Grim Dawn Version

No new expansions are planned for the game, bu there continue to be small content updates. We’re waiting on news about this that Zantai teased back in December.

Thanks for great patch for my favourite game. Cool changes. But I don’t see the promised improvements in patch with a chance drop items with double rare affix. Grim Misadventure #169 - Frequently Infrequent

First off, we are completely removing the chance to get a Monster Infrequent with just a Rare affix. Instead. In v1.1.7.0, all Monster Infrequents will drop with two affixes. In addition, we are increasing the chance of them rolling with at least one Rare affix, and significantly increasing the chance of dropping with two, making it a coveted TRIPLE rare. After all, you’re not just trying to get an ultra-rare drop. You’re also trying to get it with ideal affixes, and that’s perhaps a bit too much prayer to RNGesus.

Wait for the next patch / hotfix? My friend mad_lee too wait these changes.

This has to do with your rainbow mod not yet being updated to the new game version

Install the new Rainbow; it’s already been updated for v1.1.7.0.

Let us BIRB once more! :smiley:

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This one really hurts. Why remove Flashbang Conduit? It was such a cool niche Conduit used in some very interesting builds. Can this be reverted, please? We already have Vitality Grenado off-hand and Conduit blocks Blightlord set - the only sensible way to play Vitality on Demo.


No mention of increase to number of available classes shown for mods?

Which one? I wish we had acid Grenado mode.

Word of Solael, and it’s a faction legendary

Just rushing through the notes but what do you think about skellyz (from all aspects)? Is it more viable and playable @ end game? :slight_smile:


depuis la mise a jour le jeu est en anglais je vois pourtant bien dans le menu deroulant la possibilite de mettre le jeu en francais quand je le fais il n apparait pas dans le choix de la langue par contre si je fais espanol ca fonctionne allemand aussi que faut til faire


Attendez que la traduction française soit mise à jour.

Awesome patch notes :exploding_head:
I didn’t finish yet to analyse it
I didn’t play since few months as playing other consuming time games.
I will enjoy to play GD again and check all the modifications and improvement :grinning:
Thanks GD team

merci beaucoup pour ta reponse tu penses que ca va se faire dans la matinée car je debute dans le jeu et pour moi de pouvoir jouer en francais c’est tres important sinon pas possible

Continuez à vérifier ici: [French Translation]

Another potential reason is inadvertently changing the game mode from “Main Campaign” to “Custom Game”. New players don’t usually know what this does.

Amazing! THX

Firstly when Crate say significantly increase chances, these chances were low to begin with. Therefore it won’t be much higher, and noticing them will take more than a few hours.


Lastly, with the item mod buff and innate stat buffs, as well as MI being a target farmed item; it can’t be too quick to farm otherwise too powerful/accessible relative to Legendary. Many also drop from SR/crucible too, so they’d be careful it doesn’t rain god tier MI.

Oooooh Mad Queen probably washed her claws since the weapon is shinier now!


Didn’t notice this mentioned anywhere in the notes but I love the item drops being more translucent than they were previously. Less screen obstruction :+1: