Grim Dawn Version Hotfix 1

oh ok so it’s coming in v1.1.7.0.

Morg set is major PITA to farm, why should not the most rare items in the game be the most powerful? Just because some GDstashers posts crazy cruci run times with cheated items, should we legit players suffer?

Like how many of the posted builds here that uses that set, and magi rings, do you guys actually think are legit?.. if items with low drop chance are not powerful - then what is the point in farming them? :stuck_out_tongue:


There’s a difference between powerful and runaway performance. Cold already had a strong base for shadow strike and Morg set provided far too much for the skill as it was currently balanced with respect to existing items. Rare as they are magi rings and alkamos rings have gotten nerfed in the past. They remain prominent because there’s simply no other items that do just quite what they can. And Morg set is considerably easier to assemble than a pair of the aforementioned rings. No other set exists for cold shadow strike but there were still strong builds for it that didn’t bar the casual player from building it by reliance on double affix’d gear. It was all but guaranteed a set that supports cold SS would see use and practicality. Introducing a set that massively boosts the skill and pads out other desirable stats hedged out the other options. It’s much like buffing the warborn set into the sky, then nerfing cadence because it’s now over performing. Nerfs to SS line hit all the builds of all damage types, not just the ones that were propped up by the release state of Morg set.

but now morg set is trash, thanks to some GDstashing dudes. Its just not worth farming these rare items when you know they will get nerfs thanks to cheaters.



It got the -0.2s removed and the inconsequential flat damage on the gloves. Still caps out SS, showers the build in excess points for nightfall and provides an abnormal amount of armor.

Nightfall getting a %WD nerf is part of the equation, though with the complete absence of acid conversion and low lethal assault the build doesn’t actually have much flat damage going through nightfall. (Grr Zantai why nerf the scaling builds weren’t focusing on rather than the flat values they relied on. It’s not like they were even pushing flat frostburn through it and blah blah what did acid do to deserve this but I digress. I’m sure you have your reasons like… reducing the portion that double dips adcth or applied viper?)

Oh, yes it can! Of course 1 out of 10, instead 2 out of 10 tries :smile:

SS builds, even the pierce Infiltrator are just made out of not even glass, but thin paper.

Many of my builds are gimped because I have not yet dropped a single magi ring :man_facepalming: it is really pita. GDStashing has spoiled gd players :smiley:

Which is why

might be true.

Because who wants a build struggling with 10k health when you can clear not much slower with 18k health Dark One ritualist?

Especially when people who actually farmed Morgo might have had this kinda motivation, yeah, I’m farming for the fastest build! Now, they don’t.


Yeah something like that. Dark One set is on average probably around 20 times faster to get than Morg-set. Plus you can farm Dark One with just any of the faction items builds posted here on the forum. Morg set you need a pretty good char already to be able to farm that place. Getting Dark One set is a HUGE performance spike, especially for beginners. Getting Morg set now is like “hey whatever man, cold SS is stronk as it is already”.

Dark One set should be like Krieg set. A reasonable upgrade for poor and starting players but not a set for top tier builds.

Well, i guess we’ve a new GD Motto for 2020 #DeadItems! or #TrashItems #ItemsGotTrashed or whatever…

That’s the next Level Shit of Crate after #DeadBuilds

Or maybe the broadcast system is broken, everything comes out garbled.

You say that but no one’s happy with the SR set being nerfed to this point, eh?

SR set is Still harder to get

Sounds like krieg could use a hand then.

Krieg set already got a buff