Grim Dawn Version Hotfix 1

same as ulzuin set now my purifer is death…

How much did your dps decrease?

Can’t say I like this one. Some retal builds are average and need all the retal they can get

Like dreegal or Hellborne.

dreegal buff got me a worse roll on the sword than before and now I have even less retal :smiley: So the buff is not that big if that can happen

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So I noticed that weapons with Prefix: Officer’s don’t give +%EXP anymore. (at least one handed), but wasn’t able to find it in the changes, was it intentional? Is there any new +%EXP items/affixes in game?
EDIT: just found 2h officer’s , does not give exp neither
EDIT2: just found another officer’s 1h weapon and it gives +%exp. A little bit weird, weaps that i had before updating to 1.1.5+ lost their +%exp, weaps that i found today with prefix officer’s dont give exp. And the 5th item i picked out with that prefix actually gives exp.

First time poster here, so, please accept my apologies in advance for my ignorance.
Reading up on the posts being made before the 1.1.5 release and the following commentary and posts made after the hotfixes there’s one particular change that was made that caught my attention as being odd or unexplained, yet, there was a “well deserved” reply regarding this change.


What is the reasoning behind a change like this?
Isn’t the purpose of the Valdun set to support a full pierce range build?

The only explanation I can reason would be that the strength of the weapon alone was causing it to be too good outside the intention of the Valdun set that other builds were using it for due to this. (similar to Invoker set before nerf)
Intuitively, it would seem that this conversion would be in the set bonus much like other sets (i.e. Drain Essence conversion in Uroboruuk’s) to keep the flavor of this set intact.

Another issue that comes to mind that relates to the Valdun set, but I remember reading a post Zantai made a while ago regarding Armor Piercing being largely difficult to obtain for range (seeing as Blades of Nadaan only works if a sword is equipped).

Why is 100% Armor Piercing (AP) for Valdun’s (as a set) so difficult to obtain (or more accurately, so restrictive)?

Doing a Grim Tools search for all sources of Armor Piercing it appears that there aren’t many options available for this stat at all.
Aside from the Blessed Whetstone component, there’s only one affix available (the Sinister prefix for weapons only), three options from amulets (two of which are the same item: Will of the Blade), and three options from belt (two of which are the same item: Steelheart Girdle).
Considering that the Rifle and Amulet are required for this set, that leaves only the belt slot and the whetstone as viable sources for armor piercing.

Valdun was (still is) very strong thanks to the synergy between wps - both inquisitor’s and on the set - and Firestrike line. In fact, it made top 5 most op builds in history. These nerfs are warranted.

Simply to reduce the damage a bit I think.