Grim Dawn v1.1.2.2 Hotfix 2

Its fixed on this update for me perfectly now
Do a verification on files

done that didnt help try changing a skill its stuck on the remove skill option cant select anything ells.

the other controller changes seems to work but skills are broken

I can play Grim Dawn offline whenever I want to, can you do the same on your “superior” platform?

Stronger for fire 2h fs builds (actually the only possible set for 2h fire fs builds now since ulzuin pepsi’d) weaker for all builds it is primarily designed huh? I have mixed felings about this.

yes, actually. steam can be used offline

The are 2 controller systems, one was fixed and the other one got broken.

Ive tried both (rev 2) and (rev 3) and i cant change skills the top remove skills is the only option and if you look at the A select skills it keeps changing between blank and A all the time also cant tag skills once the selection window is open.

are there any other versions? ones that let me change skills cant play my character since skills are now removed by trying to check changes

Compare old and new Bloodrager’s Set. It’s not about the damage. :wink:

I just changed my 2-handed vindicator into Ludrigan set a few days ago, and now it end up getting nerfed.
Crate probably watched John_Smith’s Ludrigan Vindicator and decided any build that clears Crucible less than 6 mins deserves a good nerf.
It’s only a matter of time Storm Totem becomes a lackluster skill as RoH.

Glad about the Justice changes though not sure if they needed to be reduced. The change to Essence of the Grim Dawn is also good as it will make AAR builds more flexible.

You need to disable the steam controller, then enable “non-steam gamepad” in Grim Dawn’s keybindings setting page. Standard XInput controllers should then work, after that you can bind skills.

Any ETA on the GOG update?

Yes? lol seriously

Wow, what the… Storm Totem lost 24 damage at rank 26 (228/543 vs 202/517) and gained the 52 to electrocute (344 vs 396). But electrocute doesn’t stack with itself so that’s super exciting.

TSS got a very nice buff though, looking forward to that.

Coincidentally Mythical Light’s defender helm gives 16 lightning damage to storm totem.

These nerfs does not make any sense at all. We want the game to be fun and we want to feel powerful. As it is PVP isn’t a core of this game and celestial bosses are brutal as hell , why the nerfs?

Go easy on the guy…he doesn’t get his own installable copy of the game through Steam, and he has to actually run Steam before he can set it to “offline” play–and then Steam puts all kinds of conditions on his “offline” settings–like if you leave it set to “offline” for too long (how long only Steam knows) it’ll start dunning you to turn Steam back on, etc. It’s not his fault that Steam doesn’t trust him–like GOG trusts us, etc. :smiley: He just doesn’t know any better…:wink:

So that the game can remain challenging? If one build is destroying the game with their hands tied behind their back, but others struggle, why shouldn’t the former be nerfed?

There’s a thing called balanced game challenge that disappears when certain builds destroy the content. Meaning these weren’t intended to be this way.

Which was also nerfed, 25 -> 16.

bloodrager nerf , well deserved and dont know its nuff… also that set should support more class combos for bleed and maybe more pierce imo

i dont know where this cataclysm nerf came for? set was super niche and cool still but i hardly understand how many builds can use that set these days

dryad is viable now ? any1 tested after buffs?

NOTE: also how much dmg TSS get or other nerfs? can we get some numbers ? that would be so cool