Grim Dawn Version

There is a great deal of compromise in this patch when back referenced to all the posts that were discussing changes.

One change in particular allows a build I have been working on to not have to use Magi rings to maintain the same levels of performance while using a vastly different set up. On top of that, the short comings in the cc res department are easier to shore up due to the component change and the fact of how greens drop.

Another build I been playing for a long time, I though would have been nerfed with this patch. Because I was forced to change pieces around, I found that not only does the build perform better now, but I increased the HP pool by nearly 30% which was mind blowing.

In terms of those green items (including non MI), it is some special to behold on the number of very usable items I found in a mere 2 hours of playing. Because there are so many useful items I would almost scream for non 3rd party increase of stash space to hold it all. It’s not an exaggeration. Because of the items rolling towards their initial damage types, almost every piece is useful because of the stacked resistances. This change also compelled me to kill everything as we, as a group, value any double rare green as they are still very useful.

I know further up someone posted that there is too much power creep. I have to disagree, especially trying to fight the purposeful unbalanced SR levels.

I agree with the Cindertouch changes (which I realize will be an unpopular view).

The increase in health per sec to the Destruction Conduit was awesome since a great deal of my builds rely on piloting and lps.

Lightning doom bolt!? Yeah count me in! Cold next please.

Overall, this was a great patch but we can’t help but be saddened that things are winding down.

One last thing, or question I should say that I hope we get an answer for:

Badge of Mastery appears to not be capable of rolling Storm Totem, Is this intended?

Edit: There is one item that was changed that looks like so much fun but I’m afraid it will be too good and changed before I get a chance to play with it as is.


Like the buffs spellscourge set and shattering smash might make my hybrid Retaliatory Spellscourge Templar viable!

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Just saw them updated, thanks, dunno what happened. :grinning: I thought Mystic was 6-10% before the patch so i expected these values to be higher.

amazing patch. amazing changes.

maybe my favorite which is very minor but the no CD on blade spirits and SGoE.

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I noticed another change that (or at least I think it is a change) - the Famine/Hunger Aspects no longer seem to drop Celestial Lotuses in Morgoneth’s Folly. I did the whole dungeon and not one dropped, when there are at least 6 of them in there.

Also I guess my Diviner set-using (well, once she hits 94) character needs to go and visit Ungoliax… :smiley:

I noticed another (undocumented, I think) change, which is that the Abomination boss has received quite the corrupted shard care package, having grown in size quite considerably…or perhaps it’s the steady diet of overconfident Taken…

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This has been my experience with crucible as well

I noticed a couple of strange things. Idk are those bugs or a feature.

Elite difficulty, Purifier, lvl 86.

  1. Boss creature in Smuggler’s Pass dropped ugdenbloom what, I suppose is a AoM specific loot.

  2. Monster totem in Pine Barrens also dropped ugdenbloom.

  3. Aetherial totems in Port Valbury and Croplands seem to belong to Aetherial Vanguard faction instead of just Aetherial, because killing spawned creatures raises reputation with Malmouth resistance.

Sorry for my English, not a native speaker.

Thank you for this significant update.

I noticed it in SR too! I was like, “whoa! Have you always been this big?!”

Either Briarthorn is not a particularly strong skill where a 1.65 multiplier will end up being okay, or this is going to be a funhouse of OP-ness.

Courtesy of buffed Bloodsworn Codex + Zaria’s Pendant

If I was being snarky before, thanks so much for this massive update. I’m sure designing and creating MI’s for so many creatures must have been tons of work to go through. The amount of effort this team puts into this game is nothing short of incredible.

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I just had two mythical blacksteel gauntlets drop on the way to the Morgoneth dungeon. I’ve never seen the same unique drop in the same session before? Bug?

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No, just RNGesus.

In 4K hours it’s never happened before. I have played multiple hours without the same unique dropping, which in some cases net about 150 legendaries per session. It’s not rng. It’s either a bug or a change with the latest patch.

I have seen 2 Mythical Stormseeker drop in 20-30 mins in one session. Not in the same area though.

RNG, just because something has never happened in your personal experience doesn’t mean it’s a bug…


How many times has it happened to you?

Actually at least two or three times. I’ve dropped multiples in the same chest opening, Nemesis troves. It has happened and does happen. Now how great are the odds of it happening? Probably pretty low but it does happen.


I actually had this weird moment where I couldn’t tell if I really remembered or it was deja vu, because I seemed to think that it did happen before with… mythical blacksteel gauntlets. But I guess it does happen then. I thought this whole time that there was a mechanism in the game that was preventing this from happening.

Because I thought the odds of it happening were too low for it not to happen over such a long period of time. I remember getting golemborn greaves almost every time I played, so why not during the same session. Restart, and 2 drops later, golemborn greaves… but never the same session. This was back in the early days when the pool of uniques was a lot smaller.


Some games like Diablo 2 had the mechanic where a unique item would only drop once per game session, so it’s no unheard of in ARPG’s. It’s never happened to me either in GD.

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