Grim Dawn v1.2.1.0 Playtest Changelog

A new build will be pushed posthaste to address the issue with tooltips and the new ctrl functionality.


Changes are shown here

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A new build is on the way, probably some time tomorrow. Changelog updated to latest.

This build includes continued tuning to Physical damage, some targeted adjustments to specific monsters that deal heavy physical damage, and various tuning.


A little moar here.


A new playtest build cometh. Latest changes are in the changelog.

This is a continuation of physical damage tuning. Notable is additional reduction of physical damage dealt by bosses, but also an increase to physical damage dealt by non-boss enemies, from the current build.


Build was delayed to address recent developments…upside is you now get MOAR. Changelog updated to latest. Build will probably go up tonight.


Latest changelog is up. New build coming later this week.

Focus was on addressing recent feedback, but primarily upon addressing skill press bloat and the domination of horde builds for pets.

Core (ie. permanent) pets are now more durable, and mastery pets have had their damage significantly increased. This way, you should be able to focus more on maintaining your buffs and debuffs rather than constantly resummoning your core pets.

In addition, many sources of % Speed for pets have been removed. To compensate, % Damage for pets sources have been significantly increased and special ability damage for mastery pets was increased as well. Special pet abilities, ex. Ember Claw, do not benefit from % Speed and were simply an inferior choice to getting as many auto attacks in as possible on as many pets as possible. These changes should help shift things away from stacking pets. While we expect further tuning will be necessary over time, smaller pet stacks should become more viable as an alternative to the current pet meta.

The goal in general is to speed up pet clear times to bring them closer to their non-pet counterparts, but not significantly hurt their performance in high shards, which has always been their niche.

And yes…before everyone flips out…Wind Devils will become permanent baseline… You may now proceed with flipping out.


The latest build is now up. Enjoy!


A new build is going out to address an issue with buff skills having no cooldowns. Changelog updated to latest to match a sprinkling of changes in recent days.


Rebuild is up, you may need to restart Steam for it to download. Enjoy, for real this time.


A new playtest build will be going up for the weekend. Changelog updated to latest.

This build has another significant pass on pets and their itemization. On paper, it’s going to look like pet sets got viciously savaged, but the base pet skills and pet devotions have been buffed to more than compensate for these changes. This is a step forward to reduce reliance on pet sets and to open up more avenues to explore breaking their bonuses, or even skipping them entirely.

The direction remains to improve pet clear times.

There are other changes as well based on feedback, but the focus was on pets.


A new playtest build is coming posthaste, should be up in time for the weekend.

This update includes a wide range of changes, including another significant pass on pets.

This time around, mastery pet basic attacks have been reverted to their v1.2 values and their base attack speed reduced by ~10%, but the cooldowns for the special attacks have been reduced by ~30% and damage further increased. Pets damage is substantially up overall, which is good, but their single target potential has become too good. These changes, combined with a game-wide pass on skill bonuses to pets across non-set items, will even things out a bit. Overall, we’re pleased with the improvements to pets, but things aren’t quiet there yet.

Changelog updated to latest.


In a recent thread, I mentioned that there might be a new playtest build this Friday. As of now, that might is a certainly no. We expect the next playtest build to be next Friday.

To tide you over until then, and to to mercilessly tease you, the latest changelog is now up.

Highlights include:

  • Updated two-handed weapon animations, as announced in our latest Grim Misadventure.
  • A pass on Aether damage itemization
  • Continued tuning of pet changes

And…our final(?) surprise of v1.2.1: an overhaul of the Nemesis boss spawning mechanic. With this update, Nemesis bosses will no longer have spawn points. Instead, they will hunt you down anywhere in the game where you slay members of their faction. The number of kills required to trigger a Nemesis will be randomized in each session, meaning you will never be able to predict when a Nemesis shows up to get revenge for your wanton slaughter.

With this change, Nemesis bosses will at last become the fearsome nemesiseseses they were always intended to be.

After the next playtest build, we will be preparing to wrap up v1.2.1 development, so there will be less sweeping changes and focus will be on polish. But, as always, this is not the end of the line. You will be able to continue posting feedback for future updates to consider.


As promised, we are planning to push the next playtest build tonight. Changelog updated to latest.

The new Nemesis spawning system currently has a placeholder sound effect for the spawn triggering, which will be updated in a future build. It may also currently be possible for a Nemesis to spawn in unreachable areas. This is an issue we are aware of and working on.

A new option has been added to the game options menu for those that wish to use classic item tooltip behavior. This setting is off by default.


Slight delay, we’ll have the build up on Saturday.


Apologies for the delay. Build is now up in playtest.

Sometimes real life gets in the way of things (everything is fine).


Known issues:

  • Some monsters wielding 2h-ers t-pose. We are aware of Celestial Guardians, Statues (in the Crucible), Dreadguards, Trolls and Dromedaries. If you spot others, please report them as a bug.

  • Female PC does not have new animations for 2h mace/sword/axe yet. We are still porting the new animations over to the female rig. They will be in the next build. However, the Spear animation set is updated for the female PC.

  • Illusions do not swap animation sets for 2h-ers. This will be fixed in the next build.


A new build is on the way that should address reported issues. Changelog updated to latest.

Nemesis spawns have been tuned and the kill thresholds have been significantly increased. However, slaying monsters in Dangerous Domains will progress towards a Nemesis attack at an increased rate.

This update also includes further tuning to pets. Numbers are approaching a good point now overall with a better balance between sets and non-sets.

Finally, more 2h-ed melee animations have received a polish pass.


New build’s been up. Enjoy!