Grim Dawn Version

That was fast!

I want more changes but I’ll take that. Also, I love cheese.

Is it strange that my Steam copy hasn’t already updated by now?

EDIT: Nevermind, got it :slight_smile:

In other wods, does it mean that if I have 100% (or more) WPS then Upheaval becomes useless for me?

Yes, but if you don’t, let’s say 50% it interacts way better with WPS than before


Upheaval works best when your WPS total is less than or equal to 100 minus your crit chance.

Steam updating for me right now. :slight_smile:

Hell yeah, now working fine.

The title writing style does not match with the rest. It must be Grim Dawn Version xxx

Good news (for modders especially). I had been making my own skills and discovered that certain skill templates didn’t work correctly with weapon damage. Resolving this issue through the modding tools was beyond my capabilities. I’m guessing it’s something that required code changes. As far as I know, it’s now only channeling skills that don’t correctly apply weapon damage.

I’ll have to try out the new and improved Wildheart Vanguard set, I imagine it will perform quite well now.

Fixed, thanks.

Very good. Now that it can hit the primary target as well :wink:

Any insight on how upheaval works with attacks that can hit multiple targets? Say, fire strike with the new Archon hammer letting it hit 4 targets. Is there one hit among the four that will be capable of proccing upheaval, will upheaval proc if any of the hits crits, will multiple upheavals proc if you have multiple crits from the single swing?

yeah, i think so :stuck_out_tongue: like when you use upheavel with votex of soul

Thanks for fixing the Blood Knight shoulders’ wording bug! That was fast! :wink:

Why is not the update available at GOG as a manual / classic download? I really have a slow internet connection and downloading the full game takes a long time.

Ask GOG that question since they can provide the patch if you use their Galaxy option. That’s the only reason I put it back on my PC because I have slow download speeds as well.

I’ve discovered a standalone patch ( today. Interesting, it’s digitally signed on May 22, 2018 4:31:34.

Yes is now available and also some other (older) patches. That’s very good. :slight_smile:

WPS is confusing me for the past 11 months. I read hundreds of thread, now I am still confuse which ones still applies.

For example if I pick purifier with maxed bursting round, my questions are:

  1. Does this mean that
    a) 80% of my default weapon attacks deal fires strike damage and 20% of default weapon attacks deal bursting rounds damage
    b) 80% of default weapon attack deals fire strike damage, then 20% of default weapon attacks deal fire strike plus bursting round damage
    c) neither a nor b, please enlighten me.

  2. What are the chances of attacking with both pistols when dual wielding?

  3. If I attach eldritch fire to fire strike, is it still 15% chance or now is it 15% of 80% ?