Grim Dawn Version

I dismantled mine out of rage before updating. Maybe should’ve saved it but oh well, hopefully someone else posts it.

Crate, can you PLEASE learn how to write patch notes properly? I’ll give just one random example:

Thunderous Strike: increased % Total damage penalty to -33% and reduced % Weapon damage penalty to -60%

This is how you SHOULD write them:

Thunderous Strike: increased % Total damage penalty from -18% to -33% and reduced % Weapon damage penalty from -85% to -60%

Because of how you write the patch notes, we have no idea how much things have changed, which doesn’t really tell us anything. It’s annoying as fuuudge…


Classic!! I will use that irl,name changed as I go.

@Zantai i noticed fps drops even on the lowest settings at 1080p, turned deferred rendering off and the game became much smoother.

Before the patch deferred rendering had positive effect on performance and i was able to game with no fps issues at 1440p mid-to-low settings.

my specs are RTX2060 (mobile), i7-9750h, win 10 64x.

Glad to see this change being made. Should free up a lot of inventory space.

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Nice, Targo set got buffed.


Year after year you guys impress me with your dedication to Grim Dawn. One of the best purchases I have ever made. Thanks, Crate.

Like…this one?


Aether Resistance of monsters changed in favor of the player to counter this. In my opinion, Aether builds are better now: Same RR, no need to cast corruption. But yes, the change is severe - but OK.

And I dont get why people get furious about teenie tiny 8% CDR…??

Oh, I don’t see that changelog. But still 5% RR deficit.
Also, seal of corruption become useless. Might as well remove it from the game.

Lol, it’s not tiny at all.
Zantai add it probably for pet caster. However it will be abused by non pet too obviously.

Conduit of Night Whispers: replaced +1 Summon Limit modifier for Blade Spirit with a Fire themed modifier. Increased Fire damage modifier for Ring of Steel

Just Why?!? Blade spirit is already a lolskill, often only used to trigger devotions… And now a fire nightblade has 2 choices (Blade spirit & Ring of steel) when a classic cold or piercing Nightblade has none.

Stronghold Defender: removed +1 to All Skills

Oh come on :worried:


Hooray for the 70%WD -> 100% WD to Oblivion !! <3

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come on indeed…


Yeah, but i only used the shield.

Not that it was overused before but stat-wise, no one can deny that it was overloaded with a lot of good resistances for one item with +1 to all skills on top. Same goes for Cataclysm’s Eye (except this was used a ton in different builds and in the case of pet builds dominated the item slot quite a bit).

I don’t think anyone asked for Stronghold Defender to change unlike Cataclysm’s Eye but ultimately do think both changes are pretty justified but that’s just me, feel free to disagree.

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Thanks for the update Crate! Time to check out the new changes.

True. My lightining retaliation might be good for higher SR (higher for me. others wouldn’t call 70-75 sr as being 'higher ’ :smiley: ) because of its tankiness. But when I need fast farm blossoms, treasure chests, nemesis , totems… i would never chose it for that. Because it is slow.
Besides only physical and acid retaliators are really shine in SR and against celestial bosses. Other types of retaliation damage in a much worse postion.

And still removing flat pierce damage from constellation (though i see the reasons behind it in view of coming Nocturnis builds etc) hurt faction-gear piercing newbie friendly builds. Building a pierce build for new players has gotten a harder task now.

Yeah that’s one of a few changes in the patch that can really hurt a build, and i’m not too fond of them at this point in development cycle. i think it’s because conduit are designed to support niche builds, and this bonus was a little too generic.