Grim Dawn Version

Thanks for the great update! i am a relatively new player, bought the base game 2 years ago and only got back recently with AOM and FG purchase.

However there are a few things which i would like to highlight and hope there will be changes in the future :slight_smile:

  1. Summoners are dead :frowning: yes sadly with the new update in diffculties, the pets seems more squishy and especially hard to level .

  2. Is there a way to just toggle only boss and star monster health bars only instead of all monsters? if not, it would be great to actually have this function so that i knew where they are on the screen, thanks!

  3. Is there a way for people with only base games to play with those with expansion, it would be great as party are quite little if you seperate the group, i mean of cos those with base game will not be able to access area that need the DLCs.

Anyway, keep up the good work and hope to see more patches to come!

do i really see a video about a lvl 29 char strugglin to deal with the last expansion’s boss on normal difficulty?

21 posts were split to a new topic: State of pets builds with v1.1.4.0

The separation does not only exist because of extra areas…

… but see Play with friends although not everybody has the expansion(s) for how you can play with friends in this case.

Please do something about the oversize monster health bar - this is the only update in my 5,856 hours that has led me to stop playing altogether. (Perhaps after that amount of time that is not such a bad idea… a great game but disturbingly addictive.)

I need the player bar at the bottom to be maximum size or I cannot read it, but the huge monster bar is horribly distracting and sometimes makes targeting enemies near the top of the screen difficult. The same can be said of the “dangerous domain” notification. Too big and intrusive, and in this case really not necessary at all.

Ideally give us separate sliders for the monster bar size, revert to old font, and give us a check box to get rid of the “dangerous domain” stuff.



How long it usually takes for the patch to hit GOG?

Often they become available on the same day they are released on Steam - for GOG Galaxy users. Manual patches on the next(?) business day.

Yeah they’re not hurry on the manual updates, even more now than before. But it comes in a few days after the patch release.

Ahh, I thought galaxy and manual updates come at the same time. Didn’t know there is a delay. Will update it using galaxy then.

Ok, honest assessment of the new Veteran difficulty after starting a fresh character (Savagery Shaman) without xp pots or Lokarr’s suit…

It’s great! I can’t remember Vet ever being a challenge but now I’m having to disengage from packs, actually pay attention to item choices, use Grasping Vines to slow & dot while kiting bosses and for the first time had to leave one (that first poison rat Pusquill) for later…I love it :slight_smile: Maybe a little excessive on boss health but otherwise excellent job on giving new life to Veteran!

I think this is a great way for beginners to learn the mechanics

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I asked this earlier but never got a response…

Is the Very High Particle settings only available for the Deferred Renderer??

(I can pick Very Reflections just fine using the original DX11 engine)

Thanks Zantai/Medea/whoever answers this!!

Yes, at least for me that is the case.

Yes, rendering those skill fx lights without the new renderer would tank framerates.


Slightly off-topic since its from a older patch but is there any chance that the blightlord set bonus skill could become active instead of proc based again? With how reliant it is on AoE damage and the proc sometimes either not triggering or triggering somewhere on a singular mob instead of a group makes it really unreliable to use outside of single target fights.

yes, might I add that boss was scaled to my level.

@el_critico the “only” difference it makes is that by the end of aom, you are on the level 40-55 power bump , where your main boosting skills are set (master of death, soul harvest), and you have most of your devotions too. You also get ghosts. At that point Korvaak goes down in seconds on normal.

Thanks for replying sir!

I’m sure if high-end cards could handle it, you would’ve left it in…

Keep up the great, great work!

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How can i fix this interval…??
Help me…please…~~

not possible at the moment. Maybe Crate will address that in future hotfixes