Grim Dawn Version

WTF is with nerfing my gear?!?!?!?!
I went to bed last night with my DPS over 56k, now it’s under 45k. And what kind of “balancing” is this BS? Health pots don’t do crap. They were bad enough before, but now they aren’t even worth taking any more. Every other game has health potions that level up with the character. This is the only game I know of that doesn’t, and the health pots that were crappy enough to begin with end up getting nerfed even worse.


My stormserpent got chaos res in helm, and that’s it! :rofl:

Seems not so much affecting the proccing power with sufficient cast speed. The reduced damage will definitely can be felt though.

Health Potions haven’t been changed in over a year, and they still haven’t been changed now.

Ooh… this is not a good headline for blue item changes in…


WTF, I thought he’s just trolling, but it’s true.
plus all skills are omitted and replaced with useless one

Guess i’ll go back to farming that Hive near Homestead again for my AQC centered Blademaster :sweat_smile:

I read everything couple of hours ago on stream, I too think that Guardian’s Gaze having 5% lifesteal might be completely broken. Haven’t tested it myself yet though.

Bat is still light years ahead on healing vs gaze (unless your build stacks very high adcth then its probably close)

It’s not about the heals. It’s the damage increase AND the heals.

i used it on a build with near 50k weapon damage and it didnt seem op

Crate–what can be said except that you and a handful of other developers are rewriting the rules on product support!!? It’s going to pay off–bigly–for you, if it hasn’t already! This is the kind of thing–and I don’t just mean this update, but rather all of the ones before it, too–that your customers remember and that will keep them–and me, of course–coming back for more! Only thing–I cannot resist the temptation to start over…:wink: Thanks again! Great job!

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Did you have perfect conversion?

47k weapon damage and 3600% chaos damage. The cd probably could be nudged up to match bats

I dunno.

Guardian’s gaze really took my dark one’s ritualist to the next level. I did one run with it earlier, and it felt tangibly stronger. I’ll test it a couple more times, I could be wrong.

i mean i already used it on my dark ones archon in 1.4.2, it wasnt a huge jump for me

OK, armor of the great wolf set looks fucking amazing!
Finally I can go shirtless!!!

Good job art team! :+1::+1::+1:

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We look forward to seeing what kind of illusion combinations people come up with for that for sure!

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You can leave you hat on though. :smile:

Btw did dungeon quest requires to complete any of the FG quest line first?

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They only required you to take the 2 Riggs debt, it seems.

This is better than my wedding day.

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