Grim Dawn Version

Looks stronger on my Physical Bloodrager Warder. I switched Avenger’s Crusher & Girdle with updated Gutsmasher and Gladiatior’s Distinction belt. Lost ~1000 HP and half of my HP regen but gained ~20k DPS plus some armor :grin: Also Gutsplosion is quite fun :smile:

With due respect but some changes are absurd. Why nerfing reconking of eyes? It’s not a powerful skill or core of strong builds. There are still a lot of bds that can easily conquer SR80+. ROE was hardly one of them.

Let us know what those are and we’ll bring them in line too. :wink:


thank you Mr.Z, basilisk fang fixed, liked the devotions changes too, 40 OA, DA on Spider, delicious.
Empty throne really good too, some other changes i will test/ check more about later.

but nice hotfix, ty.

Is that so. I will try it as soon as I get home. I need to go home early!

As for the constellation, I feel a little disappointed that there was no change in Ulcama. Most builds that take Flat-RR from the constellation choose Revenant (or Manticore).

You scared me. I thought Direwolf Crest has changed, it’s the only reason I use the thing with my toon, the 12% damage to beast.

Same. And Primal Strike dealing big chunk of phys also seems meh without fully converting it to Lightning.
Actually I was trying to make non-transmuted version a nuke on my phys Warder but it appears that Blitz is all the way better both damage and skill points-wise.
I vote for the Beronath-like aura linked to some part of the set, converting Lightning to phys so you can either turn it on and deal phys Primal Strike or turn it off and deal Lightning :slight_smile:
p.s. I still have only axe from the set, but I hope to get a full set at some moment. Probably will need some trading :neutral_face:

It was 18 % (?) before nerf. :slight_smile:

It’s still 12%, beast and beastskin. Or you were talking about the earlier hotfixes, patches?

Look up…there nearly all Racial Damage was nerfed.

So the direwolf crest % racial was NOT nerfed in this hotfix, but an earlier one. It’s clear now.

Regarding devotion buffs, does anyone really use Tree of Life these days? It’s like a more expensive version of Obelisk that does a lamer job. Or is it for pet builds? I don’t know about the pet meta and whether the health regen is important.

Maya uses it in some of her pet builds.

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Some is an understatement. He/she use it in ALL of his/her build

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Pets, or to be precise, I use it. And I would argue that it is indeed useful. But I wouldn’t be against it getting some buffs.

EDIT: Ninja’ed… image

I think putting some life reduction and life leech resistance there won’t break anything, and it also fits the theme.


Yeah, +1 to that.

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Nope…her latest Bleeding Pet doesn´t use it…iirc. :yum:


I originally wanted it to :frowning:

Added a toggle option to bypass the Auto-Sort confirmation prompt.

Thanks so much Crate!