options.txt file. Here is one if you need it:

    options.txt (2.2 KB)

    You may need to change the resolution in the file to match your resolution. Mine is 1920 1080.

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