Grim Dawn Version

This is why I haven’t updated Steam since FG dropped.

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In my case patch size was 140.3 MB. :slight_smile:

As someone who did not like the GUI changes it is only fair to say thanks for reacting to feedback and making some changes. While I still prefer the old font, I can now play again with smaller monster bars: and the rebalance for low level characters also makes a new character on hardcore veteran less of a snooze than it used to be but not as tedious as 1.1.4

I suppose at some point you should stop messing about with the game and declare it finished!

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Dobleclick won’t change the problem, we will be used with it. The best is to make confirmation optionnal, maybe with a small square to be ticked near the button.

Boring bad quoting system /eis: just do not change the quote block :wink:

It worked for me!!! Its a way better that putting them one by one!!!:smile:

Really good hotfix with an impressively high amount of new features added.

Thanks for the player healthbars that’s a really helpful addition. I also really like the search functions for vendors. The transfer button for components is also a really welcome addition, even if I enjoyed stashing components in the rythm of some music :smile: (which I will continue to do here and then) I agree with the auto sort button in the stash to have a toggle for requiring additional confirmation. But I like the extra safety provided by that confirmation window in general to prevent missclicks.

One QoL feature I am still hoping for is a legendary drop sound.

Something I really liked about the gamepad controls are the auto attacks between the cooldown of skills. I have one build where I am using auto attacks between my bone harvest and this just plays so easy on the gamepad. On mouse/keys it requires to set the auto attacks and skills in 2 separate buttons. I would love to have this included into the non gamepad version as well, if that is not causing a mess for the targeting/navigation system.

Loving the new interface features! I really appreciate the work that went into this, I know you guys at Crate were always reluctant when it came to interface changes so you deserve even more praise for giving us those awesome QoL features! :+1:

  • The female idle pose looks great now!
  • The auto-sort confirmation is very welcome
  • The auto-move components button is very welcome
  • The silent auto-combine is very welcome
  • I personally would have chosen a different color scheme for the shared stash buttons but it’s still very helpful so I won’t complain :slight_smile:
  • I also won’t complain about the slight nerfs, in fact I was expecting them after the patch brought nothing but buffs to my builds :sweat_smile:
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I think its better for you to declare the game as finished…

Don’t think this was listed (or maybe I missed it), but the new way the characters load on the character select screen is excellent. Scrolling through the characters loads them super fast and they fade in rather than how they used to. In the past if you scrolled too quickly it would hang for a bit, so much improved!

Love the little touchs guys, keep up the great work Crate! :sunglasses:

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Hopefully epics will be getting some skill modifiers as well in v1.1.5.0.

Ever since skill modifiers were added to the game, most epics have become utter trash, save for a few exceptions.

You showed us good!


Love this hotfix. The only thing I didn’t like was the auto-sort confirmation.

I sure did! :stuck_out_tongue:

I understand why the stash inventory sort now has a confirmation pop-up, but I often used to double-tap that button to re-sort the stash horizontally. Now you have to click and move the mouse to the dialog box, which is annoying when you want to do it more than once.

Can we get either a checkbox for this feature in options, or at least the ability to hit Enter to accept the dialog pop-up? ^^



Or make an option to have small/medium/large font? :slight_smile:
I didn’t get the update yet, but I also like the big font to be honest.

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This! Please Z-BoY.

Many thanks for making Veteran a bit easier at low levels.

Wonderful change. It looks “just right” to me now.

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Guys, you’re the best! I am waiting for Loyalist Items Pack 3!

:bus::oncoming_bus::trolleybus::minibus::ambulance::fire_engine::police_car::oncoming_police_car::taxi::oncoming_taxi: (ten cars, was it?)


post above yours

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