Grim Dawn Version

wish that worked completely. every time i fire up GD on my laptop it says OH NO CAN’T FIND YOUR STEAM CHARACTERS. steam save has been disabled for 2 years.

it doesn’t effect anything, my toons are still there on the HD and they’re fine. just wish it would stop warning me.

The drops are a bit overtuned. I’ve ran a valbury and filled all inventory slots around 75% through the level, skipping flames, with greens+ sorting.

Thanks devs!

I’m seeing a 50% increase in green drops - a standard Pine Barrent > Tyrants Hold generally fills a bag of greens/blues and on occassion a purple, but now a run can easily fill nearly 2 bags with a marked increase in greens.

Yes. Ran PV, too…and didn´t pick up greens because no more space in my bags after a few minutes.

Have you tried to verify your game files? If that does not help, I recommend to post it in a dedicated thread in the bug forum.

My experience as well, I filled up all of my bags on a single SoT run with just rares and had to leave a pile of them after Alkamos.

Same here. Life leech is the only way some of us have to heal in combat outside of running around like a chicken with its head cut off while trying to chug potions.

Aren’t you happy that you have better chances to find well affixed rares? If I run out of bag space, then I remove single-affixed ones. And I avoid MIs, which only have magical affixes.

Feels odd for a level 35 relic skill to have the same Life Leech RR as a T3 devotion proc. In my opinion, Will of Rattosh should have at least 10% Life Leech RR, with 12% being ideal.

I think it is more of an observation with the following implied: “If something feels off, we will make adjustments as needed in future updates so drop rates feel appropriately rewarding”

Menuing mid-dungeon isn’t fun, especially since junk can’t be sold to the vendor. It’s not fun outside dungeons either, but tolerable when it’s only between farming sessions.
If anything rogue-likes should have 5x less MI droprate than the current drops, but higher (if not guarantied) chance to have rare affixes.

Yeah, because everyone remembers whole affix table for every single base at all times while running rogue-likes. Some magic affixes being better than rares doesn’t help it either.

Back to Back Kupa kills and got Ancient of Vigor and Thunderstruck of Ruin. I think I like the fix.

Sorry to ask this, but when will the fix for the port valbury sound issue be released?

One of the fixes was for sounds, did you try it after this hotfix?

Are you sure that this is fixed?

I just got “Ugdenbog Bilelauncher of Alacrity” drop in current patch.

You guys are happy with the visual cast of curse of fraility ? Or i’m the only one that think it need an visual for this area of effect ? Like a circle that scale with radius ?

Btw thank for this hotfix 2

Not yet actually, i thought it was not included since the patch note mentioned “some sound effects would be played even when out of range.” but the issue with valbury is sound effects would stop playing. Anyway, will try it out later to test it. Thank you for your response :smiley:

Is there any ETA on possible expansion balancing?

Has nothing to do with “happy” or “unhappy”. :slight_smile:

As someone said, it´s just an observation, not a game-breaking problem. And there are a lot more Greens…BoC was even harder because it often were the “big” items like shields or 2H-axes. :smiley:

For my record:
Single-Affix Greens can drop and it´s working as intended? I got no zero-affix items anymore, only some single-affix when farming yesterday.