Constellations are fine.
Anyway, you can´t just change the way it works, you need to put time/effort into this and then playtest it for a long while and so on blah blah.
Don´t see that happening, don´t get your hopes up.
Constellations are fine.
Anyway, you can´t just change the way it works, you need to put time/effort into this and then playtest it for a long while and so on blah blah.
Don´t see that happening, don´t get your hopes up.
Took me forever to kill 2 eldrich heroes, they kept healing each other to full hp. I was using a warlord with 140k dps. You bad at balancing.
Or you are bad at building.
Post your build and that will provide useful information.
No you.
SR 70, daily farm route.
Seems like a pilot issue, tbh, if 2 healers gave you that much trouble with this build…time your Warcry cast to block a likely heal next time! You could also consider speccing to a more offensively-focused devo setup and stacking more AS.
I have to agree with holystar (not on “You bad at balancing” part.) These healers heal themselves/others fast. I dps that rare mob so fast, but it regains lost hp fast too.
So who’s running the bets around these parts? I got a hundred down that it takes them more than a day to figure out why they won’t be getting any sympathy from the Z-man, even if it is right in front of their face.
Have you considered moving your mouse cursor a hair to the left to kill the healer? It might help!
They are both healers, aren’t they?
Timewarped is not a healer. I imagine you have a Supporter hero behind your target in that video, or just a regular mook healer.
That Timewarped hero actually heals.
Heal allies - Restore health or energy to the target 80% Health Restored
Does it have a cooldown?
I don’t want to defend holystar because he expressed his opinion like a complete douchebag and thus doesn’t deserve any sympathy, but yeah, those eldritch doggos are a problem. In the first quest of the Conclave the portal spawned a swift doggo and a supporter doggo and they both were healing themselves constantly. I mean, it’s a non-issue if you can out-dps their healing, but for my self-found petmaster cabalist it was a nightmare because I had no enough damage to surpass the healing. I had to reset the aggro and deal with each one separately.
If only there was some kind of mechanic in the game that shut down monsters for a few seconds.
We could call it crowd control.
Crowd Control? Sounds like it doesn’t work on bosses, therefore useless.
Yeah they have 500% Skill Disruption Protection
Stun does affect heroes, though.
I was being sarcastic. You can freeze Timewarped heroes and most other heroes.
My repertoire of skills doesn’t have that, more of slow CCs. Except if I change my rune to some of those medal charging runes with stun for like 1s and the boss have 50% reduced stun duration, so .5s. That’s not nearly enough, if they cast the healing skill instantly and with no cooldown in between casting.