Grim Dawn Version

Sadly, I agree with this. The steady progress of the conduit nerf, no, not nerfs - removals is a little bit too much. Conduits are pricey. People need a reason to farm for that. And people farm to get stronger, not to get memeier.

Even if conduits turn out to be absolute BiS on some top-tier builds, so be it. But I better shut up before Z catches up on the fact that Pestilence of Dreeg is basically a super-conduit and makes it a meme as well…

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I, for once, welcome our glorious Fighting Form meta :sunglasses:

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That’s because you read his post without taking prior occurrences into context. So unless you have been reading his posts a lot or went through all the posts after a patch then I find your response meaningless.

I am in no way defending anyone. I am defending the concept that this game/product is a passionate thing to a lot of people and they are simply voicing their concerns. Doesn’t mean their concerns are valid to Crate but it’s valid to them.

I’ve been an RN for 2 decades. From a lowly floor nurse to the administrator of the second largest hospital in the state I live in. I found that to deal with these types of snap concerns it’s just better to hear the person and explain why changes occurred.

So yeah an explanation on why there is no longer a +1 BS conduit matters because if it’s a rationale decision then it would put the complainer in their place. If it doesn’t then that’s their problem.

In this case I’m sorry but both sides are wrong. Coming on here and giving bad feedback and getting an equally bad response won’t make anything better.

Again this patch is awesome. Crate has the best ARPG on the market, hands down. However it doesn’t mean I agree with every decision.

I don’t agree with the conduit change
I don’t agree with the Black Scourge change
I don’t agree with the PB change
And others, BUT

Doesn’t mean I am right and I wouldn’t be able to effectively argue why so I keep my mouth shut.

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Does sound like fun though. There are a lot of strong supported builds in this game. Would you have conduits make powerful builds more powerful?

I’d try it first and see. Personally i want to try an infiltrator with them for example or a Sabo with CAnister and RoS or BS. Unlike Acid trozan this one might actually work. Maybe it needs some rr on vos…we can talk on this forum about it

I also find it a bit disingenuous by arguing that farming them is the issue. All of the skills you like have a lot of support in this game. Conduits allow for damage types that would otherwise not exist in builds and is a challenge only for end game players to decide whether they can build something around them or not.

Not all of them have worked and a lot of them were scrapped. Now some are actually useful and have used them myself (not just for crucible).

It’s not for everyone, they are a strange option that you…opt for. No one is forcing them player to farm for acid trozan and new players will hardly attempt it. It’s a choice you make in advance as an experienced player.

And a few patches ago my korba lost the RoS mod that had synergy. I didn’t mind

You get worked up about the strangest things really

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So you guys just want RR and cheese like that to make existing builds more powerful. That sounds extremely boring. And Conduits have RR as well among other things.

Now I seem to understand what the problem really is.


Well, yes and no. Everything you do in aRPG is to make stuff more powerful. We just want conduits to contribute to builds that are a thing. Not to try to make a thing out of builds that aren’t a thing. And if you really wanna make fire Blade Spirits you still can with some Cinderbelts and some MI shoulders/chest conversion crap.

Even if a conduit is an absolute BiS on some concepts like Spirits or Mortars among other options, it’s still better than conduits being a zero-option on any viable build. Most conduits now are “Damn! I rolled this useless shit again!”


Guess the novel long rant will start soon

Doesn’t take a builder to see that Fire Nightblade won’t work outside of Main Campaign. I want Conduits to make sense because they are a high end endgame option that is hard but possible to obtain. Right now most of them don’t. I bet if you made a survey on what conduits are used you would see that all of the “fun” ones are never or almost never used. Basically a waste of space. So instead of giving people tools to create powerful builds and add to builds diversity you are taking those tools away and giving them memes instead that are never used.

Yeah, but again, most of them are never used.

And again, why destroy +1 to BS Conduit when there are few pretty useless ones that could be easily changed into those Fire BS? What’s the logic behind that?


That’s not always true. If you’re really fixated on it (like to the point where you farm for days to roll fire BS) you can find conversions everywhere. Like I said above - sorry to repeat myself - if you really really wanted fire BS it was already possible without that conduit.

Honestly, I really don’t think it was the freshness of the fire BS concept that inspired this change. It was 1) your Belgo and 2) Spanks’ Spite. Something had to go, and it so happened that the conduit was a common denominator. So it went. Fire BS, tada!


Very good patch overall imo, Totems are tons of fun!
I do agree with the critiques about the blade spirit conduit though. I think this change should be reverted, it destroyes more builds (which were not OP) than it enables. Also retal buffs towards Vire and Anvil devos are questionable.

Keep it up Crate, you guys rock! :sunglasses:

And keep it up forum people, lots of your guys’ comments made my laugh a lot (for different reasons) :rofl:


ya1’s tears are delicious.

Let the conduits buuuuurn!!!

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All of this talk about conduit…

I think the good compromise is to just omit all of the conduit affixes and make it only as a defensive stats stick… :rofl:

In all seriousness, yeah conduit blueprint is very rare. I remember that in my 300ish hours of the game, I have only 2 conduit blueprint. Crafting it is even more tedious.

Back then it was still worth the effort, right now it’s just noob trap.

Crate always never take into account legit effort and rareness of items when “balancing”.

Oh well, just GDstash and be happy folks!
Every patch will feel like another new game to play with!

God, it’s sad to see so many people miss the spirit of conduits when it’s right in their name.

You Can Do It! (Con-Du-It)

You Conduit guys. Guys?


This is a very dad joke, and I feel bad that I laugh on it!!!


No tears. Actually, I never liked BS. Because when they finally made a purple RoH set, all the juice went to BS, and RoH got a teddy bear consolation prize. So, now, revenge! :smiling_imp:

I just don’t like the gutting of conduits. If an op build has a conduit, it’s ALWAYS the conduit that’s first to go, no matter what. And replacing a conduit on a build is a chore. You’re losing 100% worth of res.

Typically only on a GDstash build. The odds of legit rolling a specific resistance on a desired conduit is pretty small.

Perhaps the stash crowd gets a bit spoiled on easy resist grabs?

Imho conduits are ok where they are. The basic stats are still pretty good.

So I’m not as current on the meta as I used to be, but what’s the reasoning behind the removal of flat damage from Quill and Candle?

I don’t know how big of an impact this will really have on me beyond slightly slower clear times, but I may re-evaluate my entire devotion path with those changes.

Yes. Yes. But imagine there is someone out there who finally managed to roll his ideal conduit for his long beloved Chillwhisper build. He did it after long months of farming. And he did it just two days ago.

The guy is probably tearing his walls apart in a desperate struggle to pull out his broadband cord so that GD doesn’t update.


@Zantai could you please consider reducing -30% crit damage mutator in view of the Dying God nerf in
