Grim Dawn Version

There’s better things to run on acid. Namely; murmur.
I’m pissed because this messes with my cold builds. More importantly this isn’t a pierce belt. There’s already a pierce nightblade belt. There’s other pierce belts, and this change was either A. A really bad attempt at nerfing acid NB, or B. Another instance of devs throwing conversion around without an actual clue. I’m pretty sure it’s B.

If you used CT, you’d know it’s the weakest skill in the game and that 15% damage reduction makes this skill worse. Now at least it has some additional damage, will still be bad, or rather the worst, but Crate is trying and this is what you should appreciate. There are multiple other sources of damage reduction, for example Oleron’s Blood component, which has 20% for 5 seconds and it’s not even a bad component in general. Has 2% OA which is huge.

This is actually a perfect example of crate trying to make you play the game they want you to. Ya is right after all. Using maw of dispair for a non battlemage? No damage reduction for you! That said Spellbinders have RE/Ill omen for damage reduction and sorc at least got bwc for physical damage reduction… But just like you I don’t understand why they have to nerf a non OP Item and the nerf is actually hitting sorcs, a class in need of a buff, more than spellbinders.

Using BWC for phys dmg reduction feels almost as bad as being forced to run thermite mines. In some cases worse.

At least BWC’s AoE is bigger :smiley: Speaking of mines, I don’t see any buff or change to them… sad.

It was always that size, just the fxs didn’t cover the whole area as they were supposed to I think.

And Thermite Mines are being looked at.

Oleron Blood has 2% speed, not OA. Ye CT is not a cookiecutter skill but switching 15% dmg red with 40 dmg is not good idea since the dmg will not be really great anyway and the survivability will drastically fall. Especially with Agrivix set which is designed for CT sorcerers.

I wonder if anyone even tested lightning elementalists w devils before the patch went live…

Good job guys, some of changes I don’t like, but other one looks great, so in total I’m happy by this patch. Will test them all in a next two weeks :-3

I’m curious if the crate pet give some sort of bonus/help? The will-o’-the-wisp increased the light radius which I find in some places very nice to have.

Oh nvm then, my bad. Nice!
Edit: I was referring to BWC’s AoE being bigger than mines’.

You’ll need to build dervish in a totally different way now tho. No more capping on both RF and ABB cause Vileblade lost RF, so losing +1 nightblade isn’t as bad as it seems, at least compared to Vileblade losing RF.


Still, no 26/16 on both RF and ABB now.

dreams come true sometimes :smiley:

Valdun Set got +1 to Soldier skills, that is greatly appreciated, also 50% elemental to pierce, so with pack of treacherous means all elemental is converted to pierce now (unless they changed that)

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Precisely and very nicely put. Unfortunately such a “dictatorship” approach has a much more negative impact on the community (nowadays almost nobody dare to post any decent/original builds anymore and we all know why, not to mention tons of great builders gave up due to that approach) and game than a positive one…

Well,there can be a lot of original builds posted,but they will be bad.In theses times if you post bad build,you will be crucified or just received ironic reactions.

If you want good build,you need more of a cookie cutter approach.There are a lot of sets and items that enable builds.Just look them and hop,you have build.

That doesn’t kill diversity,cause Crate creates more and more new items and sets.It just makes builds less creative.

Probably changed it because they mention “bonuses redesigned” and they also put the other conversion (50% acid to pierce otherwhere).

and it might hurt a lot the pierce ranged build i’m levelling but that’s how it is :man_shrugging:. i think it’s the first time i got a big nerf like this on a toon since 2015

for the rest there’s some nice changes like the Valdun buff and the additional range for FoI (really love this one)

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Yeah, it’s cause of the dictatorship here and not cause every new person coming in to post builds getting beat down by the community for making mistakes. :wink:

Seriously, take a breath and play with the patch instead of acting like the sky has fallen. It’s fallen every patch. There’s no sky left anymore.


We live in the void now. Confirmed by Zantai.

And I thought Trozan’s got a buff this patch :sob: