Grim Dawn Version Hotfix 2

Tbh it is pretty strong as it is right now damage wise when fully converted. Although it could get the FoI cone increase

So if I’m using corrupted storm and gladiator belt, it will no longer turn into physical totem?

This still should be the case

Previous hotfix patch still wasn’t working.

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Please don’t forget this item is for Warlock also, not exclusively for Cadence fans, so giving some love to Shard of Beronath or making new high level elem. autoattack replacer would be very nice.

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Yes, you’d have to not use the transmuter and use gear with Lightning/Elemental->Physical conversion like Beronath’s Reforged for Physical Totems now.

Also surprised at the number of people bringing up that the Grasp of the Dead change was unneeded now after it happened, where were you all when this topic happened a few days ago :joy:

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In the case for Scion of Dreeg, is it still work as before? Like using Deathguard set to convert part of vit dmg to acid dmg, or this change only specific to corrupted storm

Don’t panic guys
All was done right

Seems like the Guardian still double converts. Did some quick tests with hardcapped Guardians, no Celestial Presence and Blood Rite comparing damage with it toggled and untoggled, no other buffs active. Acid % damage is 230%, Vitality is 2012%.

Guardian Swing damage went from around the 6-7k area with it off to 9-10k with it active, definitely a noticeable increase, more than just the +90% Vitality damage on the buff would account for.

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Too bad the weapon is infinitely better on Warlock than it is on Witchblade/Battlemage.

Witchblade have monster damage too and Discord modifier can be used for conversion. But if Warlock is better, will not mind it. Poor Lock don’t have many options.

Storm Totems, I guess my acid Archon can’t have 100% acid totems now.

Having tested Arcane Force Witchblade, its damage is subpar at best and a far cry to physical Cadence and even Chaos Cadence. I doubt just 90 flat elemental is gonna do much, it needs a hell of a lot more than that.

Ended up changing to Rah’Zin Obsidian Tremor and that deals more damage and has much better AoE. Which is sad more than funny.

Problem with Arcane Force Warlock is that it has to use Beronath’s Fury and neither masteries have WPS. Meaning that build has really poor AoE.

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The changes to totems and grasp were necessary. I still don’t get the mentality of everything having to do CR in sub 5 min or what ever it is that is making people #deadbuilds when it clearly isn’t the case. A build ain’t dead unless you can’t clear MC or SR/CR at main content difficulty.

Edit: the MC comment above is for most of the player population and not for the top tier players as the numbers are really low for people playing in ultimate or so I’ve read.

The double dipping of the totems wasn’t intended if you look at the function of conduits. And does the loss of one BS hurt the build thematically? Nope.

I may not agree with how criticism is doled out on both sides, but the more time goes on I can see only justification in Z’s responses.

Instead of spending all this time uselessly droning on about necessary changes why don’t we like try to make underused items on par…I know radical idea right?

@Zantai thank you for the totem fix. As before mentioned I hope there is a future thread where we can place ideas for leg sets and crafting.


I updated GD to 1161 with the maximum of 80 masteries. But I cannot reach the 52nd mastery in practice. There are 56 masteries intrigued in my MOD but only 51 show up in the game. Were there any bugs?

This: have enough AoE? but not so much single target dps and, of cause always pain how to survive with so poor hp bar. 52% phys res and absorb from Maiven/Possession barely compensate low armor and hp.

Except that grasp of the dead will become underused item from now on.

Oh well, such is a life of GD. Good item become shit, shit item become good. That’s why ppl still play GD until today.

Hmm. My brain was still in Chillwhisper Infiltrator mode when I was looking at the weapon, despite the Necro skill mod.

@x1x1x1x2, for clarification, what weapon were you specifically referring to when you said


I totally understand where people come from. Their fun was gutted I get it. But this is gutted for the sake of health.

People play GD because it’s the best APRG out there:

D3 is shallow

Wolcen is broken with aliment garbage stacking and bad skills with lots of bugs

Last Epoch at its core will likely be good but it needs time. It’s resource management system is crap the skill nodes either don’t work or don’t work as they say as the tooltips are not up to date. I get they want resource to matter but how it is now is garbage

PoE is a speed fest 2 button piano game that is grindy as hell and convoluted with all kind of systems that just bog things down imo.

All my opinions of course.

This is why I feel moving on to non ARPGs by crate is a mistake. This type of game is “crate’s first best destiny” in terms of game design.


I mean, I’d love to see what they do for ARPGs next as well but the guys have been doing this since 2012 by this point. They need a break from Grim Dawn.

I’d be more excited to see them come back to it in like 5 or more years ready to do what they did for the last 8 years all over again but even better knowing they have more funds to commit and knowing that they have a metric ton of experience under their belt already from GD1.


You’re right without a doubt. I know there is burn out but with such a gem of a product it seems criminal to “finish” it.

No matter what game I try outside of GD, it is just still a better product in a holistic fashion.