Grim Dawn Version

Oh crap! I was expecting this to drop a few weeks from now. 'm not ready! Aaah!

Question though. The new common item tiers were added somewhere around the middle tiers (around the Assault, Imperial item tier), or higher up? I’m kinda done with Veteran difficulty with my characters but don’t want to miss the transmogs if they drop below level 70 :frowning:

#deadgame #deadbuilds

… I mean, what am I supposed to say?

  • The new dungeon is… FAR better than the other ones beforehand, and definitely beats gargabol when it comes to being enjoyable. The framerate is an atrocity though, abusing my poor old gtx750 like that (or my cpu, doesn’t lag though)…
  • The fact that Arcanist’s, Demolitionist’s, Soldier’s etc. magic prefixes add +2 instead of +1 is a huge boon, I’m seeing some nice single rares with a class’ prefix and a rare suffix giving me +2/+2 to two skills.
  • Officer’s x. +5 to field command. Glorious!
  • Epics seem to be less starved on resists. I haven’t seen much other improvements in terms of stuff for my saboteur.
  • I have yet to find anything from the new dungeon that’s good for my saboteur.
  • Null Field deserved the very slight AS nerf.
  • Putrid Necklace Warlock Necklace!!! (I was already making the warlock, just had a gigantic pre-patch depression again. also the removal of aether-acid conversion means I have to scrap the acid panetti warlock plan indefinitely)
  • Death Rooms finally reward kiting and positioning.
  • Guardian’s Gaze

Now for the negative stuff:

  • those death pools (Elemental Storms that probably deal physical damage because reasons) the blue guys leave behind are super damaging even on elite, and also eat up my framerate.
  • Those two mages. The vit decay even with proper overcaps is ridiculous!!!
  • Storm box double nerf… Really?!
  • Almost everything seems to deal too much damage on elite (the difficulty I tried the roguelike on). Boss feels rather right though.
  • Too many Scions of Hunger. At least they are bosses but by the eldritch sun they are annoying.
  • NO BOSS MUSIC FOR MORGONETH!!! At least the miniboss track would be appropriate here!

Sshh Let people have fun.

Just in time for D3 Season 19 start. lol

What’s up with that screwing on Aura of Conviction? It’s already used by no one but me (compared to Aura of Censure), and this totally trashes the current character I’ve been playing with. The skill needed a buff, if anything, not a nerf! :frowning:

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+1 to this, their damage must be tuned down, especially on absolute

Another +1, they are not hard, but… boring

Not to get off-topic about this super patch, but:

I’m not sure why are you using Conviction in the first place if you are relying on those % dot bonuses (they made no sense here). The RR from censure will more than compensate any %.

Box was long overdue

This one uber do-it-all needed at least one down side.

took you like what, 3 years to come to this? ))))

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Someone else on my team has RR covered (already has Censure).

Also, not everything has to be a perfect build. It was FUN.

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Revenant is still great, but I wanted to skip Ghoul anyway so…Grasps, Dryad and Unknown Soldier. :slight_smile:

I think Zantai just got tired of Mad_Lee and other people constantly complaining that the % DoT bonuses were useless, when they are meant to be a freebie, that he decided to just remove it so that people would quit complaining about it.

That’s my guess anyway.

The only reason Censure is used over Conviction more is because Censure is useful for three damage types, while Conviction is only useful for one.

So what does this change do, exactly?

Prevents unintended stuff with CD increased mods for PB in items. Example being the 100% CDR on the PB transmutor removed the CD increase in Rancor.

Gotcha, thanks. :slight_smile:

Question in the hopes that anyone relevant reads this: Would it be possible to implement something (a mod, etc.) to allow implementation of our own sound files in lieu of a miniboss, or boss, theme?

For example: Alien Swam–a f2p Steam game–allows you to use your own song files as boss themes, allowing you to drop a variety and have them randomly shuffled through whenever a boss or miniboss-ish encounter appears?

I’m only asking since someone mentioned how the new roguelike boss has no boss or miniboss theme.

Thank you Crate, you’re the best :smiley:

Thank you for updating.

Beronath update seems to have completely killed my Retal DE DK. RIP :rofl:

This is UNBELIEVABLE !!! This game just keeps on getting better and better ! A massive update , so much time and effort put in by the amazing people who have made this game ( in my eyes ) the best RPG game on the market !
My thanks and praises .

Change to items are good.
Change to devotion seems reasonable
Change to class are ugly.

Stormbox double Nerf, no change to rune, Occultist remain mana hungry mastery, no meaningful change to Necro, demolitionist skill remain OP, and AAR remain fucking broken!

Losing the +1 to all skills on Essence of Beronath amulet kind of sucks.

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Patch notes! Best thing about GD! :heart_eyes:

BTW loving the invisible nerfs to SR set - giving everything cc res.

What? That’s it?


Surprisingly the biggest victim this patch, it seems. Here’s a news flash: the power of Box builds comes from the skills it supports: shaman’s lightning oupiedness, Mortars, TSS. It’s not a main. It’s not THE real CULPRIT behind those crazy times.

Brilliant. Best change. I started from scratch legit a while ago, and BS (Battered Shells not bullshit but close enough) were why I stopped.

Got off easy, it seems. Too easy. Same with lightning AAR.

With that proc chance and cone AoE still craps.

Shame but sticking to Rev still. Can’t go without that adcth these days. How else will I heal? With 4% phys res on Manticore?

How will this affect performance? Don’t they strike once per second already? So once they keep meleeing it’s still 100% uptime, right?

Hush! :wink: Acid/chaos weak. Good change. It wasn’t all that great because of the very low proc chance and acid/chaos masteries not having great proccers. And the purple affinities needed by no-one.

Great buff to Venomblade.

Lazy devs! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

What with Silver Sentinel. I need to know. Now.

Triple, no? The Tether ticking nerf pisses me off most. Doesn’t look like a lot but proccing power is (was?) Box’s signature feature. I hate taking away signature features from things. Just like Murder of Anatomy - non-pierce/bleed nightblade builds have a good chance to have the lowest human racial in a group of random builds.

BTW what’s up with nightblade? Caster season continues?

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